Smoke and Mirrors – Ingraham ready to bring the Gambling debate back to the public


Nassau, Bahamas — The Budget 2010/11 debate is fast approaching and the time is now to get the Bahamian people hooked on anything but the reality. Mothers are losing their jobs, fathers have shorter work weeks and the kids cannot find tuition for school. Additionally, 5,000 new school leavers will find it hard to get a job in an already tight, tough job market.

For residents the gift to the people by this Wutless FNM government will be its delivery of more pain and higher blood pressure on the masses. BEC is going up. National Insurance is going up. Cable Bahamas is set for a price increase, and if you know one and one is two, Bahamians could expect another hefty budget tax increase. The Ingraham government in 2008 placed taxes on the Holy Bible and if all goes well this year they may decide to tax the church.

The Devil wasted no time to build a mile long island to the tune of millions of dollars, all to the benefit of 19 FNM benefactors, while Carl Bethel stopped and cancelled government Guarantee Loans for students seeking tertiary education.

The Devil wasted no time to sign a major road work contract to the tune of $220 plus million to a foreign construction company, while Bahamian companies – except Bahamas Hot Mix – sat on the side of the roads begging for a job.

The Devil then took to stabbing local businesses and home owners across the country as they shut the lights off for thousands of residents 6,000 to be exact as they plunged BEC into the darkest red pit of debt it has seen ever in its history:


Twenty One – $21 Million – 2007

Sixteen – $16 Million – 2008

Twenty Six – $26 Million – 2009

Twenty Eight – $28 Million – 2010

To hide all this come this week, Ingraham intends to make a bold policy decision and resurrect once again the gambling argument. And if we know Ingraham, here again is another opportunity to place a band-aid over a deep blood gushing wound. A chance to deflect the country’s attention from the pressing issues it faces. Another opportunity to hide the truth presented deep inside the budget. Come next week the people of the country well raise many debates over the wrong matter [Gambling] and place lesser focus on the details of the 2010/11 Budget.

Hubert Ingraham and his reckless, rudderless band of banditos has written off the Ship of State and all we see headed for the people is another wild ride.

Brace for the SMOKE AND MIRRORS. Houdini is at it again.

We need Change Bahamas.