Nassau, Bahamas — Members of Prince Hall Lodge are once again upset as Carl “The Dummy” Culmer and his protege Kenneth “Impotent Commander” Braithwaite continue on their mission to destroy the historic lodge.
Carl appeared in court recently to face charges brought against him by Geno Nairn, an upright Mason, who Carl kicked out of the Lodge over a year ago. But that is not the latest with Carl and his tornadic activity, he has booted out the most popular Worshipful Master in Prince Hall.
Worshipful Master, Raleigh Francis, who leads Columbus Lodge #16, was given his walking papers recently by Carl and his Merry Men. The Dummy and the Impotent Commander have hated Francis over the years for his smooth demeanor and the expert way in which he manages his Lodge without incident.
Columbus Lodge is a thorn in the side of Braithwaite who has wanted to be Worshipful Master for years but never can manage to obtain enough votes. Instead of wooing the voters honestly when election comes around, he tries to buy them or offer them positions in other areas and they take his money and vote the other way. Every Worshipful Master elected is bitterly hated by the Impotent Commander. The Impotent Commander, BP understands, is the most hated Mason in all the land.
Francis received notification that he had to vacate the office of Worshipful Master because he chose to suspend from his Lodge, Drunken Master, Derek Newry, brother of the Newry girl who is somewhat affiliated with the Impotent Commander. We don’t know how or why this girl is affiliated with Braithwaite if he is the “Impotent” Commander.
Apparently Derek Newry got drunk at a girl/boy lodge meeting and exposed himself to a young sister who he had his eye on. You know what they say about a drunkard speaking sobre thoughts. The girl complained to Francis about the matter and unaware that Newry was one of the Merry Men, Francis suspended Newry with disgust at his obscene actions.

Francis was given his walking papers and instead of electing another Worshipful Master, the Merry Men appointed the Dirty Mexican – Police Officer James Hutchison. So now we see that there is clear indication that alcohol is a serious and accepted problem in Prince Hall and in order to become one of the Merry Men, you must first drink plentifully of the cup that eventually soils the liver. It is also clear that this lodge is in trouble if its heads seek to punish a man for a suspending a drunkard who exposed himself to a female.
Worshipful Masters of the other lodges are now terrified as they might be next. They want to seek justice for Francis but fear that the Grand Lodge might come after them as well. It is obvious Standford Culmer, cousin to The Dummy, is not running Prince Hall but instead has allowed Carl and Braithwaite to continue on their mission to spite all those who they dont like and destroy the lodge while doing so. Carl and Braithwaite have turned into real womanish gossipers who actually wine and dine younger brothers to hear the latest gossip on certain members of Prince Hall.
Meanwhile, newsman Matt Maura stays on his knees praying that one of the Worshipful Masters would just drop dead in order to clear the way for him to get in that position. Maura, who has his lips surgically attached to the buttocks of the Impotent Commander and The Dummy, has sought to scorn his fellow Prince Hallers and seek undercurrent mayhem to get where he wants to be in Prince Hall. When those two Merry Men want to use the bathroom all they have to do is press Maura’s ears and all the fecal matter they seek to distribute to the Lodge’s members flows freely from Maura’s mouth.
BP also learned that praying is not the only thing Maura does on his knees with those two men but we will leave that alone for now. We cant spill all the beans one time. BP will say this much; we know some “interesting” things about Maura that we know he don’t want shared.
As BP told you before, musician, Fred Ferguson, was recently suspended from the Lodge as well for no real reason. Ferguson has always been a proud mason but when one gets too popular in Prince Hall without having certain tendencies, the Merry Men always seek to remove the individual from their midst. Ferguson has stood up for many masons who were wronged over the years and has been targeted ever since by The Dummy and the Impotent Commander.
BP will continue to follow this Lodge as the masonic terrorists within divide and conquer. BP wants to know why is it that the other Lodges in this country dont have this problem? Topaz is no longer there for BP to sit in but BP is STILL walking around Prince Hall, watching, listening, photographing and taking full note.
an internal affair that should have never left the corridors of Prince Hall, this is rather disturbing…….a swift squared resolution must ensue……
@ Square
Based on the responses that negatively being posted in posting indication is being made that they are of PHA,and Hollywood is something I am not of I am a Star who took and is still taking my Obligations serious.
Like I said when I made my obligations I did not make it to my Order I made it to Masonry.
And I have been in a relationship with a PHA Brother for over 12yrs. Let’s not get personal here because I am not of that kind.
All of these Masonic Lodge members need to really get a life!! They are all followers….You’ll really need to find God and Repent!
@Sister Electa. Please spare us the Hollywood act. If you claim not to be of Prince Hall, then what is it to you? Why are you getting deeper and deeper in these people’s business if you are from other order.
How do you even know its Masons and Stars of Prince Hall and what makes you think these are high ranking professionals?
You sound like you either getting at something or you are just a brown-noser trying to get something. Which one?
@ Square
I 97% agree with you but at the same time innocent Squares/Stars are getting hurt and discrimminated against, when we as Brothers/SiStars speak out against one onother we are also speaking out against ourselves, as we all made the same obligation to the Brotherhood of mankind, be it PHA, Commonwealth, International, Scotish, Modern Free, Prince of Peace and the list goes on a Mason is a Mason and a Star is a Star, when we made our obligations it did not indicate the Order that you belong to it indicated to the Brotherhood.
It really grieves my heart to see how masonary has fallen, and it is even more surprising how PHA where most of their members act as if they are the only Masonary Order in the world who do not acknowledge other Masons/Stars.
For so called high-ranking, professionals I am very disappointed in the posting that are being posted by mainly PHA Master Masons/Stars.
You all need to get together and try to reason work together as one.
You all are suppose to be proud of our centuries of tradition, your belief in brotherhood, country, and
the many Masonic acts of charity and compassion.
And are suppose to be active in your dedication to improve life. Always ready to undertake a difficult task in a quiet, dignified way, which also should lead Masons to go about the job of extending the hand of brotherhood.
Here it is now you are pulling each other down, why can’t we all just get along?
@Sister Electa,
You are right about the obligations, but it seems in this case that those in authority at this lodge did not adhere to their obligations from within so the obligations were obviously ignored and the battle taken outside.
Masons are suppose to be GOOD men made BETTER but this “Ashamed Mason” sounds rotten to the core. He is speaking of being ashamed but at the same time adding to it as what the other poster said. Like what Prince Hall brother said, this lodge is in serious trouble and seems to be mostly feeled with some bad apples.
If an organization which is suppose to be low keyed is this much in the social media negatively, then it is in some serious trouble. Furthermore, I thought the first thing ascertained when joining a masonic lodge is being a man. Why all these POOFTAHS prancing around in there.
I think BP needs to do a further investigation of that place.
I always suspected Carl Culmer to be a SISSY but thanks to BP they confirmed it. Columbus Lodge #16 was always a eat my ASS lodge especially when a brother wanted to move up the ladder and James Hutchison was the one in charge of the Red House.
Coloumbus Lodge #16 always had brothers who thought they were better than all the other Prince Hall lodges. Either they were stuck up or they acted like they had periods or DICK up there ass.
I would like to tell any young man who is seeking to join a Masonic Lodge DO NOT JOIN PRINCE HALL “PLEASE” FIND ANOTHER ONE NOT PRINCE HALL. Besides being known for having SISSY or GAY brothers they also have brothers who are crooks and who uses the lodge to tell there wives and girlfriends they are going to lodge but hook up with there sweeties instead. Don’t get me wrong Prince Hall still have some “REAL MEN” like Fast Eddie, Richard Marshall, Hamid Bacchus, Raleigh Francis, Keith Bethel, gGeno Nairn, Fred Ferguson, Brian Huyler, Garvin Huyler just to name a few of many “REAL MEN”. I am a Prince Hall Mason and if i had the chance to do it again i would join the Scottish Rite Lodge.
Life of Derek Newry:- Alcoholic, Pedifiler, Drunked, sissy ect.
@ ashamed mason
You need not be ashamed as you did nothing those Squares/Stars who put the business of the Order out there need to be ashame. In the same breath being a SiStar of another Order I also feel your pain as when you hurt I also hurt.
Remember they also have problems and disgrace in the Church where people go to seek and hear the word of God.
Let us continue to let our lights so shine, and to remember our obligation to the order. As it stands,(In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
You those of you Squares/SiStars who made our obligations to the order and have breach those obligations you never had any good intention to the respect of the order or yourself as there is so much knowledge in Masonary I can’t see how a brother can bring much harm to their own, if you are doing it to your own what would you do to your enemy?
The only way people can know what is going on in your Order is from members from within, that is why you can’t give keys to anyone to your house.
To the “ashamed mason”…u just as bad as the gossipers, u say one thing but turn around do the opposite…do you kno for a FACT that the sister was drunk? Have u stopped to think that she “may” have been not feeling well? You just added to the mayhem of embarrassment by “implying” bad things about YOUR own sister. One would think that IF you were a REAL master mason, you would have taken this time and space to discredit some of the negative instead of adding to it. You, as a Master Mason (so u say), should kno that you are to protect those who protect/look out for you…but it’s obvious u are FAILING. Ashamed Mason, please leave the name calling, finger pointing and slandering alone and try to help end all the problems that are abundant in your organisation..IF you are a so called Master Mason
To the “ashamed mason”…u just as bad as the gossipers, u say one thing but turn around do the opposite…do you kno for a FACT that the sister was drunk? Have u stopped to think that she “may” have been not feeling well? You just added to the mayhem of embarrassment by “implying” bad things about YOUR own sister. One would think that IF you were a REAL master mason, you would have taken this time and space to discredit some of the negative instead of adding to it. You, as a Master Mason (so u say), should kno that you are to protect those who protect/look out for you…but it’s obvious u are FAILING. Ashamed Mason, please leave the name calling, finger pointing and slandering alone and try to help end all the problems that are abundant in your organisation..IF you are a so called Master Mason
Ashamed Mason maybe this Drunken Fella was so drunk he didnt notice the woman was pregnant. But it would appear that there is a homosexual and alcohol problem at that lodge. Also you seem to want to get so personal and you also seem very bitter. Maybe you wanted to “beg” the pregnant woman yourself. Also maybe you are one of the Merry Men this article refers to. Why you picking on the pregnant woman? why dont you pick on BP for writing it or pick on some of the men in your lodge? BP does say this lodge dont like women. But I was doubting BP lil bit in this article, but you just confirm that its all true.
I wonder what BP think people are interested in this non-sense
Keep reading Eagle, you ga soon find out!
I am ashamed to be a Prince Hall Mason, you guys and girls who feel like exposing a brother or two for YOUR personal pleasure are only embrassing me and every other master mason and OES out there. We are not in support of you and whom you want to fight for, It is the BEST AND GREATEST WM columbus#16 who along with his crew who tell brothers you “with us or against us”, you also are just as bad and bring more shame to our fraternity. What is so attractive about a female who gets just as drunk as the MERRYMEN(fell out and ambulance came because she drank so much at a lodge function)”DRUNK” again!!! what’s attractive with a FEMALE /Sister who looks 7 to 8 months pregnant and aint? So i guess thats why you said the brother was drunk, could not believe he would come on to a pregnant female. ***** and crew STOP you all make it bad for us who dont want to fight you, ****, ****, and anyone you fighting justice for fight. especially in the PRESS
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