A fraudulent document signed and shopped around by suspects as authentic!

How much was Mr. Wells PAID to carry out his unchristian act!
Nassau, Bahamas – Bahamians must be outraged to learn that there was a signed Letter of Intent by MP for Bamboo Town who told Parliament he had no authorization or authority to sign.
The saga has drifted on since 2014 when Wells was fired by Prime Minister Christie. We understand Jean Paul Michelsen gave the Nassau Guardian the fake Letter of Intent and paraded it around as an authentic document; but it wasn’t.
By hook or by crook, Michelsen, Renward, Wells and the gang of six operating Stellar Waste to Energy orchestrated the whole plot in an attempt to suggest something had happened in government that didn’t.
And while all this scandal unfolded dockets were sitting on the desk of Magistrate Guillimina Archer in Court #10 painting a very shady picture of the Michelsen. From what we know a judgment rendered in a criminal case against Michelsen was for stealing more than Two Hundred Thousand Dollars from a local Bahamian company and additional funds from another resident. He got off one of the cases but was suck like glue to the other and found GUILTY!
But get this; he never spent a night in jail just like Fred Ramsey. Perhaps this is because he is a Belgium citizen.
What gets us though was the report on NB12 last night [Thursday 23rd] where Michelsen, who we have reason to believe knows how the Letter of Intent might have been drafted and doctored, was on National TV saying: So What?! We now know there were two Letters of Intent on signed and one unsigned. This is interesting!
By DAMN! What in da hell is dis? BP has left the room!
Stay Tuned!