Sol set to commence phase four to create jobs to save the FNM?


Sir Sol Kerzner and Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham.

Paradise Island, Bahamas — Bahamas Press has learnt from a credible source with intimate knowledge of the details, but who was not authorized to speak about it on the record, that “King Sol”, now Sir Sol, the “Titular Head” of the Country within a Country known as the Republic of Atlantis, is about to launch Phase Four, “this phase would hire 2,500-3,000 construction workers and create about 1,200 permanent jobs when completed”, the source told BP.

The source went on to say that” King Sol and Papa are so enamored of each other so much so that, Papa signed the deal with the Chinese to allow 8,000 workers and King Sol blamed Christie, he too is said to be suffering from the ailment known as “Christieitis”. It is being reported that King Sol feels that he can get a better deal with Papa than with Christie, so he intends to proceed now with the phase four development.

Further, it would be a nice gesture to sure up the faltering FNM chances at the polls by creating some jobs. This would be a nice “payback’ for Papa knighting him.

BP can also confirm that the entire Cabinet of the Bahamas was feted at the Cove just prior to the Christmas holidays. It has been reported that the Mimosas and Caviar were being served very liberally.

Our readers would also remember that the ” Republic of Atlantis” and its Titular Head, has Most Favoured Nation Status and no other entity or Country can get a better deal than the Titular Head of the “Republic of Atlantis”. Our source also hinted that the Most Favoured Nation Clause would kick in with Phase Four and that the concessions may be “sweeter” than before and may be better than Bahamar. We shall wait and see.

We here at BP, welcome any news concerning jobs, however, we do not appreciate “Foreigners and Paper Bahamians” getting involved in local political matters. “The Government has to create 50,000 jobs just to have a chance of turning around this Country much less win.” This was told to BP by a leading economic expert with vast and varied knowledge of the inner working of the Bahamanian Economy.

Last year we reported on the trip to the FIFA championships held in South Africa and attended by a delegation led by Papa including Tommy T and the Pudgy MP affectionately known as the “Pillsbury Doughboy”. They were reported to be the guests of King Sol and were said to be feted with the deluxe and delights of “Sin City”. This was shortly after King Sol was knighted by Papa.

We expect the Bahamas Government to bring amendment to the Gaming Act very shortly, as we see the CEO at the Republic of Atlantis calling for it. Well like they say, things that make you go HMMMMMMMMMMMMM.


  1. Why is it that the FNM government, under the leadership of PM Ingraham, has never question the lack of Human Rights in China, or Cuba? The FNM should know that these Communists governments are tigers with tails, and if you step on it, you better watch your backsides.

  2. Grouper Mouth Wisdom, …Two major construction projects at the same time?

    NO.. “King Sol” will get most of the monies we borrowed from the Chinese and finished Atlantis Phase Four.
    Why you think, “they” went together the see the Queen?
    The Chinese do not care if “Bah??Mah” is built or not. They just need our vote at the UN.

  3. Well, the reason why governments like jobs is perhaps they are more sustainable than contract work, which is good for banks, renters, car salespeople, insurance companies, doctors, lawyers, and on and on. Bahamians can choose to spend money at home if we like. No one forces us to fly to Miami on the weekends.

    Where is the evidence that 20 000 jobs were lost since May, 2007, much less lost due to actions taken, or not taken, by the government?

  4. Here we go again building warehouses for our people to be wokers,when will our leader try and change the direction of this countr an become selfsuffecent .i was away from this country for one week with my daughter in the hospital and i visited several florida malls and theone thing i relize is that americans are spending their moneys at home in avetura mall on sunday there must have been at least 10000 people or more shoping and dineing out.that means jobs are saved and the money stays in the local market ie the florida economy .and that my friends is what it takes to build a country,nothing against atlantist or bahama but we need to change the direction of this ship because unless we own it we will always be slaves in it.

    • GOvernment provides these jobs because of the people. Yeah we have some experienced well qualified contractors but most unemployed persons have barely received a high school education. The persons who have a degree doesnt want to settle for the low pay which is fine but as the saying goes you must kiss a** until you can kick it.

      The government had made a program to assist the Bahamian people to become certified in certain programs that would have been beneficial now with these two projects if they had stopped wanting money and looked at the bigger picture. After investing in your education you can demand your money Bahamaians only want the money.


  5. The report states that the construction there will be 1,200 permanent jobs. More than 20,000 Bahamians are now unemployed because of the FNM’s practices. This includes civil servants managers of government corporations and police sent home to create jobs for the boys. The PM might as well call the election and get out of office. No one can save the FNM.

  6. Why in the heck would there be two major construction projects going on at the same time? The government has already confessed that they are allowing 8000 Chinese workers to enter, and all because the government are claiming that there is just not enough Bahamians to work on the construction sites.

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