Some 300 Employment Empowerment Programme Workers fired on the eve of Labour Day holiday!


A letter sending young workers home in Government.

Nassau – Some 300 termination letters were typed up and were given out today to those who work in the public sector on the Employment Empowerment Programme.

The news came early for some 18 young people in Mangrove Cay, hired under the employment empowerment plan last year. This morning also some 17 young people in Fresh Creek, Andros were axed by the government.

Minister for Finance Peter Turnquest said today the persons were hired for elections. And so what? Ahh Well. It’s the People’s Time.

The timing of these terminations come on the eve of Labour Day; a Friday holiday weekend where the media can’t question the decision.

With Vat going up at 12% come July 1 – all hell soon break loose!

We report yinner decide!