Some please tell ‘The Donkey Gone Snitch’ Go Sit Down!


obie-snitchObie Wilchcombe was in the cold last night in West End telling residents how he almost went to jail for a second time. His business partner was charged on last week before the courts. But in that entire episode Bahamas Press still believes ‘THE SNITCH’ played some role in this latest PLP saga, WE ARE CONVINCED OF THAT!

But what angered us was the fact that the man had the nerve to call a rally. Why could not Obie call a rally for Grand Bahamians when thousands lost their jobs at hotels on that island? Why could not Obie call a rally when Royal Oasis workers got the boot? How is it Obie could not call a rally for Bimini residents when workers were dismissed at Bimini Bay last summer? And how is it he could not call a rally in Bimini when homeowners electrical supply were turned off, including two old pensioners last summer? Did not the people make their protest against BEC without their MP?

The problem here is clear, OBIE only wants speak to people, when the problem engulfs him. But to hell with the locals! For some time now we at Bahamas Press have warned members of the Progressive Liberal Party about this SNITCH and have called on them to rid themselves of this SNITCH inside their organization. But what have they done? NOTHING!

But now Obie wants to talk to people, and hold a rally in the process? Someone needs to tell this old ‘SLICK WILLIE’ to go sit his skin down and get his political bags packing. Because even if PERRY CHRISTIE wants him to run again, those ON THE GROUND IN WEST END AND BIMINI HAVE ONE WORD FOR HIM, RESIGN! “OBIE, YOUR POLITICAL DAYS ARE NUMBERED!”

Come next election WEST END AND BIMINI voting for CHANGE! So go sit down, ole SNITCH!


  1. TO ALL..I thought that this Blog was going to be analytical politics, constructive criticisms, and visionary insight where it relates to our community and country – but it looks like it is turning into a “Scrub board”…ladies, gentlemen, let’s please get focused! Our country is in serious, serious trouble and the very fabric of our society is quickly eroding! Let’s get some ideas and suggestions as to where we think we should go – defintely “CHANGE”…

  2. To Media:

    Sir I will respect the rules of your site in the future. However I will like to point out that the word that I used can be found in any dictionary. Although in the connotation that I used it I can see your point. But please do not make it seem as though I dropped an f bomb or something. Your comment was a little over dramatic given the circumstance but I do respect your rules.

  3. JR :People like Call It are the same pseudo intellectual cattle dung spewers who think because they can string a few words into a sentence they are smarter than everyone else. My brother, you don’t want it with me. I made my point that for the PLP, PGC is the clear cut choice and until a new figure emerges, thats what the PLP will roll with. I also said and strongly believe, based on the record, not my feelings or my allegiance, that Christie has done better than Ingraham is doing now. You don’t need to get into any kind of partisan prattle to see that and if you doubt that then you need to change your name because clearly, you can’t see sh*t.
    Where my party has a challenge is in producing that next person to follow Christie. I think we will and it may even be a surprise when it happens but one thing I know is that this country was doing better under the PLP. My twin brother, who is a hardcore fnM is saying the same thing. I built my house in 2004 and got the exemption of RPT. He just building his and the fact that he is staring at almost 20 Grand for something that the FNM put in place to spite the PLP has him cussing Hubert stink.
    That is my little analysis to tell you that you don’t need to be no head doctor to know that the FNM now is not up to the task.

    Well it looks like I hit the spot!!! Throw a rock at a pack of dogs and the one that gets hit will holler, IN THIS CASE MY ROCK BOUNCED!!!!!


    I used my time in school wisely, stringing a few words into a sentence was an integral part of all my English Classes, I also learn how to make paragraphs like the ones below!

    Perry fricken stress right out, calling meetings and wearing out the number tabs on his telephone. He is wondering what will his next move be while trying to figure out, “HOW THE HELL DID WE GET TO THIS”.

    The SS P.L.P has mutiny onboard with the some of the crew threatening to throw some members overboard and demanding that others walk the gangplank.

    The ship is loaded with clueless supporters like you and is sinking faster than the TITANIC!!! The bad thing is, there are life rafts right below the SS P.L.P, waiting for the wise ones to jump ship and be saved!

    But they are all on board acting like the Captain and saying “I am going down with ship!!!!!

    Perry is shame, the once great orator has been reduced to three and four sentence press statements! The other night at the rally, Obie called for a ceasefire in his own party the P.L.P. It is obvious you guys have not gotten the message!

    You are on this site, spewing CATTLE DUNG to those lined up on shore watching the ship sink! If only Perry could get you guys to see things for what they really are!!

    ONLY THE TRUTH REALLY HURTS! let me see where my rock will land this time!

  4. If you want to cuss JR, Your free to. ALL WE ARE SAYING IS DON”T COME ON THIS BLOG WITH IT!

    GO in front of Hubert Ingraham home or office and CUSS until the DEVIL start talking back to you. But don’t come on here with the language otherwise we have no other choice but edit such comments.

    Bahamas Press/editor

  5. And they don’t cuss in the White House and State Department? Media, you really need to come off that new found high horse of yours man and go back to keeping it real. People are upset and sometimes a good cussing gets the point across.

  6. Connie, you right on. The focus needs to be placed where it is needed. “The Governing Party” But you know Potcakes dogs goes after fresh bone.

  7. Connie, you make absolutely good sense. As Mr.Franklyn Wilson pointed out “the newspaper editors act as if the government can do no wrong. ”
    There focus on the plp is nauseating. All to throw the focus of the sub-par preformance of the fnm.

    For those people who think that the prime minister is such a good leader
    all i can say to them is that now would certainly be a good time for us to see that. The prime minister only knows how to manipulate an uninformed electorate

  8. People like Call It are the same pseudo intellectual cattle dung spewers who think because they can string a few words into a sentence they are smarter than everyone else. My brother, you don’t want it with me. I made my point that for the PLP, PGC is the clear cut choice and until a new figure emerges, thats what the PLP will roll with. I also said and strongly believe, based on the record, not my feelings or my allegiance, that Christie has done better than Ingraham is doing now. You don’t need to get into any kind of partisan prattle to see that and if you doubt that then you need to change your name because clearly, you can’t see sh*t.

    Where my party has a challenge is in producing that next person to follow Christie. I think we will and it may even be a surprise when it happens but one thing I know is that this country was doing better under the PLP. My twin brother, who is a hardcore fnM is saying the same thing. I built my house in 2004 and got the exemption of RPT. He just building his and the fact that he is staring at almost 20 Grand for something that the FNM put in place to spite the PLP has him cussing Hubert stink.

    That is my little analysis to tell you that you don’t need to be no head doctor to know that the FNM now is not up to the task.

  9. Amen “Connie”. That is what I alluded to in an earlier post. Bahamians are not stupid – they are all watching, they all feel betrayed ! How could you “trust” a government/leader, that allowed so many peaople to be laid-off just before the year ended! They could have negotiated something for those workers- Sir Lynden always did with the hotel industry! He fought for Bahamians to be employed. Why, because Sun Intl held a big time party in Dubai ! Spent millions! The Government (as it seems) did not try to help those folks. Even now Just look at all the politics involved in the government departments now – and they talk about weeding out corruption (that is still there). Just check the Ministers ( Mona vie, Queens College, etc). The Youth, who do not have any opportunity available to advance and survive in this economy, will make a CHANGE !! The political season is “quiet” now, like calm before the storm. But Something my certainly “brewing”.

  10. I think that Mr. Christie is the victim of horrible PR and that people like Mr. Ingraham are getting a free pass. The microscope of public scrunity is not where it is supposed to be, on the government. I dont think that we can pass judgement that Mr. Christie is a bad leader just because Mr. Ingraham has no problem chapping people’s heads off (figuritively speaking) and belittling grown *** people. Where has that gotten us. The PLP will sort itself out all organizations go through growing pains. Everybody was on Obama’s bandwagon and his campaign was Hope which Perry Christie did in 2002 and the motto YES WE CAN was the PLP’s motto is 1997 if I am not wrong so I think that we all need to think about what a good leader actually is. Killing a man in private and killing him in Rawson Square does not make him any less dead.

    I say again while we are all looking so close at the PLP, a good question is the DPM still involved in conflict over the port, is Dion Foulkes still going to court for the Stephens Close debacle. The focus needs to be placed where it is needed.

    • Connie, PLEASE PLEASE raise the level of the language expressed on this BLOG. Bahamas Press readership has exploded to over 450,000 weekly readers and in knowing this we cannot accept foul language as part of the accepted tongue on this BLOG. There are ways you can equally express your comments on this BLOG! Our readers extend now a days deep into the WHITE HOUSE and at the Department of Justice, so please do remember that this website is rated G and know that under any circumstances are we willing to accept FOUL language as part of this new tool of freedom.

      Bahamas Press/Editor

  11. “Call it like I see it” – that is the same attitude that was displayed when Perry went back to lead the PLP after Sir Lynden (that is how he got his nickname). But history has proven that when a man is for a season, he will beat all the odds. Somehow, I still believe that Perry is for this season. He has tried to bring a new style of governance – include all, and he temporarily suffrerd for it. We were not ready for it. He allowed qualified FNMs to function in his administration. His PLP colleges or supporters did not like that. But it is the same style that Obama has now brought to Washington. Perry already had that vision – include ALL! Even though it was talked about that there were Perm. Secs. that were sabataging his government, he still give them a chance to function because they were qualified. He may have been a One term PM, but it was damn prosperous, peaceful and less tensioned Term !

  12. To Call it as I see it:

    What is your Idea of a leader? Being radical? Please explain.

    If it is radical, check the history of radical men or women. Where does it lead?

    I look forward to your idea.


  13. @JR
    I have no beef with Perry, actually I like the man as a person, he is just not a leader, period!! Herein lies the monkey on the P.L.P’s back!

    However, If you believe that the Bahamian public will put PGC back as P.M, you are more disillusioned than your fellow supporter OT!

    For the record,I do not believe that it is the end of the P.L.P, I just believe that, like the children of Isreal, they will wander in the proverbial political desert
    Until they, (not Perry, he does not have the stomach) prune the dead branches from the P.L.P.


  14. Call It, I am a PLP supporter but I do not consider myself a diehard by any definition. I definitely think that Obie made some really stupid decisions that led to where he is right now and judging from his remarks at the thing he had in WEst end, the stupid decisions are still rolling in. How can Obie say that this is the fault of people in the PLP that he got caught up in this? The only PLP who put him where he is is himself. I think he’s trying to say AMG goosey him. Well, too damn bad. We trying to turn the corner in this party and if he had any kind of sense, he would have told his colleague to let that boy go on his own.

    I don’t think this is the end of the PLP like you FNMs hoping but I think it is hte end of Obie as anything other than a backbencher. Now for you haters who say this has Perry name all over it, I have to call you out on being hypocrites. If PGC is behind jacking Obie like this, then how can any of you call that man weak or lilly livered? That would be one bad ass move if he was pulling strings because Obie can’t point to no one in the PLP seriously. but I don’t think thats what happen because how could PC get the FNM gal to take pictures of Obie and send it to TMZ or get her to send them to the other media? See why that don’t make sense? This is a great opportunity for our party to get its act together and I think Perry need to do what Ping said back in the day – “if you on the boat, cut bait or get your tail out the boat.” Too many of them trying to get a free ride and if PC cause Kenyatta to go, I say good riddance because by joining the FNM, Kenyatta is a already a hasbeen in Kennedy. We also need to weed out them loose cannons like Omar and Paul Moss until they learn how to follow the party line. You never see FNMs doing this kind of stuff.

    The only chance the FNM has in 2012 is to make people see us as corrupt and greedy and that why they trying all they can to jack up Pleasant and Obie and turn us against AMG. Hubert know that people won’t vote FOR the FNM but they will if the PLP is seen as worse, even if none of this is true. I don’t see nobody but PGC leading the PLP into the next elections, whether you like him or not, he is the best we have right now and he is much better leading this country than Hubert. Just check the record.

  15. So you want the police to lock up and charge Obie even though they said that they had no evidence that he did anything wrong or illegal??? What kind of animal are you??
    Just in case you didn’t know, this is a country of laws and the police don’t go around locking up people willie nilly!! Keep your political views to yourself and try to be fair in your thinking.. What if that was an FNM MP??? Keep the spite and your hate for the PLP to yourself!!
    I am sure if the police gets evidence that Obie did something wrong/illegal, they will charge him…

    (Objective Thought) NOT ONCE in my original post did I say a word against the P.L.P. But seeing that you whistled, let me point. Sometimes instead of charging a person, the Police will use them as a crown witness. People like you are providing the ammuntion the public needs to again kick the P.L.P in 2012.

    Instead of defending a man who called foreign lawyers instead of the Bahamian Police when he knew a crime was being comitted, keep your trap shut until this matter is resolved. The testimonies to come will cause some of you diehard P.L.P’s to need a defibrillator!!

    As for my political views, Stick a fork in him, Obie is done!!!!

    die-hard also die·hard (d?’härd’)
    adj. Stubbornly resisting change or clinging to a seemingly hopeless or outdated cause.

  16. This could be the possible Scenario with Obie and Lady P. Its just a Scenario:
    Corporate Lesson 1:
    A man is getting into the shower just as his wife is finishing up her shower, when the doorbell rings.
    The wife quickly wraps herself in a towel and runs downstairs.
    When she opens the door, there stands Bob, the next-door neighbour.
    Before she says a word, Bob says, “I’ll give you $800 to drop that towel.”
    After thinking for a moment, the woman drops her towel and stands naked in front of Bob.
    After a few seconds, Bob hands her $800 and leaves.
    The woman wraps back up in the towel and goes back upstairs. When she gets to the bathroom, her husband asks, “Who was that?”
    “It was Bob the next door neighbour,” she replies.
    “Great!” the husband says, “did he say anything about the $800 he owes me?”
    Moral of the story:
    If you share critical information pertaining to credit and risk with your shareholders
    in time, you may be in a position to prevent avoidable exposure.

  17. Grapevine: “If this deal didn’t go bad, we would have no rally or all this press hang time.” No! No!, you can’t mean to say that “it’s only wrong, if you’re caught!” Why are you expecting loyalty from celebs when one has done them wrong? And “stupid is as stupid does”! As far as “Obie” is concerned, this is all political and the product of the in-fighting in the PLP. A certain person is very busy revamping the party to meet his own agenda. OW fell into the trap and is now vanquished from the leadership race. Who next?

  18. You know what..I am with you K Sands. Too often our fellow Bahamians like to look up to these celebs as Gods. If this deal didnt go bad, we would have no rally or all this press hang time. These celebs have no loyalty to us and basically think we are stupid as well. Its time we appreciate the ‘stars’ all around us. Our parents, our teachers, our husbands, our children, our wives..ourselves.
    I dont blame Obi for trying to clear his name. A hit dog will ‘holler’ everytime.

  19. Objective thought :Did anyone see how Bodie roll out Omar Archer within the last hour!!!
    I told yall that Mr. Archer is very rude and as long as he is that way, he is wasting his time trying to be a candidate for the PLP.. No one wants him in their party. I am sure that Casius is so happy to be rid of him and he is probably laughing right now…

    Yep, one of my PLP friends called me and told me and said that this is the problem with PC he right there encouraging Omar to go and campaign. He did the same thing to Derek Ryan whilst Kenyatta was the sitting PLP
    MP for Kennedy, so Ryan went ahead and held a Christmas party with PC’s blessing, to me this is what caused Kenyatta to resign. He is too devisive (sp?)

  20. Objective I agree with you on this one. However, I think that holding a rally was not necessary and rather self centered especially if as I understand this is the first time he has met with them in almost 2 years. Obie needs to stop talking, sit down and thank God he was not charged. I do think that there are factions in the PLP who are enjoying seeing Obie in “hot water” and they are going to lead to the PLP’s destruction. Two many of them fighting for leadership and in the meatime destroying each other. I still say get rid of the weakling PC and there is hope for the PLP, until then, the party will stay in the wilderness.

  21. call it as I see it :You can’t blame a man for trying, especially when Obie feels like he has done nothing wrong. He should have been charged right along with Pleasent but time is longer than Obie’s rope.
    This situation is a like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Obie is the jelly, meshed right in the middle!

    So you want the police to lock up and charge Obie even though they said that they had no evidence that he did anything wrong or illegal??? What kind of animal are you??

    Just in case you didn’t know, this is a country of laws and the police don’t go around locking up people willie nilly!! Keep your political views to yourself and try to be fair in your thinking.. What if that was an FNM MP??? Keep the spite and your hate for the PLP to yourself!!

    I am sure if the police gets evidence that Obie did something wrong/illegal, they will charge him…

  22. Did anyone see how Bodie roll out Omar Archer within the last hour!!!

    I told yall that Mr. Archer is very rude and as long as he is that way, he is wasting his time trying to be a candidate for the PLP.. No one wants him in their party. I am sure that Casius is so happy to be rid of him and he is probably laughing right now…

  23. You can’t blame a man for trying, especially when Obie feels like he has done nothing wrong. He should have been charged right along with Pleasent but time is longer than Obie’s rope.

    This situation is a like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, Obie is the jelly, meshed right in the middle!

  24. These politicians know just how to make time to hold rallies when it suits their purposes. All the other rest of the time when people are hurting you can even see or hear from them. What is get me with these wicked politicians they don’t care when you are hurting, now when they are hurting everybody must feel the pain. That’s his fault, he gone mixing up with them celebrities and calling them his friends. When he was having fun mixing up with them nobody even know, now the vibe gone sour he want get everybody involved. These people are so self-centered, they really believe the world revolve around them. I could just picture those faithful followers out there in jackets and sweaters trying to hear what he has to say. Man, I tell you one thing, if they did what people say they did and they did get their hands on all that money you would not have heard about it.

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