South Andros Hon. Picewell Forbes announces his intention not to run in the upcoming General Elections…

MANGROVE Cay and South and Central Andros MP Picewell Forbes. (File Photo)
South Andros Hon. Picewell Forbes

NASSAU| MP for South Andros Hon. Picewell Forbes has just announced his intention not to run in the upcoming snap General Elections.

“Today I stand to take my last political breath, my name would never rise again in political cycles,” he said in a shock announcement. “My work is done politically.”

He said the communities of his constituency are better off today than they were when he first represented the area 13 years ago and had a message for his detractors.

“To my detractors. . . I did not get everything right, there was some missteps. I am not a slave of fear but I am an imperfect child of God.”

He also said: “I will not be offering in the 2022 general election but to those in my constituency who are concerned, I am okay. God has taken care of everything and will continue to do so.”