South Beach left cold in the dark by its BEC Minister and MP?


Phenton Neymour, MP for South Beach.

Nassau, Bahamas — Residents of South Breach are cussing mad and are telling their MP to carry his ‘yinna’ know what!

Since early last week, before Hurricane Irene passed miles away nearby New Providence, BEC officials disabled the electricity of the residents in South Beach, leaving residents in darkness for days.

One resident told BP, “For hours before Irene came, BEC shut off the power. The storm came and went and we are still in darkness. Could you imagine BP the storm left us from Thursday today is Sunday and our ‘representer’ didn’t have the courtesy to come in the area tell us what happen? How sad.”

BP understands sections of the community came on late Friday night after days in darkness and tonight sections were still offline as BEC offered no explanation for the power outage.

“What kind a MP is the MP for South Beach? You mean to tell me, he left his own people in darkness and could not come for a visit? He has no Damn SHAME BP! Boy, we gat something for him in a couple a months, and it ‘ga’ be wrapped in indelible ink,” a South Beach resident said.

BP understands MP for the area is seeking the nomination in Exuma and is scared like a cat to run in the South Beach constituency. Whatever the case may be, from the way things looks, there is no way the MP intends to visit the people of South Beach anytime soon, especially in the dark.