NASSAU| Union Staff at the National Insurance Board delivered a second successful Strike Vote on Friday and once again the count on New Providence was 229 voting “yes” with just one hardcore FNM voting “no”.
The results are a blow to the Minnis Government. Just over a week ago, NIB staff began a work to rule exercise.
And the issues at NIB are shocking. A few weeks ago NIB hired the wife of the FNM Chairman, Sheena Culmer, in Human Resources, a position never advertised among the union staff. But there is more.
In that same department, Human Resources, the NIB Director transferred two Senior Managers out and hired some new managers and two consultants in the department – all of them not having one clue about Human Resources. Imagine that!
Additionally, never in the history of the Board has NIB seconded workers from the public service. But under this administration, an employee from the Ministry of Youth Sports and Culture – running from Lanisha Rolle – has been hired at NIB! This act once again has blocked the elevation of trained, knowledgeable NIB staff awaiting promotions.
BP can also report one manager resigned recently in NIB’s Buildings Department. The Board has now hired one consultant and two senior managers to replace the talent of that one manager. What in da hell is dis?!
Additionally, in the Accounts Department of NIB one person recently retired, but get this, that individual was replaced with two new Chief Managers and two Senior Managers from outside the Board.
We now see why the staff is hot like a six with Executive Management. All these new hires actually hinder the promotions of union members who are entitled to their rightful progression at the Board! The NIB Director is LOST, is void of the necessary skillsets to properly manage a complex operation as the Board requires, is unable to harness the right talent needed to cause the smoothe function of the Board and has lost confidence in the team at the Board.
Anyone looking from the outside at the functions of NIB would agree that the place is in rapid decline [freefall] and if not caught quickly then mama dem will soon not be collecting their monthly cheques at the country’s social security system.
Bahamas Press has more to write on NIB and all we tell the Administration is this: walk softly as BP is now deep inside the building!
We report yinner decide!