How many Bahamians have the Minnis Government agreed to let go at BPL? Cabinet Makes New Management Decision Final but says nothing to the public! #countryforsale

NASSAU| For the next few days we at Bahamas Press will begin to reveal some serious CORRUPT practices which have now engulfed the Bahamas Power and Light – aka BEC – operations and we want the Anti-Corruption Unit to be on standby.
All-day we at BP have searched for the listings of the Annual General Meeting records of the BPL Board [a publically traded corporation]. We could not find the list of persons now on the board and, from our findings and investigations, we now know why.
We at BP want Chairman of BPL Dr. Donovan Moxey to know, that we have launched an unholy editorial war on BPL and we want him and the Minister to be on high alert.
1) The Cabinet of the Bahamas [according to our information] is about to hire a Management Company to run BPL. The public has no knowledge of this!
2) In this new Management Agreement, BPL will commence the largest downsizing/rightsizing exercise the country has seen ever at the Corporation!
3) The New Management Company shall employ a huge element of foreign labour at BPL to replace Bahamian staff.
4) The New Management Company [ to keep the Americans quiet ] will purchase US General Electric Engines for BPL. [Again not a damn word is being said about these developments].
5) Who is Robin Lee Ogilvy? Is she the newest appointed member on the Board of BPL? When was she appointed? What asset is she now to the BPL BOARD? [BP’s investigation will run deep for the next week with plenty of questions, but to little answers.]
6) Who is Anthony Butler? When was he engaged at BPL? How was he engaged? [We tell yinner – our BP is going deep on BPL].
7) How many Bahamians have the Cabinet of the Bahamas agreed to relieve at BPL?
8) Has the Union been updated about these developments?
We at Bahamas Press have noticed for some time Anti-Corruption, Openness, Transparency, and Accountability are just cosmetic political language when it comes to this Minnis–led Administration. But after this week, Bahamians will know more about what is about to happen and is happening at their Public Corporation BPL from Bahamas Press than from its Government. STAY TUNED!
We report yinner decide!