Steve McKinney Discovers DNA-FNM Coalition Deal

Could Branville be looking back home to the FNM? Steve McKinney says all is not well in the Party!

Popular Talkshow host Steve McKinney.

Nassau, Bahamas — Late-breaking news coming into Bahamas Press reveals further truth to a coalition agreement first reported by popular talk show host, Steve McKinney, on Hard Copy.

During the final afternoon drive talk show on Love 97FM before the holidays, McKinney announced his intentions not to seek a DNA nomination for the upcoming General Elections. McKinney noted he has lost confidence in the Green Party and that his confidence in its leader [Branville McCartney] is now been put into question.

Recently, a number of DNA candidates have dropped out of the race and like, Kenneth Russell, were expelled from the party. East End Grand Bahama candidate Philip Thomas and South Beach candidate, Sammie Starr, left the Green Party after being axed by its power-hungry leadership.

In a response expressing disappointment from reports of his termination by the DNA, Sammie Sarr Poitier responded, “I was “Thrown Under the Bus and Rolled Over…Twice”, with no regard for how this would affect my credibility, my reputation, and of course my family. I was one of the first named candidates for the party and was 100% loyal to the success of the party and endured an enormous amount of scrutiny for doing so. So as one would expect, this was indeed very disappointing, disheartening and of course NOT TRUE.”

After another DNA candidate began challenging McKinney online as he made his pronouncements over national radio, the host responded, “You are not one of the seven selected to be protected in a DNA-FNM Coalition; and if you press me I shall reveal more in due course.”

The boiling McKinney challenged anyone in the Party’s leadership to dismiss his claims or call into the show and face the music. He noted he had invited Party’s leader Branville McCartney to appear on the show to address the matter, however, in an abrupt notice McCartney failed to show.

Bahamas Press can reveal a series of private meetings between operatives of the DNA and FNM were held behind the iron gates of Lyford Cay. The discussion we can also revealed commenced in early November. We can further expose a conclusion has been arranged to secure a safe place inside the new structure for DNA leader Branville McCartney, along with three Family Island candidates and three others in New Providence.

Just last week during the public lynching of current High Rock MP, Kenneth Russell, at a meeting in Grand Bahama, Hubert Ingraham cautioned FNMs not to worry about the DNA. “Everything in the middle will be crushed,” he warned. No comment followed from the DNA leader after the PM’s statements and when something was mentioned in the public by Branville, he began by attacking Perry Christie...HMMMMM!

Sources close to the DNA tell us, “The party is imploding. Assistance to weak candidates is not forthcoming and those at the top of the Party are not communicating with those at the bottom. It is one ball of confusion, and I am certain, the last thing we need in a country with a high national debt, mass unemployment and an escalation of violent crimes, is a group that is disorganized.”

McKinney told his radio audience, he put the question to Branville about this his concerns over a a coalition between the DNA and FNM, where the claim was made that McCartney will become the deputy leader. McKinney said, “His response was not convincing to me as a journalist nor as a friend. He shrugged it of and said ahhhh hahhhh, whatever that meant. I just took it for what that meant. But you know sometimes when a man lays down in the bed at night and your mind wonder…;When something comes at you and nags at your mind you must investigate! I did my investigations, and to be quite plain and simple it aided me in my decision to not fool around at this particular time with the company I had been expecting to and looked forward to being a part of. However, should I be provoked to disclose, oh, I will do so without hesitation.”

Bahamas Press in our investigation can also report a group within the DNA have set up makeshift companies to enrich themselves by issuing election contracts to themselves. To persons doing such in the DNA BP shall not disclose at this time, but we will put it like this, if you can be a thief in your own Party, what ya think you will do to the Public Treasury of the Bahamas?

Stay Tuned MORE TO COME!

We report, YINNER DECIDE!!!


  1. Steve McKinney is proving himself to be just another pathetic whinner who has turned sour on a party that denied him a nomination. Rest assured, all would be EXACTLY THE SAME BUT WELL if the nomination for Fort Charlotte went his way.

    A crediability gap has emerged between what he said about ALL other major parties being unfit to govern/ exhausted leaders serving on the time schedule of others now, etc. and his utterances now on the basis of his claim to ALWAYS stating the truth and facts when making political assessments. If Steve’s rhetoric is truth and fact at some level, then regardless of his falling-out with the DNA it remains the spoken truth, and in no way is it diminished by his posturing and emotional outburst now. FACT ARE FACTS.

    What is Steve’s end game(besides attempting to drag down McCartney)? If Steve expects BIG money to be in the coffers of the DNA, then by that reasoning he must also expect THE USUAL SUSPECTS in Bahamian politics to be behind the donations and behind the curtains (calling for business deals and steering laws after elections). The “small man” can’t afford to fund political parties and pay his bills in this bad economy, plus Steve knows there is no free lunch. Contrawise, if Steve expects the DNA party not to be beholding to the ole boys club, then “why” is he struggling to understand that one must use mostly one’s own money to avoid such an entrapment to special interest groups. Frankly, besides spewing bitterness based on selfish ambition I see no point to his press conference.

    Steve and the word “sources” should NEVER appear in the same sentence again, not after “sources” had informed him of the exact number of illegals given citizenship by Brent Symonette. When Symonette addressed the media and disclosed a number that was only a fraction of Steve’s “sourced” information, one waited to hear Steve dispute Brent’s numbers and to challenge Brent’s lie. I waited … and waited … and waited … NOTHING. Steve is such a disappointment in this regard. He invents “sources” to continue on with points that he wants to inject into public discussions. Steve wants intelligent Bahamians to believe that McCartney (alone) made a deal with the FNM but when other DNA representatives are elected they (despite knowing nothing) will simply fall in line and say “yes sir, masser” when Bran says “we joinin da FNM boys” Come on Steve, show some respect for our intelligence. No “idiot” could rest comfortably on such a deal because the critical parts (the other people) aren’t guranteed to go along (because acccording to Steve they don’t even know about the deal). And “why” in god’s name would they tell you about it.

    Celi Moss, Wayne Munroe, Chris Mortimer and others of their ilk will simply jump and ask how high on the way up, yeah, right, please, Steve find A BETTER LIE. SURE YOU HAVE SOURCES (like Ortland Bodie had sources to buy that gun … the gun he swore he couldn’t find once in police custody). Jivers (what is it about talk radio that swells their heads so).

  2. O thats why old those bay street boys chirlden are running with the DNA so they are trying to get rid of the plp so its father an sons agains the plp?help me out please someone .

  3. It seems to me that the DNA and the FNM are in bed with each other and are trying to secure a deal ‘just in case’. If this is true about the DNA I cry shame on them because the leader emphatically stated that he would not be interested in such a coalition deal. I do believe that Bran would like to return to the FNM as leader or deputy leader!!! I truly believe what Steve Mckinney is saying!

  4. BP…you have done it again!!! you just proving to us again and again how strong the DNA party is, ohhhh
    everybody just gat “GREEN ON DEY BRAIN” (lol)….
    Official statement from the DNA as of this morning “Today, a rumor began circulating once again that your DNA has made a secret deal to join the FNM. I would like to say emphatically that THERE IS NO DEAL with the FNM, secret or otherwise, and there will NEVER BE ANY…”

    (lol) DNA OR NUTTIN!!!

  5. Man, I been tellin yinna dis from JUMP that the DNA = the FNM but hardly anyone was taking me serious!

    I told y’all McKinney was the mouthpiece and will be the won to hold his head/hat in shame after the truth is revealed about ‘Bran the man’ as he used to regurgitate rather ad nauseum I might add. Now SM has to eat not only his words but he also had to suck up his own koolaid. Serves him right for being biased – and we are supposed to take him as a serious journalist? I think not!

  6. BP – yall almost had the truth on this one. There is NO coalition between the FNM and the DNA. Steve Mickenney turned his back on the DNA because he wanted the Nomination for Fort Charlotte and Bran promised it to him. Last week Bran sent Mrs.Sawyer to be considered for the run in Fort Charlottee and Steve had a FIT!

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