Students of Salina Point Primary School told to dream [NO New School]


hubert-jpg<<< Hubert Ingraham.

Salina Point, Bahamas – They sang the well known primary school song “I am a Promise, I am a Possibility” to welcome Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham to their school, and it was this message the nation’s leader in turn re-affirmed to the students of Salina Point Primary school– that they can indeed make their dreams come true.

“You can be anything you want to be in this country,” Mr. Ingraham told the group of primary school students. “You have the opportunity to learn while you are in school, and look at me – I am the Prime Minister of The Bahamas.

“I was in a school like you, not with as many buildings as you have,” he continued. “We had far fewer buildings and far fewer teachers.” The nation’s chief encouraged the youngsters to become avid readers, telling them that he learns something new everyday because he is a reader.

The Prime Minister, along with a delegation of Cabinet Ministers traveled to Acklins Monday to view the extent of roadwork needs to be addressed by the Government. On their trek from Spring Point to Salina Point, Mr. Ingraham and his Ministers visited the students, who told of their dreams of becoming carpenters, doctors, teachers, actors, officers of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force and in the case of one young man – the Prime Minister.

School Principal Myrtle Rolle shared a few dreams of her own with the Prime Minister, which included the hiring of a teacher’s aide, the provision of a laptop computer and projector, as well as tools to tend to the school’s garden. The school recently received two brand new desktop systems for its computer room.

Mr. Ingraham committed to fulfilling those requests, advising the school’s Principal to identify a suitable person in the community to be brought on as a teacher’s aide.

The Prime Minister and his delegation toured the campus to assess the space available for additional classroom blocks before completing their tour of Acklins and subsequent tour of Ragged Island.


  1. Bp change dat picture maan you makin the man look demonic haha Pappa No New School gat the Bahamian public fool

  2. Do vat i tell yinna do dont do vat u see me do i.e. livin good.
    how can he compare the 1950’s with 2009 help me with this he should be shame to say such a thing i get his point but shouldnt they have developed the country since 1967 and majority rule?

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