Students Watch ZNS LIVE on Bahamas Press!


Dear Bahamas Press user, here is an opportunity for our global readers to listen and watch what is on the local station here in The Bahamas. Bahamas Press will upload this LIVE feed from time to time to allow you, our views to get a picture of what is going on here in the country. We ask you to think critically however, as the station is state owned and we at BP are objective thinkers when news is being presented.

Bahamas Press want you our many residents and students to know you can listen to the national newscast at the following times; 7:30 AM EST, 12 noon EST, 3PM, EST, 7PM EST and 11PM EST. We are please to bring to you this information and yes Bahamas Press is listening to you our readers. We hope to inform, educate and entertain you our GLOBAL audience. Something the National Broadcast Station and many of the WUTLESS dailies have failed to do. Enjoy!



  1. Less than 24 hours after our posting, shaming ZNS of our ability to stream LIVE ZNS feeds on our web, the National Broadcast station terminated the LIVE feed with MSNB (

    Again we say, it is amazing to see how $16 million can be pumped into ZNS every year (PAID BY THE TAXPAYERS) and yet the NATIONAL BROADCAST STATION cannot have a live website.

    New radio stations have live feeds for the world to hear, some less than 5 years old. Like Hubert Ingraham would say, THEY HAVE NO SHAME! WUTLESS!

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

    PS: Now if they want to TEST US, we still can publish the NEWS, without getting it for the live feed, and STILL MAKE THEM LOOK SHAME!

  2. Anthony Newbold you could get hook on Bahamas Press easily, I am finding myself constantly checking the site. Thank God I have my own clothing store, so while there is not customers in my store I am always checking to see what is the lattest topic or what the other bloggers had to say. If I was working for someone else, they would of already fired me. It is just that good!

  3. You are going to use the ZNS broadcasts to inform, educate and entertain your readers and listeners?
    Isn’t there a little irony involved there?
    I do find your site interesting and informative.

  4. I am so moved right now !! I am going to do ten laps in my pool this evening. I actually have a family away from my family….lolo….

    Congrats BP !!

  5. Media this is just a thought, maybe we could do something around Thanks Giving, it would be great to finally get to meet everybody who have may a value contribution to the success of this blog.

    Happy Birthday Bahamas Press!!

  6. TO THE BAHAMAS PRESS FAMILY! Its will be ONE YEAR SINCE OUR introduction to the Bahamian media circuit.

    We are thrilled by the progress we all have made this past year. And if you had followed our list of news and information, Bahamas Press has created a great stir in the market.

    CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU ALL, who are the eyes and ears of this BLOG. You have made it the number 1 source for news, information and truth here in The Bahamas!

    We would wish to celebrate this achievement with dinner at Portifino’s ALL YOU CAN EAT Restaurant this Friday at the British Colonial Hilton for the first 100 Bloggers, but budget constraints have dashed that possibility.

    However we look forward to doing something similar in the not too distant future. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAHAMAS PRESS, THIS THURSDAY!

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

  7. BP, you know that I think it is a good idea. On my last trip abroad this site is the only place I could go to find out what was going on here. The other “Wutless” sites I tried had not been updated from before I went on my trip. I am glad BP is leading the way in keeping the Bahamian public informed.

  8. Media it is certainly a good start if Bahamas Press could get this live feed functioning properly, our students studying abroad would be able to be updated with current events that are happening in the country. This is something ZNS should have put in place for our students many years ago. I hope your efforts would be an encouragement for them and this would be something that they would soon adopt.

  9. Come on people ‘are you all that surprise’? What are your views on the LIVE FEED of ZNS? I mean a 50 plus year old station cannot get a website up much less LIVE FEED!

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

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