Talk for FREE and FORGET BTC! Bahamians are NOT FOOLED Careless and Wutless with ya sour lime!


Nassau, Bahamas — Rolling out their new campaign, which suggests a tale that Bahamians are getting more money for their minutes. The promotion proves to be one of the biggest untruths the new telephone owners of BTC are telling the people and today we at BP exposes the truth.

BTC claims that you can now save $0.18 cents per minute when you call on your cell phone to all of the family islands. The promotion deemed “One Nation” advises all cell phone owners that no longer do they pay more for a cell phone call to a family island over using a landline. The point the new British owners are telling the uneducated is that this is a huge savings, a big eighteen cents each minute at that!

The question should be put, who in the country uses a landline anymore to make calls to a family island? The promotion is stale to say the least. If BTC wants to be honest with its customers, it would tell the truth! Business generated at BTC on long distance calls is wrapped up in its VIBE package, which allows callers around the country and all over the world to talk for ages until thy kingdom come for one flat rate [$34.99 unlimited calling]!

This service is already in motion and was introduced long before the new foreign owners begin talking with the outgoing FNM!

With one flat monthly bill, mama on the island and daughter in the city could talk all day! So where does reducing the rate on inter-island calls comes into play from a cell phone? All you have to do is buy the Vibe and forget the 18 cents per minute savings. Fact is, if you have the Vibe package and a cell phone, you just have to dial 225-9999 and setup your vibe calls to ring directly to your cell phone. And while there are some carrier fees attached for the cell receiving the vibe call, it is still less than calling directly with your cell phone. But again, with all this Internet technology all around us who has the time to call a family island and use a cell phone.

Geoff Houston - BTC CEO

BP has used Skype interactive technology to do business from Paradise Island to Japan and in every family island in the country and we pay a mere $10 a month. Skype software is free for anyone to use that has access to the Internet.

Now here another tip, if you have a Blackberry phone, and all your friends from Russia to Haiti and Acklins has also a Blackberry, you can download software called Loudtalkes and by the push of a key, one can talk to any friend FREE OF CHARGE! [WE LEARNT ABOUT THIS TECHNOLOGY FOLLOWING THE BRITISH RIOTS]. But here again, the damn WUTLESS Media in this town don’t give two cents about the working poor, and with all the space in its pages they only have space for, Perry Christie, the most popular politician of our time.

But ya know there is a rule in this country PAPA and now his new partners at C&W plays on the natives every lap. They both know half of us can’t read and another percentage do not comprehend, and so talk fool to the natives, say it is new and more than 75% of us will buy into the promotion.


BP will bring you a series of stories highlighting the web of deception now being dramatized by BTC, because we assure you not a damn soul in the WUTLESS media would. While BTC tells you they have reduced your minutes, we are telling you don’t believe that for a dime. By calling the family island with your cell phone you have just increased your monthly telephone bill. Buy the Vibe connect it to your cell phone, talk all day and tell BTC stop fooling the people.

Stay Tuned…More to come.