》》》》Poofter caught in live sex chats with woman’s man – girl shows up to school with her gang and put a beating on the educator

Nassau, Bahamas – For some reason the ‘poofters’ love to be around people children, and one educator at the C. H. Reeves school last week got an unfriendly surprise.
In the afternoon, just as the school bell rang, a group of solid gals showed up to the school to give the male teacher the ‘cut-ass’ of a lifetime.
Bahamas Press was live at the invitation of the female who told us she is sick and tired of the ‘male jungaliss’ who keeps messing with her nigga.
Just following the bust-up, she told BP, “…. I need you to put this sissy-ass teacher on blast who around people children. He gat my man can’t think straight no more! Taking him in the bowling alley and [expletive]. I am sick of it! And today, me and my gals put an end to his games.”
The fashioneesta/ ‘poofter’ is another big-time DNA member who was once a ‘student of religion’ at the College of the Bahamas.
We understand as the women arrived the scene of the incident, from all accounts, the teacher had no help. The girls ganged the educator and left him eating dirt. No school police was on campus and the teacher? Well, he certainly got a 101 course on what ya get when ya text other people man.
All attempts to contact Belinda Wilson on the matter were fruitless. And, from what we know, she made no comment to the media on the situation. Perhaps this time the Union President supports the girlfriend, who some believe has done the country and the school a great national service.
All we at BP could say is this: Boy, if ya don’t laugh, you will cry.