Charles should know funds VANISH FROM his Corporation


Charles 'Pillsbury Dougboy' Maynard now under attack by the Punch.

Nassau, Bahamas — The Pudgy MP we call the Pillsbury Doughboy is all over the newspapers this morning threatening to file criminal charges against a popular blog for accusing him of having extra marital affairs and being a product of criminal proceeds.

The news stations broadcast the information on the top of their newscasts this morning highlighting that Charles Maynard is upset with a blog and is now on the warpath with it. The Tribune reported that the MP is seeking advice on sending the police for the people on the web. The Toilet Paper called no website name and left everyone in the world, including our 10 million readers wondering who were they talking about.

The report was like someone announcing that a murder had just taken place but gave no reference as to who was murdered, where they were murdered and when the crime took place. In fact according to the way the report was written it sounded as if someone had stolen Maynard’s smelly cheese and tuna fish sandwich.

The Tribune
, better known by BP as the ‘Dutty’ Wutless Toilet Paper, we are told is advising the MP, which is like two half empty coconuts coming together making one big shell jelly head.

Since they did not call the name of the blog, we cannot say if they were referring to Bahamas Press. As you know, there are millions of readers online exercising their Freedom of Free Speech and in the Bahamas institutions like the Tribune hate to see the practitioners of free speech exercising their freedoms.

BP is one blog however, which has a record of not retracting stories, and we have written many on the Parliament’s Pillsbury. We do not apologize for information published on our blog.

We have a record of reporting the facts while telling it like it is. Pillsbury should know, ‘We report and yinner [DA PEOPLE] decide’! He should also know organizations that do not believe in free speech [The Tribune] and in the Internet, should be the last group of persons, he should seek advice from.

Bahamas Press is now investigating information coming to our desk from the Antiquities Corporation, which sits under Maynard’s Cabinet portfolio. Our sources confirm to us the department headed by the Pillsbury is allegedly going down the road of bankruptcy. We are told operatives of the FREE NATIONAL MOVEMENT have allegedly raided funds from the Corporation. In one incident an approval of a the production authorized by the Corporation of Clifton paid for with PUBLIC FUNDS cannot be found and was handsomely approved by the man crying foul.

BP is now looking deep into this investigation underway and shall report to you our findings shortly.

Meanwhile, as we go after this shocking story, which will reveal the WUTLESS management of the Pillsbury, if the reports in the Tribune this morning are true, and if it is a fact they were referring to us, we at BP are READY, WILLING, ABLE AND Competent to defend any report we wrote in a court of LAW. BP IS FEARLESS!

BP is on high alert following threats by a senior government official and are in contact with our ‘Silk Robed’ legal team in Wilberforce Chambers, 8 New Square, Lincoln’s Inn London WC2A 3QP. And if they were referring to us, we will take action against the Tribune, Charles Maynard and 100Jamz FM, immediately.


  1. I hereby request the PM immediately assign the ministry responsible for technology to one Charles Maynard. Either he knows or have a semi competent adviser, cause if they pulled of this feat of forensic computing without help of one of the major G8 gestapos he deserve this ministry, because the current minister in charge and his cohorts of advisers don’t seem to have a clue about technology. Even our police department seeks advice of Scotland Yard to do technology forensic searches. Considering this is a civil matter, it would be illegal for the RBPF to intervene. I clearly don’t see the grounds for police action of criminality, otherwise all you facebook users better begin transferring assets out of your name. I expect any day now the Antiquities Corporation (through our new tech minister)will be publishing it’s data to the WWW for the world to see. I await the Tribune process server to seek you out for it’s inability to sell it’s newspaper. CM, what the hell you doing reading BP. Please say it ain’t so, you can’t be one of the 10 million users. BP adjust your count to 10 million and 1. I am not just LOL or LMAO, I am LMMFAO. ma side hurting.


  2. Well normally if it is challenged the lawyer would sense a letter asking for it to be removed from the site or face further legal action. This doesnt mean they are right though. But I would think if they havent even sent a letter then they havent started legal action yet, or would need to do so before going further. But this seems like a bad idea either way, are they going to go after facebook also? Ofcourse that is worst then any site on the internet for criminal acts even worst then what this minister is claiming. Also, what next, what will they then try and tell us we cant say? Sounds like they are getting too cozy with the Chinese, and maybe even Cuba.

    • Newsman talking about being cozy with the Asians. From day one when BP commence these same WUTLESS TOILET PEOPLE on the front pages of the Tribune called for the censorship of the Internet in the Bahamas. Could yinner people who love to cuss BP believe that? Those JACKASSES THINK only they have opinions in this country.

      The Tribune, Charlie and the all concerned will hear from BP soon.


  3. At one time when the PLP was in office just a few years ago, Mother Pratt also threatened to take The Punch to court but she was quickly advised to let it go and she did!!

    Maybe my cousin will get the same smart and good advice!!

  4. Wow a Govt Minister getting too sensitive,this is not good as some things just need to be ignored.Obviously this site is being monitored but cool PC has been thrashed here many times but nothing about going to Court has come from him.Now we can all see what experience versus intolerance causes.Bahamians judge who you want making decisions on your behalf and will not try to punish you if your opinion differs from his.Keep up the fight FNM Ministers as you are causing the people to really now miss Christies leadership.

  5. boy BP I thought you were joking when you continually say millions read this sites material.I guess you will get more readers now that a potential threai of criminal libel is being contemplated.For this advertisement you will be sent a bill by those marketing this site lolo lolo.

    • Well Johnson you should know as of Last week BP went commercial. And boy we are sooo scared with those threats today we contacted our QC in Lincoln Inn London.

      I mean the nerve a these people. They can’t arrest people who jooking up people in they head with screw driver, you think someone ga start looking for 20 writers? PLEASE!



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