Tennyson Wells is no longer supporting Christie’s PLP and is now returned home to Dr. Minnis FNM!


The Wells family donated $20,000 to Urban Renewal in 2013!

Prime Minister Christie receiving a $20,000 donation from the Wells family for work in the inner city in 2013.
Prime Minister Christie receiving a $20,000 donation from the Wells family for work in the inner city in 2013.

By Jerry ROKER
for Bahamas Press
Last week, former FNM Cabinet Minister declared that he had withdrawn his support for PM Christie and was now throwing his support behind FNM leader Dr. Minnis. What i found instructive was Mr. Wells declaration that he was supporting Dr. Minnis because he, Dr. Minnis, had proposed that if his party wins the next general elections and he became PM, he would made the over-the-hill areas duty free zones.

At the same time, Mr. Wells revealed that he had met with PM Christie to share with him a business proposal he, Mr. Wells had. PM Christie referred him to Mr. Baltron Bethel. Mr. Wells was obviously very disappointed with this, and had some choice words about Mr. Bethel.

On the surface then, it would seem then that because PM Christie did not, himself, give Mr. Wells what he wanted, Mr. Wells became pissed, and switched.

This rank selfishness is somewhat suffocating. I can think of at least 10 reasons why PM Christie trumps Dr. Minnis, but on the strength of a single proposal that has not been subjected to any means tests whatsoever, he has switched. If it looks like a fish, smells like a fish, trust me, it is a fish. Shameful indeed.