Tens of Thousands Goes Unaccounted for in the Customs and Immigration Union as its President, Sloane Smith, set to run as a DNA Candidate!


Bahamas Press has discovered that the Union is set to be struck off the register due to its poor financial record! What da hell is dis?

Days are dark ahead for the Bahamas Customs and Immigration Unions could break up any-day now.

After taking a pay cut the last thing Union Member thought was that their funds would vanish!

Customs and Immigration President Sloane Smith now brought to question under BP's investigative radar!

Nassau, Bahamas – If what Bahamas Press has uncovered in the last few days happens – which is still kept silent by the WUTLESS MEDIA – all we will say is this: trouble is brewing deep inside one of the country’s UNIONS.

For some days now Bahamas Press has sat down with sources deep in the Department of Labour and, boy, what they tell us is indeed shocking for the country.

Over the past five years now this one group of public servants has been having labour issues that can’t seem to come to a resolution. We had some notable persons in the country such as John Pinder describe members of the Bahamas Customs and Immigration Union as hostile and irreconcilable. Many considered these officers [using Dr. Duane Sands’ word] as “greedy” and inconsiderate. But the true reason these officers can’t get a deal done with the government is all due to one man’s ambition – the President, Sloane Smith!

BP has learned that the said dictator and tyrant Smith runs the Customs and Immigration Union like his own $0.02 cent candy store. Our credible sources have revealed that the smooth talking Sloane has cut a deal to run as a candidate for the Democratic National Alliance in the next general elections. You heard it first on Bahamas Press!! He tink he slick aye….since he like talk so much on camera, he could talk dat!

Closed-door meetings with the DNA leader and Smith have been fruitful and, from what we can tell you, all of the former FNM executives at the Union have gone GREEN! All the PLPs remain the same with the FNM losing its colour and support within the leadership. Boy, they are in a bad state, but that is another story for another day!

Additionally, we can tell you that many of Smith’s officers desire that the clerical staff within the union be dropped. This has been a major bone of contention between the union and the government. As Shane Gibson stated, they cannot expect to get insurance for clerical staff or special salary increase for them. Many of the customs officers have expressed a desire to drop the dead weight of the clerical staff, which is keeping them from their much deserved pay raise.

BP understands that one of the clerical staff, who happens to be an assistant secretary is one of Smith’s gofers. This bobble head Barbie cannot even type a proper letter and it was so bad BP refused to publish it, as we were deeply embarrassed. Anyone can get a degree from Nova these days but that to is for another day.

Our major source in Labour, whom we affectionately call “Deep Throat”, was delighted to share this Watergate scandal to us. ‘Deep Throat’ confirms a resolution with the government for payment to officers was reached, but Sloan Smith, in all his arrogance, would not agree. Could it be that a resolution would weaken his and the DNA political campaign which is in motion? Could it be that Smith wants a fight to drag on as long as possible; leaving thousands of Customs and Immigration workers out in the cold to suffer without getting their agreed payments?! How selfish, coldhearted, wicked and unconscionable is that?

Bahamas Press also spoke with many former members of the union, who have dropped out in disgust as they saw the union was getting nowhere and wasting time in courts. Some have even transferred from Customs and Immigration into other units in government and some have even gone overseas where they get real benefits. Looks like they were smart to leave a sinking ship.

Former members were glad to spill the beans and confirm that Sloane – a.k.a Creflo Dollar (always selling dreams and hoodwinking) – has suspended the Treasurer of the Union, who, we are told, has refused to sign blank cheques which finance Smith’s elaborate trips of fun and frolic in Freeport. We have been tracking the snake oil salesman having long Freeport nights in Pelican Bay and Our Lucaya, bouncing off feast and fetes at the fanciest restaurants – all at the Union’s expense. Boy, wait til ‘yinner’ see the numbers on this!

Boy, and we thought only politicians corrupt!!! What the hell is going on in this little Bahamas?! While his members suffer, endure the pains, catch cramps from hunger and reduced wages imposed by Hubert Ingraham, Smith has decided to make his followers punish some more. The self proclaimed Moses lives high on the hog and ONLY BAHAMAS PRESS HAS BEEN WATCHING ALL DIS!!!!

Many now regret allowing him to run unopposed for President! For, as the saying goes, he has become corrupted with power – as power corrupts ABSOLUTELY!