The FNM 52-Week Program candidate recreates himself after lying to the people


GOMEZ TELL PRESS he does make his money by church offering – WELL BLOW ME DOWN!!! Gomez must be Columbus SON!

“North Abaconians, I’m no stranger and I’m no foreigner to you although the PLP and its associated purveyors of lies would have you believe so.”

Greg Gomez FNM Candidate for North Abaco is lying to Bahamians! Why was he kicked out of the US?.

As a youngster, I grew up amongst you; I know your concerns and queries; I am of this soil and hail from the bosom of this great constituency. I am a product of Murphy Town…..

North Abaco, my heart has always been with you, even while I was away from this great land exploring other opportunities and seeking to upgrade myself educationally, I always thought of you! I always yearned to return home and that is exactly what I did. I am a native Abaconian and whilst the PLP and its mouthpieces may concoct many false stories, they know that I am a Bahamian, one of those same Bahamians they were supposed to “believe in.”

As a youngster, I attended the Dundas Town Primary School and matriculated into the Abaco Central High School where I graduated with my high school diploma. In fact, fate would have it that I was one grade ahead of my political opponent and first-cousin-in-law Renardo Curry. Today, I live on the same street as my political opponent—we live about 100 yards apart from each other. After high school, I enrolled at Langston University in Langston, Oklahoma and pursued studies in business administration.

Abaco, you know me well! I have lived and worked among you for much of my life as a banker and a customs officer at the airport. I also have a background in education, and have shared some of the knowledge I’ve gained over the years with many of our young people.

In Abaco, I have also served as a council member on local government, specifically sitting as a representative of the Murphy Town Committee; moreover, I’ve also served as a chairman of the Hotel Licensing Board and I’ve been a member of the Road Traffic Board for Abaco.  I have been a vigorous community activist, fighting for you and your interests. Indeed, I am also actively involved in my church as a minister and I sincerely believe in the power of faith and of prayer.

I am so honoured to have been selected by the Free National Movement to be its standard bearer in the upcoming by-election and I, along with my family and my party, have wasted no time in campaigning and ensuring that I/we hear your concerns. Your responses thus far have touched my heart, you have been great to me and I ask that on October 15th you demonstrate to the Bahamas that you are supporting me, that you wish to  give me—your native son—an opportunity to serve you and to build on the legacy of former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham.

North Abaco, I know what it is to feel victimized—first hand! I made my decision to seek the nomination for this seat when the PLP—due to them apparently taking umbrage with my democratic right to support the political party of my choice— decided not to go ahead with my application to process and affirm me as an assistant island administrator.

Frankly, I was hired by the Ministry of Local Government but some of the PLP’s supporters did not want to see me in that office and they made it known. North Abaco, I had already started acting in that role…. I even travelled to Nassau to see Minister of Local Government V. Alfred Gray and his permanent secretary; however, both of them refused to grant me an audience. Even more, the undersecretary blatantly told me that my application would not be processed and rejected my request to process my application for possible posting in another department. I suddenly found myself totally without a job and a wife and three children to care for… that how the PLP demonstrates that they’re their brother’s keeper?

Abaconians, why was I denied in my pursuit to serve my country as a public servant? Does the PLP even remotely seem like a party that believes in Bahamians or is this a party that seeks to victimize and mistreat Bahamians, especially Bahamians who they believe are not in the “good ole boys club”?

North Abaco, I wish to continue and expand upon the programs and initiatives undertaken by our former MP Mr Ingraham; I want to ensure that the port, the North Abaco bridge and other developments become front and center as they will be an engine to boost our local economy; I would like to take our fishing and agricultural industry to another level, highlighting modern techniques such green houses and hydroponics labs; I would like to foster the uprising of a new class of young entrepreneurs who can own a piece of our economy; and, along with my church, I would like to launch a “My Brother’s Keeper” programme to teach young men to accept their roles and responsibilities to their families and within our communities!

Abaco, I intend to lobby for the upgrade and development of the sports park that is situated nearby the Abaco Central High School, ensuring that a swimming pool is added to better train and equip our young people, to ensure that our youth become well-rounded citizens.

North Abaco, if elected, in me you will have an MP who can be trusted; an MP who will seek to bring all Abaconians together. Abaco, let’s all come together and be the change you can believe in.

I can see that the PLP is on the run in North Abaco; I can see that our history of service to the communities of North Abaco will take us to a resounding victory on October 15th!

North Abaco, I’m your man. I pledge to serve you with honor, integrity and credibility. A vote for me and the FNM is a vote against victimization; it is a vote for the continuance of sound, caring and superb representation!

Vote Greg Gomez….vote FNM!