The actions of Duane Sands and “others” prove the injustice and inequity in the Bahamas against its poor citizens

Duane Sands just after getting chased off Bay Street during the Corned Beef Rebellion in Rawson Square on June 14th 2018.

Dear BP,

Dr. Sands is not the sacrificial political lamb many are claiming him to be. First of all, let’s recognize that he is a great doctor and he can continue to help with the pandemic if he feels inclined to do so. But none of that matters in this situation. Let’s review what he has admitted to doing.

1.       He let people in the country illegally in exchange for medical supplies – an understandable act to many but still illegal.

2.       These people were not tested before entering the country. This put the country’s health at risk – the same country that Sands was in charge of protecting during this pandemic.

3.        It was a demonstration of inequality. Those with enough money can afford to make a donation to enter, while others, even our own citizens, who can’t make such donations cannot enter. A slap in the face to the hundreds of Bahamians who want to return home and cannot.

4.       It showed the injustice rampant in this country. Men and women are dragged before the court for going to the pump for fresh water, taking insulin to diabetic parents, and being homeless during the lockdown.  All of these are very understandable situations and yet these poor people are being fined and/or jailed. Just being asked to resign is a very “light” punishment by comparison.

Sands (along with Marvin Dames) has previously been accused of skirting the law before by meddling with a legal matter in the Frank Smith case and were reprimanded by the trial judge. This is not the first time he has been asked to resign. The difference is that last time was closer to the FNM’s election victory and the people were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt because they had not seen what this government was capable of yet.

Sands is no saint. He has been accused of being disconnected from the plight of everyday Bahamians in his constituency and rude to many. He has been accused of being insensitive to the Jr. doctors who work at PMH, and he has supported all of the cold-hearted policies of the Minnis administration. It is understandable that he did what he did to bring needed supplies into the country, but unfortunately, there are many people sitting in prison right now who did what they did with good intentions. Good intentions alone are not always enough to avoid a penalty.


A Concerned Citizen