The Bahamas Antiquities Monuments & Museums Corporation and Public Private Investments Ltd Sign MOU

Sitting left to right: Ms. Richenda King, Chairman AMMC; Dr. Nigel Lewis, Chairman PPIL; Amb. Joshua Sears, Senior Policy Advisor, OPM; Standing left to right: Mr. Alexander Flowers, Secretary, AMMC;Mrs. Kim Outten-Stubbs, Director AMMC; Mr. Don Demeritte, PPIL; Ms. Carol, BIA; and Mr. Olvin Rees, PPIL.

Office of The Prime Minister, Cable Beach, Bahamas, 16 April. 2019 – The National Museum of The Bahamas / Antiquities Monuments & Museums Corporation (AMMC) and Public Private Investments Ltd (PPIL) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the operation and management of designated heritage sites in New Providence, to facilitate the restoration, modernization and sustainability of the sites, and to advance and enhance The Bahamas tourism product

In his remarks about the public private partnership with AMMC, Dr. Nigel Lewis, Chairman of PPIL, stated, “Public Private Investments Ltd. is committed to its public private partnership with AMMC, as his group views the project initiative as a fitting example to all Bahamians, as it signifies that Bahamians from all walks of life can come together to work on improving our country’s economy, environment and essentially its image. This MOU speaks to the creation of a platform and developing processes, which serve to help diversify our tourism product, by leveraging our cultural and heritage strengths, to generate jobs, entrepreneurial opportunities and promote product diversification. The final product, or services offering, promises to be exemplary and will feature wholesome family experiences, which provide heritage, cultural and adventure entertainment to both tourists and local patrons.  We view this undertaking as simple but iconic.  We are pleased and excited about the potential of pooling private and public sectors’ institutional capacity; and are committed to working very closely with AMMC, our public partner, and all key stakeholders, to maximise this Public Private Partnership opportunity.”

Mrs. Richenda King, Chair of AMMC, remarked, for the past 20 years the National Museum of The Bahamas/AMMC has been solely responsible for the heritage sites in the city of Nassau.  Providing both the technical and administrative components required for their maintenance.  The introduction of Public Private Partnership and the MOU with PPIL to this equation promises to bring the vital support that is needed to improve the physical and commercial components of our heritage facilities and the tourism product.  This proposed collaboration will be a first, transforming the heritage business model in The Bahamas.  It is very important that preservation, protection and conservation of our heritage sites remain at the forefront of the partnership. The National Museum/AMMC will continue to provide the technical oversight of historic cultural resources.

About Public Private Investments Ltd

Public Private Investment Ltd (PPIL) is a limited liability company, formed by business persons from diverse business and political backgrounds, who came together to dispel the commonly-held myth that Bahamians cannot work together; or do not have the acumen and financial resources to lead quality innovative projects.  PPIL sees its broader purpose as providing viable ‘stay at home’ options, for public calls for quality and high socio-economic impact projects.  PPIL’s vision is to become the leader of Public Private Partnership modeling and services and sees itself as uniquely qualified to achieve this objective.  As a provider of modern, leading-edge Operations and Management solutions, the company is committed to Corporate Social Responsibility policies, which focus on heritage education, 3rd Party wealth creation, scholarship apprentice programs and community development.  

About The National Museum of The Bahamas / Antiquities Monuments & Museum Corporation

The National Museum of The Bahamas is a Corporation sole established under section 17(1) of Antiquities, Monuments and Museum Act, Chapter 51, Statute Law of The Bahamas 2000, (the “Act”) whose offices are located at Shirley Street and Collins Avenue, New Providence. Mrs. Kim Outten Stubbs, Acting Director, noted that the Antiquities, Monuments and Museum Corporation (AMMC) is the national heritage conservation agency in The Bahamas. “Its Mission is to remain committed to historic preservation, interpretation of the cultural heritage and conservation of our cultural resources.  It is therefore poised to ensure that its mandate is enhanced and advanced as we engage this partnership to improve best practices in the heritage business in The Bahamas. The vision of The National Museum of The Bahamas AMMC is to promote public stewardship and participation in the care and management of the national, historical and cultural resources for education and enjoyment of residents and visitors.” It is our goal to encourage this project because its objective is to see our heritage sites become more sustainably maintained for future generations.