The Battle heats up in Elizabeth



FNMs roll into Elizabeth passing PLPs workmen on a utility pole.

Press conference remarks by Party Chairman Carl Bethel:

THE CHAIRMAN: Ladies and gentlemen of the press, thank you for your attendance this afternoon.

As I have explained to members of the media before, the Free National Movement has a very detailed consultative mechanism in our Constitution for the selection of candidates in national elections.

Carl BethelIt requires that, before any person can be ratified to bear the standard of the party in an election, the relevant Constituency Association make a recommendation to the Central Council in respect of the person it wishes to be its candidate.

This afternoon I am privileged to announce that at a specially called meeting, held on Thursday evening the 7th January, 2010, the Elizabeth Constituency Association of the Free National Movement unanimously voted to recommend to the Central Council that Dr. Duane Sands be nominated to contest the upcoming bye-election in Elizabeth as the candidate of the Free National Movement.

This recommendation is the critical first step in the process of selecting a candidate for the party in any election.

The next step will be for the Candidates Committee to meet and to nominate the recommended candidate or some other candidate and to submit the name of the nominee to the Central Council of the party for ratification.

The Candidates Committee of the party will meet tomorrow night (Monday 11th January) to consider the recommendation of the Constituency Association and to nominate a candidate to contest the Elizabeth bye-election.

Dr. Sands-2

Dr. Dwane Sands, Carl Bethel and FNM Party supporters are on the ground in Elizabeth. For the many members of the WUTLESS MEDIA who still question the deep DEEP scoops and 100% batting average of BP we say, WAKEUP! WAKEUP! WAKEUP! BP is now the #1 source for REAL NEWS in The Bahamas. Dwane Sands is the FNM candidate for Elizabeth and we reported this more than one month ago. TAKE DAT!


  1. KIM atleast you understand…. Bahamians like to depend on GOVERNMENT To DO EVERYTHING.  Now Ingraham is the king of manipulation… But I still rather him any-day compare to Perry Christie. I have no tolerance for WEAK and LAID BACK LEADERSHIP. …… and kim you have JOKES….. YEah I trying to get lil sumtin you would be an hip not tooo….. GET WHAT YOU CUD GET!!!!!…. Like Ingraham said in 2007 ” when da plp’s come knockin on ya door offerin ya fridge, stove, scholarship….. well dont be no fool……. TAKE ITTTTTTT….. TAKE ITTTT!!!! but come May 2nd VOTE FNM”.  And for the record…. I am well situated and thankful and NO I dont need to contribute to the light bill. IM HIGHLY BLESSED AND FLAVORED.

    • Ok, tell me something Bahamas youth, why would a blessed and highly flavored person be sitting down at home or on their porch waiting for one of these politicians to pass by to see what they can get out of them? Maybe it’s me, but I don’t understand that. Also, why would a blessed and highly flavored person be taking their instructions from Hubert when they know he is the king of manipulation? I just don’t get that either.

  2. Kim im not afraid to put X next to BDM once dey give me a sensible agenda for this area… Im sick with the flu d doc needs to send medicine my way and bring me lil money on d side. I talked to Pinder last week he remembered me from 2002 when I helped Malcom. Very nice and he knows exactly what this area needs and should have. I enn see doc n I enn see BDM. But dont yal die hard plp’s tink for a second I ga vote yal way but I do believe in the right person for the job despite what party. BUT LETS DONT FORGET IM NOT A FAN OF PERRY CHRISTIE.  I have a part time job while im on a scholarship to go to COB Kim.

    • Bahamasyouth, Me a diehard PLP? Sweetie, I know better than to depend on any of these political parties for anything, I go to work for what I want. No, I am just tried of losing all our good doctors to politicks, when they could be in the hospital saving lives. Not only that Ingraham is a manipulator and I just want to see his plans backfire on him and for him to get a rude awakening in Elizabeth Estate. So you get a scholarship aye? That’s great. At least you don’t have to stress yourself about paying your college tuition fees, because you sound like you still living home with your parents. What happen you trying to get something from these politicians so you can contribute a little something towards the light bill aye?

  3. I am not going to lie, you sound like you like slackness. What happen you still aint find a job yet to help you with those bills? Don’t forget to mark your X for Pinder.  Dr. Sands don’t need to be mixing up in no politics he is one of the best heart surgeon this country has seen and we don’t have much of them, so the medical field cant afford to lose him. Papa orchestrated this whole election by playing Malcolm like a fiddle and we need to let him know we don’t appreciate his devious plans.

  4. Well Im in Lizzy and Havent seen no FNM REPRESENTATIVE YET. Whenever the fnm comes here I hope they dont make the same MISTAKE as the PLP. EMPTY Hands dont pay my bills….

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