The best tasting water in The Bahamas



If you think you have tasted pure water before, you just have not put your lips to Bahama Clear. It has become the official drinking water of this website! Its the number one drinking experience in The Bahamas (NEXT TO KALIK of course LOL!). Go out and get your bottle today, its affordable at $3, clear and TASTES GREAT! BAHAMA CLEAR!


  1. Editor Bahamas Press, while we on the subject of supporting Bahamian maybe you would like to check the ad “ Fish In Class With First Class Charters Nassau Deep Sea Local Trips “ that appeared on the right side of your page in the Google Adds. This is a charter fishing company that is owed and operated by an American Robert Moyer from the Nassau Harbour Club. This company was reported to The Ministry of Transport during the P.L.P. term and nothing was done and is still operating under the F.N.M. This company is in direct competition on a day to day base with the local charter fishing companies that are currently finding is hard to say afloat with diesel prices at $6.37 a gallon. Just makes you wonder. Maybe you can use some of your investigating skills and expose what is really going on here. You would have a lot of grateful charter captains and operators. While at it may you can also look at another such company operating from Nassau Yacht Haven and one operating from under the Paradise Island Bridge.

  2. These are the contacts to arrange delivery service, please call 324-4222 or e-mail

    TRUST ME PEOPLE THIS IS LIKE DRINKING THOSE $10 fashionable bottles for water in a 5 gal. I could not believe the CLEAR TASTE! The water is “Simply the BEST!” and when you taste it for the first time, I GUARANTEE YOU there will be, “NO TURNING BACK!”

    Bahamas Press/ Editor

  3. OOPPSS!!! I just researched ‘Ads by Google” and discovered that the owner of this website does indeed benefit every time someone clicks on one of the Google ads on the right hand side ===> ===> You greedy __________. I now agree with those above – you continue to abide at the bottom.

  4. The man has to make a living you know. And we all have friends too. I prefer for the commercial income to go to a Bahamian than a foreigner, living in a foreign country to only benefit from the automatic Google ads on the right side of the page.=========> ========> =========>

  5. I always thought Nautilus Water was good drinking water. If you know of a report that indicates otherwise and could produce the evidence I would stay clear of it.
    Where can this Bahama Clear water be bought? Where is the water depot?

  6. tsk, tsk, tsk. Bahamaspress is now becoming commercialized. Another step towards becoming like the ragsheets you so despise.

  7. Nautilus??

    If Giovanna wasnt busy plugging in a shameless fluff piece, she would be more willing to explore the embarrassing coverup regarding the expensive testing of the Nautilus water by the Bacardi plant!

    If only the masses knew the result of those test, they wouldnt dream about drinking Nautilus

  8. Maybe Giovanna should reconsider who she has promoting her products. After all, you may turn around and try sell her out to Aqua Pure or the Haitian guy on Faith Avenue. What a sad and pathetic display of hucksterism. At least you’re consistent in that you don’t think about the implications of what you write before you write it.

    I’m sticking to Aqua Pure.

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