Nassau, Bahamas — Bishop Neil C. Ellis told Cable 12 news, the partner company of the Nassau Guardian, that the information revealed by Wikileaks is a boldfaced lie, and that he never owned a rolex watch as the cables suggests.
Today the Nassau Guardian editorial suggested Bahamians should take the cable releases in the paper as serious and should allow it to formulate their election decisions.
We wonder why the paper saw the need this morning to sell its own releases to us, by telling us what we should form an opinion from. Bahamians are intelligent people. It is the ignorant who cannot read, and editors of the morning daily should be concern about them, not us.
Bahamians, the Guardian and its editors should note, we are not concerned with whatever is released in the cables as it is riddled with CONJECTURE and CONCLUSIONS OF SOME who remain nameless in the paper columns! SO WHAT IF THE AMERICANS HAVE AN OPINION OF US, SO WHAT?
In fact we at Bahamas Press have held the view from the beginning that the cables reflect the opinion of a foreign country, which itself at times have been found in a political quagmire when dealing with issues around the world.
Bahamians know Perry Christie and Hubert Ingraham. We know our politicians. Additionally, we know for years there have been agents in this country who LEAK information to others around the world; just ask Eileen Carron and she would tell more.
We have known from the drug years of the 80s there have been many influences and forces from around the world meddling in our affairs and have sought to stand bold-naked in our bedroom. This is not news.
What Bahamas Press finds incredibly shocking and equally striking about the wikileaks is this; The Guardian Editors sought Christie’s opinion, they sought Neil Ellis’ opinion, and they have called up Reginald Ferguson and Cassius Stuart wanting to know what they thought about the articles. However, what remains to be seen here is this; when will one writer of the cables [IF THEY ARE INDEED WRITING THEM], find the gall or the gumption to telephone Hubert Ingraham and ask his own opinions on the WIKILEAKS! Its he above review? Perhaps the Guardian should tell us. Never in any of their articles have they even written where they attempted to call PAPA, or confirm in writing that they were unsuccessful in reaching him! WHAT SHAMEFUL WAYS TO HAVE!
The articles have been running for weeks now, and still the Guardian cannot get one response from the man at the centre of them – AGENT #1622, Hubert Ingraham.
Yet they want us to take them serious? PLEASE!
Another thing to interest to note is this. For its Wikileaks revelations, the Cabinet Office directed by Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham, has granted the morning daily a huge contract to print nomination papers for the upcoming local government elections. WHAT A PAYBACK FROM PAPA HIMSELF! We thought you should make a note of this.
Yet they want us to take them serious? PLEASE!
The emperor has always been naked. Its just we were too blind to see or in denial
BP. Just to point out something about the WIKILEAKS cables about the conversations with various Bahamian politicians.I was warned by a senior civil servant years ago that there no such thing as a casual conversation with US Embassy staff. Why? because they must, by law, report any contact with foreign nationals and provide a synopsis of any conversation with them. Thats their procedure and, they, unlike Bahamians, stick to it!!
To DON Q..I agree with much u say but while I agree Stafford Sands has no place on our money for the reason you say, but Brent’s PA was a different sorta man altogether and plenty old timers who remember him kno it too. He can stay on the money but Sands should go…but thats another debate i guess
But wait, ain the Guadian and the Tribune one and the same! They merged under PAPA as soon as he took office.
PLEASE don’t be distracted the two matters of greatest importance are UNEMPLOYMENT and CRIME! These are the two points we should be hammering PAPA about not Wikileaks!
Just to digress in Parliament last evening the Member for Blue Hills was heard praising Stafford Sands, what a JACK! Even more astounding is that no member stood on a point of order to comment that Stafford Sands was a racist and should not be mentioned in our House of Parliament! Get him and Brent Pa off our money now that’s why we can’t do no better!
Interesting that the Gov’t. would reward them with a contact to print nomination papers when they have a Gov’t. Printing Department on Old Trail Road with better equipment and staff than the print shop at the Guardian. What a waste of our money.
People remember who are the owners of the Nassau Guardian. The Greek and the sneak. My mother always told me that if i was in the forest with a greek and lion and i had one bullet…I should shoot the greek as my chances will be better with the lion.
The Guardian’s owners are pissed PM Ingraham didn’t sell them BTC.
Juan McCartney is pissed Bran McCartney isn’t an FNM any longer.
Candia Dames, they say, has failed in her attempts to marry Vincent Peet.
So there you have it. A few reasons why the folks at the Guardian are pissed with the PLP and FNM.
They aint ask Papa nothing and they don’t have no intention of asking him anything either. These people have all their senses. They been around long enough to know not to cross Papa‘s path, they know just how vindictive and insulting he could be. What interest me though is papa never shared these things with the Bahamian people who elected him to office, but he’s feel quite comfortable to pull up a chair and talk all the nation business with foreigners, like he in some d*mn psychiatrist office. I mean I don’t see what these things have to do with the US. Anyway, I guess they just like being in the know and seen that Papa seems willing to spill his guts, why not?
BP, get off your high horse now that the PLP and it’s cronies are being mentioned in the Wikileaks revelations. Your heading “The Chief is a Leak” gives credit to the fact that you believe the Wikileaks Cables. You have published every story about the FNM, inclusive of their new addition Mr. Stuart. You need to decide whether your going to publish all stories giving crediance to all the cables or publish none. You want your cake and eat it to.
Ps. The Headline today was about Mr. Miller and Petrocaribe.
Our position in all this is simple. They contacted Miller didn’t they? Well why haven’t they yet contacted Hubert Ingraham and state in a single story how he has declined to comment. We would take this SERIOUS when they find the nerve to contact PAPA!
I agree Guy Fawkes! The emperor has no clothes and Media clearly we are seeing right through your smokescreen! Guardian has more cables about PLP than FNM, so this is what has you all upset!
At least try to appear to be impartial rather than a political hack such as the Tribune a.k.a “The Toilet paper” which you loathe..
This site is not named plppress but rather bahamaspress
We wait to see if you publish or comment on the series of scandalous reports about Mitchell, Miller, Christie and Neil Ellis, which would BALANCE your heavy leaning of anti-FNM articles.
One minute you all over the place calling for Christie head leading up to the PLP convention and now all of a sudden MUM is the word!
Bahamians clearly have a short memory, but this user doesnt!
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