The Christie Government Must Be Credited For The Reduction Of The Cost Of Electricity And Fuel At The Pump


Residents gas up
Residents gas up

By Jerry Roker
for Bahamas Press

Even though they haven’t done so, and the anti-Christie media have ignored it, the Christie government can take credit for the significant reduction in the cost of electricity and fuel at the pump, since coming to office just over 4 years ago. Some will argue that such decreases are linked to the worldwide reduction in oil prices.

When you are prime minister of a country you have to operate within the circumstances that exist. If the reverse had happened, which is that oil prices would be way beyond expectation, and if our monthly electricity bill had been going through the roof, I’m absolutely sure the Government would be blamed. And also the prime minister would have been blamed.

The prime minister has to give guidance within the context of what is happening internationally and what is happening also locally. And if the combination, thereof, redounds to the benefit of the electorate, then one can’t say that the prime minister and Government would not have played a role.