“Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad”

If Pindling was alive he would say this crew ‘Gats to be Crazy’!
Nassau, Bahamas — Two years have passed with the Christie Government holding onto power, and yet, they suggest that the Bahamian people are “Ungrateful”. Well blow me down!
One must note this view of hardcore valiant supporters of the PLP, who have dug their knees deep into the base of the Party like addicts addicted to some high octane drug . All across social media the refrain is being said, “The Bahamian people are ungrateful”.
You know, those who follow the Christie Regime have very short memories; perhaps this is why there is such mass disaffection with the base.
We at Bahamas Press recall this same language being fanned by hardcore supporters of the Ingraham Regime who had celebrated their massive infrastructure program as something every Bahamian should have rejoiced in and thanked them for.
We didn’t.
We, joe public, became offended with the arrogance and the display of dictatorial ways and attitudes that had marred the FNM going into the 2012 general elections. Its leader callous was to think that the Party was him, that he was a one man band and needed no deputy while he spewed his venomous bite of victimization and brutal intimidation on the working class Bahamians.
Had we not been writing our page for global readers we would have written that thought in raw ‘Bahamianese’; but that’s a topic for another day.
What is evident two years later with the PLP is the fact that the present regime headed by ‘Lord Bull 2. is taking on gradually the same attitude as the former regime; nearly cussin’ reporters, refusing to answer questions and tempering massive egos bigger than the clouds are listening to the wrong people. And it is this is current attitude – displayed by those in power we the Bahamian public should be grateful for? CHAL PLEASE!
We at Bahamas Press feel that the arrogant attitude should be addressed quickly and we wonder why, after two years in office, the Christie Regime even failed to organize a church service this week – marking the occasion. Mama dem in the Party Loves Church – but their leaders are busy selling every damn ‘jack-up agenda’ against the Great Deliverer of this Nation.
But ya see – Some in the PLP have no SHAME and at the right and appropriate time we will address this fact in detail!
The least they could have done is thanked GOD for the victory of May 7th, 2012. But ya know, the crew calling the Bahamian people “ungrateful” are ungrateful themselves!