PLPs have yet to see that their victory streak came to an end on January 28th, 2014

The question of leadership set to turn “politically bloody” in the PLP as concerns begin to emerge about the Party’s future in Government…

Nassau, Bahamas — One year ago the people of the Bahamas delivered a resounding “NO” Vote rejection to the Christie Regime. They lost marginally in the Referendum to regulate and tax gaming in the Bahamas.
The scene the next morning as Cabinet filed into the Churchill Building was one filled with shock, dismay and nauseating confusion by the Government leaders.
Prime Minister Christie, who loves to shuffle in front of the news crew, camped outside the Cabinet Office, appeared to be dragging. Slowly putting on his coat as he hopped out of the car, Christie was certainly not smiling and his usual practice of being ready to talk into the mic was all of a sudden not forthcoming. In fact, Christie actually declined the press.
Let’s put this all in perspective. Mr Christie had, up to that point, led his party into what were already three convincing election victories. He had won in ‘Lizzy’ on Feb 16th of 2010 against Hubert Ingraham. Christie then won again in the May 7th, 2012 General Election against Hubert Ingraham. And he had convincingly laid the most vicious and brutal cut-yinner-know-what on Hubert Ingraham when he took the seat from the outsted North Abaco Dragon in the by-election of October 2012.
Again, up to this point, Prime Minister Christie had become one of the most polished political gladiators of our time. Delivering victory after victory against Hubert Ingraham – who, everyone is convinced, had lost it.
But then came the Referendum of 2013.
Christie attempted to gather his chorale of election assassins, calling on them to “TAKE THE KINGDOM” when it came to the Vote Yes campaign. He engaged his most astute politicos on his councils, warning them that this was the big prize just ahead. But something happened and today is still happening which both Christie and the PLP have yet to see.
One: The PLP’s party election apparatus is in collapse!
Two: Mass Disaffection within the ranks of the PLP has begun.
Three: The FNM has changed its jockey [leadership] and the new Sheriff in town is beginning to take no prisoners.

Christie for one didn’t realize that it was Not Hubert Ingraham – his longtime friend and law partner – who was fanning growing “NO” Vote campaign. The new gunner behind the scenes of the NO VOTE campaign was Dr. Hubert Minnis and his red bloodless growing Saxons-like army.
By this time the new leader of the FNM was playing a different game against Christie and the emperor to this day has yet to realize that he has on NO Clothes.
The present-day Pharaoh, now losing confidence within the walls of the PLP and around the nation, had told the people “I have no horse in this race” when it came to the Referendum. But the Bahamian people were no fools. They saw the PLPs at the gates and at the polling stations during that 2013 Vote. Of course, Mr. Christie didn’t have a Horse in the race for the Referendum, because, before it could get into the blocks, Dr. Minnis and the Christian Council had made sure that that horse was dead on arrival.
And now, one year later, after the People of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas registered a rejection to the Government’s proposal to regulate and tax gaming in the Bahamas – not a damn thing has been done to change what was before.
Prime Minister Christie never lived up to his word to change the landscape of the industry, and, secondly, Mr. Christie has failed to close all illegal operations as promised.
Boy, the more things change, the more they remain the same.

Bahamas Press, supporting the regulation and taxation of gaming in the country, agrees that the matter, like many others by the PLP today, was poorly handled. We have long held the view that, when discussions to remove the vestiges of discrimination is had, the UNFORGIVABLE SIN prohibiting Bahamians from practicing gaming – as every other resident here in the country can do without fear of the law – must be corrected.
We asked before the referendum – WHY IS THE CHRISTIE REGIME taking the people down this road when they knew then it was a dead end street?
And so here we are in one discombobulated malarkey [IN BAHAMIANESE – JACKASSNESS]. More and more Bahamians are beginning to brand the Christie Regime as one “conundrum”; mixed up like conch salad but oozing a stench of raw sewerage.
The question of leadership will soon emerge deep within the walls of the PLP and even some MPs are beginning to question this concern already.
For example one must record the fact how Mr. Christie changed mind regarding his vote on the Constitutional amendment in the House back in 2002.
Now he says – a year later – that the referendum on gambling was not a good idea and that had he judge the temperature he would have not proceeded with a referendum. To Mr. Christie we say LATE AGAIN!
Now here we are; in less than 6 months we are facing VAT – in a year’s time, after it does its damage to all of us, will Mr. Christie say he made a mistake on VAT, too? The thought is frightening!
Indeed, Bahamas Press doesn’t mind the Prime Minister taking time to make a decision, but it is terrifying that, once a decision is made, after a period of time, that the decider rejects his own decision? This is the new crisis now unfolding within the PLP.
Unbelievable! You cannot run a country like that! George Bush still supports his decision to go to war in Iraq and Obama still believes in his Health Coverage Plan – Despite the fall-outs in both incidents. Leadership is just that: leading by ‘decisive action’ not by waffling on those decisions after the fact.
A rough and rugged road is ahead for the Christie Regime.