Butler-Turner pokes fun at challenged kids in the House!

She continues to embarrass the FNM and was last week in the House Laughing at her own Party
Nassau, Bahamas –– Today in the Parliament – after showing up more than an hour late to do the people’s business – MP for Long Island in another violent outburst called and shouted to an MP as he stood on the floor, “Sit down with your retarded self!”
The comment by the violent MP, who is also suffering from a mental disorder since 2009, forced the Speaker to order that the member cease her foolish talk, which attacked children across the country facing such conditions.
One mother from Eastern Road, after hearing the comments wrote BP saying, “I am surprised that the MP for Long Island would use such unparliamentary comments against another. There are many children in this community with this condition who need help. In my case my son’s condition warrants pure love and attention. Why would an MP, a mother, a woman, express such uneducated commentary and described such to another member of the House. This is a huge embarrassment for my party and something needs to be done.”
Last month Butler Turner slapped the MP for Fort Charlotte in the foyer of the House as they exited the chamber. Some believe the Long Island MP is having a serious relapse of a mental illness, which is now going untreated.
Also last week in the sitting of the House, Loretta began screaming in the House, embarrassing her own members as they argued against the Stem Cell bill.
Butler-Turner was heard from her seat loudly telling Government MPs – “I don’t know what they talking about – I supporting the Stem Cell Bill.”
Some say Butler-Turner’s condition is getting worse by the day and now she is turning on FNMs in the process.
We report yinner decide!