The DNA Calls Government To Get Crime Under Control


Leader of the Democratic National Alliances, Branville McCartney, is calling the Christie administration to stop with the idle talk about the crime situation in our country today and get the problem under control.

This is a crying shame, says Mr. McCartney. On the campaign trail they criticized the Ingraham administration in their colorful television ad and told the Bahamian people that the PLP had a plan to fight crime. But as the old adage says, “fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” Once again, the PLP fooled the Bahamian people into believing that they were ready to govern and get crime under control. The DNA says shame on us for believing in them again.

If this administration was prepared to govern from day one, the Bahamian people should be seeing it by now, particularly on this crime issue.  What exactly are their plans? The DNA feels that the recent call by Minister of National Security, Dr. Bernard Nottage, for another national crime forum is just one more in serious of stall tactics that will have no impactful end or outcome.

Mr. McCartney reminds the public that, from 2007, Dr. Nottage chaired the House of Assembly’s Crime Select Committee and has already gone through the process of interviewing and meeting with many of the key stakeholders in the community, including pastors and business owners, on this issue of crime. So, in addition to the countless number forums held and committees formed to address crime over the past 5 years, Mr. McCartney says that Dr. Nottage should be in possession of enough information to come up with a comprehensive plan to fight crime by now. He does not need to play this charade by calling any more meetings.

The DNA intends to forward Dr. Nottage a copy of its National Crime Plan that was produced after its own meeting with the Bahamian people on this issue last year July.  We invite Dr. Nottage and his PLP crime fighting team to look at the plan in their search for solutions.  By now his administration should be proudly unveiling their well thought out plans on crime going forward not calling on them for help.