The DNA want beat somebody too! But the media don’t want to remember that!


Not just Wayne Munroe but Branville McCartney want beatings in the square – But the Press has selective memory!

The Jan. 9th, 2014 edition of the Nassau Guardian reminds us all that Branville McCartney also wants flogging! But the Press OMITTED HIS VIEWS THIS PAST WEEK! INTERESTING!!!!
The Jan. 9th, 2014 edition of the Nassau Guardian reminds us all that Branville McCartney also wants flogging! But the Press OMITTED HIS VIEWS THIS PAST WEEK! INTERESTING!!!!

We just wonder if our friends in the WUTLESS MEDIA remembered this? Jan. 8th, 2014 The National Christmas Address by DNA Leader Branville McCartney published in the Nassau Guardian. He wants Public Flogging in Rawson Square… and Castrations for all sex offenders… But ya know, some people in media only remember what Wayne Munroe QC said last week….

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