The FNM Headquarters has Caught FIRE! MORE FIRE!!!


Carl Bethel soon to be FIRED as FNM CHAIRMAN.


Breaking news coming to our newsroom tell us the offices of the leader and treasurer has been burnt to the ground as the FNM headquarters caught fire early this morning.

Police are investigating a fire that occurred at the FNM Headquarters on Mackey Street. Sometime around 2:05 am on Thursday 14th July, 2011 police received information that the FNM Headquarters, Mackey Street was on fire. Fire Services responded and observed smoke coming from the roof of the building.

Hubert Ingraham is said to be off island while the incident occurred and Carl Bethel appeared disoriented as he was alerted about the fire this morning. WHO WAS SMOKING LATE IN THE NIGHT IN THE FNM HEADQUARTERS?

Fire personnel entered the building and observed a southwestern area, to which the fire was contained, engulfed in flames. Firefighters were able to extinguish the blaze within a short period of time. At present the cause of the blaze is unknown. Active police investigations continue.


    • I wonder if an effigy of PAPA was in his office when the FNM headquarters burnt yesterday morning. YA THINK THE FNMs was sending PAPA a message? LIKE, “MAN WE GOING DOWN IN THE WRATH OF THE BAHAMIAN PEOPLE!

  1. All evening I been wondering what could Carl Bethel have said to the recent visiting powerhouse Chinese delegation to Mackey Street, to make this FNM cabinet want to fire him so badly?

  2. Thank God no one was hurt.I hope this fire wasn’t set by an arsonist.We don’t need that kind of behavior is this country.Ours is a very stable democracy.We can at least be proud of that. Further,I don’t know why we are all getting all riled up.The PM has the best interest of the Bahamian public at heart.We must be patient.

  3. strange situation….. that building recently under went electrical repairs by Kenuths Electrical , located on Harold Rd…the same company mixed up in the N.I.B building scandal at sandilands

  4. this hatain PM we get killing our culture by showing hate towards we bahamians let’s get this sick monster out quick. they burning the wrong thing.

  5. Must be some Bahamians who tired of feeling like 3rd and 4th class citizens in their own country. Now they could go regularize some illegals and call them Bahamians and give them that peice of land too.

  6. BP just maybe bother Carl failed to impress the big powerhouse visiting Chinese delegation that broke with long-practiced diplomatic protocol, to call upon brother Carl at the Mackey Street “political” Headquarters of this governing FNM cabinet?
    The FNM needs millions for 2012 and we all know the money is not in the Bank, with money people once again telling the party that you cannot win without a major shakeup of the names to be placed on the ballots. They now realize that the Bran is going to take away important votes mainly from the FNM, and not as Papa had predicated from the PLP.

  7. This election will be like no other, the people are tired and fed up, the FNM head quaters is completly burnt inside, pitch black.

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