The Hon. Philip Davis Sworn in as DPM and Minister of Works and Urban Development

The Hon. Philip Edward Davis takes the oath as he is officially appointed Deputy Prime Minister and Minister with responsibility for Works and Urban Development during a ceremony in the ballroom at Government House on Wednesday, May 9. Governor General Sir Arthur Foulkes looks on.

Christie sits his deputy leader

NASSAU, The Bahamas – Governor-General of The Bahamas His Excellency Sir Arthur Foulkes swore in the Hon. Philip Edward “Brave” Davis as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Works and Urban Development, during a brief ceremony at Government House, on May 9, 2012.

Also present for the event were Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Perry Gladstone Christie and Mrs. Christie, Lady Foulkes, Members of Parliament, civic leaders, senior government officials and scores of well-wishers.

During his remarks, Deputy Prime Minister Davis thanked the citizens of The Bahamas and saluted “the people of our great country who led the way for change.”

“Thank you for believing in our vision to chart a new course for our country,” he said.  “I am grateful to be a part of that new direction that leads to opportunity for all.

The Hon. Philip Edward Davis (left) signs documents during a ceremony to mark his appointment as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Works and Urban Development as Governor General Sir Arthur Foulkes looks on.

“This opportunity comes from an innate belief in the potential of the Bahamian people to rise to the challenge, to prepare themselves and to work hard to achieve for themselves and their families.”

He added that the new government is “a team which listens to the people and are totally committed to putting People first.”

Deputy Prime Minister Davis said Bahamians made it clear to the newly elected government that it is time to safeguard communities and, by doing so, revive the country’s economy.

“Young Bahamians believe it is time to invest in them and open new doors of opportunities for them,” he said.  “As we move forward to make our Bahamas better, I extend to Bahamians of all political persuasions the olive branch of peace and goodwill.

“Let me begin this by offering my sincere thanks and appreciation to the former Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham and his Executive team for the good that they would have done.”

He added that the Government offers “special thanks” to the men and women of the Public Service and the security forces, who in the election process on Monday, May 7, once again, showed their commitment to “our beloved country”.

“Your work continues to shape the nation and to you, dedicated public officers in the thousands, I salute your commitment to country,” Deputy Prime Minister Davis said.

He added that the events that day also marked a great day for the people of his constituency of Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador.

The Hon. Philip Edward Davis (5th from left) is pictured in the ballroom of Government House following his appointment as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Works and Urban Development. Also shown from left is Mrs. Bernadette Christie, wife of Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Perry Christie; Prime Minister Christie; Governor General Sir Arthur Foulkes; Lady Foulkes; and Ann Marie Davis, wife of Minister Davis.

“For a fourth time you have sent this island boy back to Parliament,” Deputy Prime Minister Davis said.  “You stood with me through times of pain and celebration.  You stood with me in opposition and, today, in government. You trust me to continue the journey we started together back in 1991.

“Today is your day and our day together to begin a new charter for life of our country.”

Deputy Prime Minister Davis paid a special tribute to his wife, children, family and friends, especially acknowledging his mother, Dorothy, who was at the event, and his father, who died recently on April 25.

“Your support in my political journey is indeed invaluable,” Deputy Prime Minister Davis said.  “Big Brave (his late father) must be smiling today.”

“My fellow Bahamians, it is healing time,” Deputy Prime Minister Davis said.  “Together, as we move towards a bright future for our country, let us begin the healing process to set our country forward, upward, onwards together.”

He called on all Bahamians to “join hearts and minds to show the world that The Bahamas is a model to follow.”

“Let us join our hearts and minds to deliver change to our country, for today we are all winners — brothers and sisters under one GOD, one nation, one Bahamas,” Deputy Prime Minister Davis added.

“Let us go from this place ready to work; ready to lift up the lives of the weak and the down trodden among us; ready to create opportunities for our young people and build our society.”

“Let us leave from this place ready to evoke the spirit of greatness for our nation once again,” he said.  “Bahamas, It’s healing time!”