Parliamentary Committee is set to meet and investigate serious criminal matters on September 21th…

The Man whose name one in Parliament could call – LOUIS BACON!…
Nassau, Bahamas – Both Louis Bacon’s Save the Bays hired men Fred Smith and Adrian Gibson are on a crusade, they claim, to defend free speech in the country.
The pair may soon be called upon to appear before a Parliamentary Hearing on the legal matters involving Members of Parliament.
Both, though, were in the press last week suggesting that it is time to defend Free Speech.
In a piece by Smith, who we at Bahamas Press believe has taken his client Louis Bacon down a dangerous and costly road, has noted that at a time when, around the world, countries are abandoning “tyrannical” anti- free speech laws, The Bahamas seems increasingly to be keeping company with oppressive regimes and brutal dictatorships.
“The case of Maria Daxon highlights a very disturbing trend among our political classes and law enforcement of wanting to silence critics and those who exercise their freedom of expression by means of arrest and imprisonment,” he said.
Now what is interesting is the fact that Bacon’s Save the Bays, which Smith directs, is the same group that has called for and has had the courts gag the Parliament of the Bahamas from speaking freely. This is the same character that has so protected his client Louis Bacon that no one in the wutless media of the Bahamas mentions the HOLY and SACRED name of Louis Moore Bacon without filings of legal writs. NOT EVEN THE PARLIAMENT COULD CALL BACON’s NAME! WHAT IS THIS?
In fact, Smith, on behalf of Bacon, has served writs on a number of media personalities and houses, including Jones Communications, and has threatened to haul the 150-plus-year-old Nassau Guardian to court forcing them to constantly and repeatedly publish apologies in the newspaper to avoid being held for libelous commentary against his MOST HOLY, SACRED, SAINTLY and HALLOWED client Louis Bacon. What hypocrisy!
We at Bahamas Press believe, though, that the joyrides ventured upon by Bacon’s poor legal advisors against the State, The Media, Members of the Press, Members of Parliament and the People of the Bahamas are about to come at an abrupt and sudden end.
You see – some persons were paid to tell a story, paid to present damming and criminal evidence against individuals. They were hired to perpetuate a lie co-orchestrated by the former Chairman of the Free National Movement Michael Pintard suspect #1. Our advice to him is to come in and turn CROWN WITNESS!
All we ga say is this: It ain’t long nah!
We report yinner decide!