The NDP is set to split as Rollins joins the FNM


Third PartiesBreaking News <<< The NDP is on verge of collapse! BP is reporting Dr. Andre Rollins, who acquitted himself excellently during Elizabeth by-election, has completed his application to join the rank and file of the FNM.

BP can confirm the move has created a division in the NDP Party. Hubert has delivered to all third party his famous ‘Fish or Foul’ speech the same he gave to independent Larry Cartwright in 2006.

BP has learned Rollins is not the only fish now out of the small pond. Both Moncur and Stuart allowed Free National Movement lawyers to represent them in the recount room during the Elizabeth by-election. We are told they were all puns in the great scheme of politics funded by donors of the FNM.

All we at BP say is this; WE NEED CHANGE!


  1. No one really cares about those guys. They had their change and lost. This looks like a publicity stunt by the FNM.

  2. If this is true, I am not surprised at the move by Dr Rollins and no one should be either. We all knew that he and Cassius would eventually leave their parties. But what i am genuinely surprised at is how quickly Dr Rollins  jumped the NDP ship!

    The NDP is not even a year old. At least Cassius and the BDM has been around for roughly 10 years, but for Dr Rollins to leave his fledgling party so soon raises many questions.

    Dont get me wrong, I respect his decision, but his credibility has to be called into question because it was only a few weeks ago that he was all over the airwaves and on tv stating unequivocally the he and the NDP are in it for the long haul. Fast forward 9 weeks later, and he leaves the NDP!

    Why didnt he just join the FNM from the beginning? Why even get involved with the NDP in the first place? Did he use the NDP? Was this his plan all along? Did he have talks with the PLP as well?

    I think Dr Rollins has a bright future and has potential and i wish him well, i just hope he doesnt turn out to be another Paul Moss type.

  3. All I say is ha ahaha hah.Remember the ARMADA I spoke about before and during the bye election in Lizzy?Its becoming so clear now.

  4. Im surprise of Mr. Stuart, most people dont know thats Alfred Grey’s  son in law. Dr. Rollins is a very good good man I see him going far whether he is in the FNM or PLP. But it looks like hes joining the FNM…. best of luck to him. Now for Moncur lol no one wants him. If the FNM had Dr. Rollins running in Elizabeth I think Ryan was going to loose. Sands is too out of touch with the people.

  5. If this is true all I can say is…………………………………………………………………………..the two hottest politicians in da FNM!! Bran and Andre!!Da rest of y’all can argie da political side!!

  6. Is this true you mean bulla dun jump ship? Ill hold out fah proof and they looked so promising…….really shameless if this is factual info……..

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