The Paranoia Of The FNM & Others Opposed To PM Christie And His PLP Government Has To Stop!

FNM supporters in North Abaco will not support Ingraham again. Party must transition with new team and young people or face the music if Ingraham returns.
FNM supporters in North Abaco will not support Ingraham again. Party must transition with new team and young people or face the music if Ingraham returns.

By Jerry Roker
For Bahamas Press

We hear on almost a daily basis of a Government that works against the interest of Bahamians, that is not transparent and works only in the interest of foreigners.

The narrative being posited is that the government works only for big business and has no commitment to citizens at the lower end of the socioeconomic scale. In short, they have no social conscience at all and no empathy for those languishing in unemployment.

PM Christie is the target of choice for these well manufactured falsehoods designed to thwart progress in getting our people back to work.

The PM needs to plead guilty to courting business (Foreign Direct Investment) unabashedly because this is where jobs are created for all of us, irrespective of our political alphabet.

Business start-ups create jobs, business continuity means solid jobs, business expansions and steady growth result in more jobs and meaningful opportunity for promotion to deserving employees!

It simply boggles the mind how a strident and vocal segment of this community seem to perceive big and foreign businesses (Foreign Direct Investment) as the avowed enemy in a healthy economy, just where do they think jobs are birthed?

The only path to employment is to find a customer for your labour and the only buyer is business.

If you start your own business then you have created a job for not only yourself but others as well most likely. The government must attract investment that produces activity that equates to jobs. The lies being told and believed by people that should know better need to stop.

Why are the detractors so terrified at the government’s trajectory for success in a slow-moving economy?
The paranoia must stop as the rescue gains momentum for our citizens who need it and deserve it.
Those who are opposed to PM Christie and his government would do well to use their energy for our collective betterment and not scupper our recovery.



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