The PLP is boiling in a pot of chaos and Christie says he's "VERY HAPPY"!


val_4697<<< The weak leader of the PLP, Perry Christie, say he is happy with the state of the party, WOW!

This writer could not sleep last night after reading words by the Nation’s Pussy Cat, Perry Christie. The weak leader of the PLP had the gall in one of the wutless dailies to suggest that he is “Very Happy” with the condition of the PLP.

PLP insiders should not forget that it was Bahamas Press who advised them that Christie is nothing more than a FAKE sitting at the helm of their organization. It was just last year, 2008 when Hubert Ingraham delivered the largest tax increase in the history of the Bahamas on the Bahamian people. Members of the PLP approved that same Budget. Ingraham raised taxes on 166,000 items including the Bible, school textbooks, pencils, shoes and clothing for children. Christie said nothing! And today he is “VERY HAPPY”.

Early this year a member of his Senate team was hauled before the courts and another MP ‘Da Snitch’, questioned by police in a case of ‘EXTORTION’. That case resulted in the resignation of the PLP Senator and left cloud of speculation on that sitting MP. Many in the international press alleged that the MP was still at the centre of it all, and again Christie said nothing, but today he is “VERY HAPPY” with the rot of his party?

In early November the country learned that children – for years – at the Eight Mile Rock High School were being raped, tortured and molested by a string of educators, police officers and personalities in the Eight Mile Rock community. A community leader cried for help everywhere he could, but yet again to this very day, Christie has never spoken to the issue. Could his quietness suggest he endorse molestations? Is that something to be “VERY HAPPY” about Christie? Again, Christie has yet to address the issue though it was raised in the parliament. Hmmmmmm!

Then it was last year January, when PLPs began to see disenchantment in the party and an exodus of members began. Many young members left the organization. One MP was so disgusted at the plight of Christie’s weaknesses, that he crossed the floor of the House of Assembly, while some members of Christie’s own bench cussed the WUTLESS PARTY LEADERSHIP under their breathe. Again, Christie called it “old news” and we guess here again he’s “VERY HAPPY” and extremely please! As Paul Moss puts it kindly, they [PLP leadership] are cannibalizing each other and are “killing off the young”. Yes Christie is “Very Happy” with the chaos of his party.

And he should be because Ingraham, his old law partner, is paying him a handsome pension and salary to sit quiet like a Pussy Cat in the people’s parliament. Christie is “VERY HAPPY” whilst the nation reels into turmoil and decay with Clico policyholders withdrawing their children from colleges, hotel workers wiping teary eyes and joining the unemployment line. With 5,000 civil servants rocked with nightmares night after night with the unpleasantries of Mugabe, yet Christie says he is “VERY HAPPY” and never speaks to these issues affecting the people he seek to lead.

Well we hope he continues to stay that way because Bahamas Press has attained copies of some documents that will reveal “Christie charitable collections”, which will prove he is just like his former law partner, a “SELL OUT”! Get ready Christie the line is drawn between you and BP!


  1. Thank you Joe, I will be sure to look for them when I get to a Barnes & Noble this weekend. Is The Book of Negroes a novel or a bio?

  2. JR. May I suggest a book that you might enjoy? The Book of Negroes by Lawrence Hill. (This is a story of a free African girl turned into a woman and a slave and her journey through life and eventual freedom). Another that is equally facinating is Three Day Road by Joseph Boyden.

  3. JR :
    Lou, if this was a critical analysis using facts, figures and not another slash job tainted by BP’s open hatred for PC, then you would have a point. But this is what we have for discussion and I have to call it weak because that is what it is. Critical analysis using facts and figures works more than just an opinion and some hateful diatribe. Now if you think your children will learn anything from BP’s criticism that Perry wearing a read jacket, then more power to you. I need more meatier issues for discussion.
    [Reply]media Reply:May 27th, 2009 at 10:46 pmWell everything is WEAK to you JR once we target Christie and the PLP. But this is Bahamas Press and we have no allegiance to anyone. And that’s exactly why we are here, and you are there reading every post like a hawk. But we pride in your courage and commitment to this wonderful space of truth.
    We’re reading Obama’s book, ‘Dreams from my father’ and guess what your reading JR, BP….Amen….
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    BP, I call it weak because its another take on the same tired tale from you. Give us something new and with substance as opposed to this continuous anti Christie stuff over and over again. The PLP has problems that do not concern Christie’s “weak” leadership that you seem devoted to not writing about at all. You will call Obie a snitch and write about Perry and threaten BJ (whatever happened to the boycott and apology?) but you will never write about other people in the PLP who have a vested interest in all the Christie bashing. In fact, you write glowingly about them when you and anyone else who is around the PLP knows that this person has done more to destabilize the PLP than anything Perry could have done. I just want you to practice what you preach instead of this constant onslaught of the same tired stuff. Glenis ain’t walk on water yet you know. LOL.

    Now, as for my reading list, since you must ask. I am reading four books right now and not one of them a text. I’m reading The Night Gardener by George Pelecanos (my favorite author, and co creator of The Wire), Cracking the Code by Thom Hartmann, Bone in the Throat by Anthony Bourdain and The Magdalene Legacy by Lawrence Gardner. I come to this site to take a break and being on leave gives me the time to read through and chime in. I would pick up the Obama book but that would be doing what most pseudo intellectuals would run for. Pity nobody bothered to buy that book before he became a legitimate presidential contender. Don’t go there with me and my reading because I take it seriously and do four books at a time on a regular basis and have read quite a bit when not working. Thats why the differences in writers for this site are so obvious. Lately, the good writer has resumed his post. Bravo.

  4. @media

    @kevin mckenzie
    Thanks BP & KM for your response. Just wondering though, if the debt is now over $3 billion, what percentage of that debt occurred under PLP and FNM administrations?

    (BP you really making me think about becoming an investigative journalist)

  5. @john
    Thanks for the update John now we must contact our deep Throat on the RBPF. Standby for that update.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  6. BP sorry if I sound a little upset but HAI announced yesterday announced that we have a FOUR HUNDRED AND TWENTY TWO MILLION DOLLAR DEFICIT. That’s almost half a billion dollars! The national debt is over THREE BILLION DOLLARS! If that is what he is telling us, I can only imagine what the REAL figures are. We are in deep mess!!
    Furthermore I understand that the prime suspect in the murder of that young woman was one of those recently released criminals.
    We are going to hell fast!

  7. kevin mckenzie :Altec if you want to know the true state of the national debt and the ratio of debt to GDP contact the Central Bank.Mr.Ingraham said the national debt was $2.9 billion dollars and that translated into a 38.9% debt to GDP,however mr.Ingraham didnot include the government’s corporations debt which will take the national debt over $3.2 billion dollars and give you an over 40% debt to GDP ratio.You can easily verify my figures against mr.Ingraham’s figure by requesting this information at the Central Bank.I Hope Bahamians heard the prime minister stated that government will try to and attempt to not reduce the public service.Please civil servants take this as a wanting and reduce your loans and increase your savings.Every one must be careful how and on what they spend their money on,cut out unnecessary spending and stop trying to keep up with the jones.This is a bread with no butter and koolaid budget.The prime minister said after BTC is sold government will be looking to sell off more state assets (BEC,Water & sewerage)and with all these sales government will still have to borrow hundreds of millions of dollars.Indeed the prime minister said he didnot expect any decrease in borrowings until 2012 HMMMM.Folks please notice that unemployment is projected to increase but there was no increased in social services budget,that means the poor will have to get even less help from government.On the issue of Clico just as i had previously stated ,taxpayers money will be used to provide a guarantee of $30million to the buyer of Clico’s policy holders.Therefore the new owner will not have any risk to worry about only plenty money to be counted!!

    @kevin mckenzie

    Well if the new owners happen to be Colinaimperial, Manny would have no problem with counting the money. I think the biggest challenge for him would be providing proper customer service. That man just loves the smell of money, I believe in the mornings instead of putting on perfume, he would take some of his money and rub it all over his body, so he could enjoy the scent of money all day. That probably explains that strange odour.

  8. @bahngr
    Great question bahhngr, but here again the story speaks to the people to made the approvals. They have betrayed the Bahamian people.

    Bahamas Press

  9. Altec if you want to know the true state of the national debt and the ratio of debt to GDP contact the Central Bank.Mr.Ingraham said the national debt was $2.9 billion dollars and that translated into a 38.9% debt to GDP,however mr.Ingraham didnot include the government’s corporations debt which will take the national debt over $3.2 billion dollars and give you an over 40% debt to GDP ratio.You can easily verify my figures against mr.Ingraham’s figure by requesting this information at the Central Bank.I Hope Bahamians heard the prime minister stated that government will try to and attempt to not reduce the public service.Please civil servants take this as a wanting and reduce your loans and increase your savings.Every one must be careful how and on what they spend their money on,cut out unnecessary spending and stop trying to keep up with the jones.This is a bread with no butter and koolaid budget.The prime minister said after BTC is sold government will be looking to sell off more state assets (BEC,Water & sewerage)and with all these sales government will still have to borrow hundreds of millions of dollars.Indeed the prime minister said he didnot expect any decrease in borrowings until 2012 HMMMM.Folks please notice that unemployment is projected to increase but there was no increased in social services budget,that means the poor will have to get even less help from government.On the issue of Clico just as i had previously stated ,taxpayers money will be used to provide a guarantee of $30million to the buyer of Clico’s policy holders.Therefore the new owner will not have any risk to worry about only plenty money to be counted!!

  10. Yeah BP Snitch sure left a bad impression with the international press. It looks like his snitching finally catching up with him. Friends like him you really don’t need enemies. But keep him in hiding, I know he scared of you all, no matter how much he threatened to sue the press, he scared.

  11. Perry Christie at his worst is FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRR better than HAI at his best! You people are catching hell under the FNM and calling it a good time because you are too proud to admit that it’s your vote that got Hubert back in a place where he is screwing you over, left right and center!!!

  12. @tp
    Check the record my friend… I believe in being fair. I don’t believe in unneccessary attacks on no one even HI.. I believe that HI is bad for this country but not because I hate him.. I just did not believe that HI was interested in moving this country forward because of how long he took to accept the offer to return as leader of the FNM. FNMs were calling for his return for 3 years before he took up their offer..But he even did that in a Nasty way.. I can’t have respect for someone like that…

    I believe that HI should quit because he made it clear that he was NOT interested in returning to the leadership of this country and that the only reason he was there is because the people wanted him back!!

    Whereas I believe he should quit because he has shown that he does not want to be there by his weak policies this time around, I must agree with him that he is there because the majority of the people wanted him there!!

    And Media must understand that PC and HI are there because the majority of the Bahamian people want them there, that’s DEMOCRACY!!!

    Media just keep repeating the same stories over and over, just adding a little something new most of the time.. If Media has evidence to prove that these 2 men have done something illegal then he should put it forward.. What are you afraid of Media???

    Instead of putting any evidence forward, Media just keep calling them names and producing these stories that only prove that these 2 men might be guilty of MISLEADING the public or outright LYING to them but NOTHING illegal is ever produced!!

    Media has to write the stories without the sensationalism!!! Only then will he be taken seriously!! Like Ed Fields being fired and NO apology to his readers for MISLEADING them… He does the same thing that he beats down these 2 men for doing!!

    Amen that Media!!

    • @Objective thought
      Now Objective you suggest we keep saying the same thing over and over and over, but yet you keep refuting them over and over and over again. Sounds like our repetition has at least you hook! We’re not phase by any challenge placed to us.

      Bahamas Press/editor

      PS: Oh on the Ed Fields saga, we’ll not go into the details of that today, however both he and ATLANTIS know why they are extremely quiet on that. Just ask Mrs. Godet who they have yet to announce has left the resort.

  13. I just clicked on a 2007 story in which Elma campbell, the Minister for Immigration revealed that the department had issued some 4050 work permits in a three month period.

    FNM Government Approves 4,050 Foreign Work Permits in Aug., Sept

    “She revealed that in August, 1,650 work permits and 360 permits to reside were considered. In September, 1,100 work permits and 100 permits to reside were considered and in October, 1,300 work permits and 90 permits to reside were considered. Of these for the financial services sector, there were 50 applicants in August, 140 in September and 60 in October.”

    In light of the unemployment benefit scheme and the supposed connection to work permits, how can we be finding all those jobs for foreigners and
    Bahamians are losing almost as many jobs in each month. What are these work permits for?

  14. I had hoped that the issue of a land swap which would benefit Bahamians instead of a sellout would have provided a little meat for discussion and all I get is this trifle…..gentlemen PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. BP can you look into the level of National Debt to GDP for the Bahamas? I dont think the average Bahamian realizes how close the Bahamas is to having its dollar devalued.

    Since 1992 the level of debt has increase significantly and no one is bringing this to the attention to the public. Debt to GDP is almost 39%. Once the country passes 40% the IMF will come calling and we all know what that means.

    BP your the only real source of investigative journalism in the country. please look into this and report to the country your findings as the country has no clue how close the Bahamian dollar is to falling like the Jamaican dollar.

    Concerning the budget debate the fact of the matter is the government needs to downsize across the board. If my memory is correct, more than 30% of government revenue goes toward paying civil service salaries. that needs to be around 20%.

    The bloated civil service is the 100lb gorilla in the room that no government wants to touch because they are afraid of the repercussions but we all know thats where the knife needs to go.


      Bahamas Press/Editor

  16. Lou, if this was a critical analysis using facts, figures and not another slash job tainted by BP’s open hatred for PC, then you would have a point. But this is what we have for discussion and I have to call it weak because that is what it is. Critical analysis using facts and figures works more than just an opinion and some hateful diatribe. Now if you think your children will learn anything from BP’s criticism that Perry wearing a read jacket, then more power to you. I need more meatier issues for discussion.

    • Well everything is WEAK to you JR once we target Christie and the PLP. But this is Bahamas Press and we have no allegiance to anyone. And that’s exactly why we are here, and you are there reading every post like a hawk. But we pride in your courage and commitment to this wonderful space of truth.

      We’re reading Obama’s book, ‘Dreams from my father’ and guess what your reading JR, BP….Amen….

      Bahamas Press/Editor

  17. LOU :I don’t know what is wrong with you people on this blog – but I do hope that it is NOT…a reflection of the Bahamian people in general! Because, even Stevie Wonder could see, from the record that Perry Christie has ALWAYS, had the Bahamian peole at heart ! After all the insults he had to endure after Sir Lynden’s death, being called “vomit” etc, Mr Christie STILL pu a game plan together and brought deliernace to this nation! He may have been slow, but he thorough.. and he was True! True to his belief that he was going to champion the cause for relief to the Bahamian people! If it was me…I would have never come back! But even now, after All the negative talk, he is still “quietly” preparing a game plan to once again deliver this nation – before it is too late! But we, as a nation like too much talk and bully, that we just can’t stand the fact that Mr. Christie isn’t sayin much or responding to every thing! Ease-up ! I still believe that Mr. Christie can deliver, because he has ALWAYS been true to God…himself….and this wonderful nation..God bless the BAHAMAS….

    media Reply:May 27th, 2009 at 6:33 pm
    Well Lou if you think that’s Stevie Wonder in this RED SHIT and Gold banner, then you better go get your eyes tested. THAT’s The Nation’s Pussy Cat! Perry Gladstone Christie…And for an observation, what in the hell was he doing wearing RED in the heart of Bay Street? You mean to tell me the PLP colour is RED NOW-a-Days!? The Pussy Cat is a SELL OUT! OPEN YOUR EYE LOU, OPEN THEM WIDE!!!
    Bahamas Press/editor

    I know this has to be a joke ……

  18. One murder, one attempted murder and one WUTLESS budget communication today and BP talking about a days old article on PC?

    • Hey John why not you, Lou and Jr not come together and form a quartet with Christie. Go sing his praises and lick his sandals because whatever you trio is attempting to do on here it reminded us of how WEAK the PLP’s website is. Does it exist anymore? And what ever happened to that DIRTY mouth BRAT we named ‘THE VICKED WEBMASTER’ or was it ‘Da Wutless Webmaster’? Has he also left the party?

      Well you know LOU, JOHN and Jr, this all confirms how Christie has GAGGED even your voices. And guess what, according to the Tribune, he’s “VERY HAPPY”…

      Bahamas Press/Editor

  19. Weak stuff ??? With that kind of attitude, is the reason we are stuck with a weak Government, weak Union, weak Police force! I don’t need to go on with this. We never take the time to dialogue and come to sensble conclusions regarding issues that will affect everyone of us ..directly or indirectly. If not us, then our children and children children! If we had done it during the campaigning and stop just following the “noise” and the”crowd” then I truly believe we would be in a better position as a Country and as a Nation..I don’t know about you, but I certainly wish I could turn back the “hands of time”..

  20. @JR
    Boy JR, what you think BP would do if he finds PC catching a leak in the back of a building???

    BP grasping at straws!! All he gat is a bunch of tired stories on PC and HI!!! People are starting to take you for a big joke BP because you just say the same things over and over.. It sounds like you are obsess with Christie!!!

    • Well you take it for jokes Objective, but we say it as serious as a heart attack! In fact even Christie finds himself at the doorsteps of the ‘Toilet Paper’ asking for help after something is said on here about him to cushion the attack from BP. But the next time you see Christie Objective, please tell him for us, he should not be plagiarising material from anyone, BP nor the Nassau Guardian.

      Bahamas Press/editor

  21. Its hard to say anything positive of PC’s leadership ability…just so hard…hmm…hmm…he is good at setting up committees…

  22. I don’t know what is wrong with you people on this blog – but I do hope that it is NOT…a reflection of the Bahamian people in general! Because, even Stevie Wonder could see, from the record that Perry Christie has ALWAYS, had the Bahamian peole at heart ! After all the insults he had to endure after Sir Lynden’s death, being called “vomit” etc, Mr Christie STILL pu a game plan together and brought deliernace to this nation! He may have been slow, but he thorough.. and he was True! True to his belief that he was going to champion the cause for relief to the Bahamian people! If it was me…I would have never come back! But even now, after All the negative talk, he is still “quietly” preparing a game plan to once again deliver this nation – before it is too late! But we, as a nation like too much talk and bully, that we just can’t stand the fact that Mr. Christie isn’t sayin much or responding to every thing! Ease-up ! I still believe that Mr. Christie can deliver, because he has ALWAYS been true to God…himself….and this wonderful nation..God bless the BAHAMAS….

    • Well Lou if you think that’s Stevie Wonder in this RED SHIT and Gold banner, then you better go get your eyes tested. THAT’s The Nation’s Pussy Cat! Perry Gladstone Christie…And for an observation, what in the hell was he doing wearing RED in the heart of Bay Street? You mean to tell me the PLP colour is RED NOW-a-Days!? The Pussy Cat is a SELL OUT! OPEN YOUR EYE LOU, OPEN THEM WIDE!!!

      Bahamas Press/editor

  23. The collective blight of HAI and PC on the Bahamian people will be recorded as the Dark Ages in The Bahamas. These two useless poomps hate the Bahamian people and live their lives to be validated by a rich white man.

    The purpose of a leader in these times must be to move the Bahamian people forward not just find menial jobs.

    These two and their ilk can’t possibly do that when they are watching who gets what and trying to cover for their useless children.

    Unfortunately there will be people who continue to hope that something usefull will come forth from these jokers. They are like to sweetheart who gets fkd and promised every day but can’t see that nothing will change.

    There is no real difference between HAI and PC, they are cut from the same cloth. One was made into Bermuda shorts and the other panties. You figure out which.

    A prime example of this and the fact that they cannot and will not move the Bahamian people forward, is the allocation of land under the new developments in Nassau.

    In every case we have developers who are trying to pressure Bahamians to sell their land and homes for peanuts so that the developers can then resell them for millions.

    If HAI or PC had the Bahamian people’s interest at heart they would have made it a part of investors’ agreement that all existing land owners would get a developed lot in exchange for their existing properties. This would be a minimal cost to the developer but a gigantic leap for the Bahamian land owner. It would have actually moved the entire society forward because it would create hundreds of new millionaires.

    Of course the reality is that they both secured some token for themselves instead.

    BP you need to dig deeper on the crown land story.

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