The PLP is reponding to the TORCH LIES [TRIBUNE]


”]8th April 2011


There is no truth the newspaper report this morning that the PLP is investigating a missing political donation of half a million dollars or any other sum to its general election 2007 fund or any other fund.

There is no complaint now or before from any donor about a missing donation to the PLP of half a million dollars or any other sum to its general election 2007 fund or any other fund.

The story calls for speculation.  It is either the work of mischief makers who are too clever by half and for their own good or inept propagandists seeking to push the FNM line that somehow the PLP’s name is sullied in the eyes of the public.  In either case the party remains undeterred of  ridding the country of the FNM and Hubert Ingraham.

We are  fully focused on the issues: crime , unemployment and saving The Bahamas for Bahamians.

The PLP intends to win the next general election and by God’s help save the nation.


  1. the PLP is the best party for the bahamas. the only
    thing the PM has done for the poor people is fired them. did not renew any contracts if they thought you were PLP’s. then gave unemployment to the people trying to console them. people want jobs not unemployment checks or food stamps. Bahamians want to pay their own bills, not having social services invade their privacy doing home inspections before
    assisting the with BEC and Water & sewerage bills.
    unemployment is high, crime is high and rising (Tommy
    Turnquest) BTC is now foreign owned (51%),Contracts
    are awarded to foreigners (making top dollars and hiring bahamians to do all the low class jobs,paying
    our people the lowest salaries). selling the country
    out to the chinese. the bahamian black people will be
    stupid to vote for the FNM party in the next general
    election. I never thought i would have lived to see
    things so bad in this country. the poor people could
    hardly put food on the table, we are now subject to
    living without light and water. phone nowadays is
    considered a valuable asset. God help you now if you do not own a cell phone because the house phone is off because of non-payment. Roads are not a necessity
    or priority at this present time. all the roads are
    dug up all at once, this is a big inconvenience. the
    PM does not care because the road he rides everyday
    from home to work is paved. the business places he cares nothing about, dam if they closed down because
    it does not affect him or his family. The PM also
    retiring people who have worked for 20 to 25 years. He should be the first to retire, he is over 60 yrs,
    been working for over 30 years need i say more.
    borrowing monies like a wild person (take note Z.Laing) let out of the cage and implementing higher taxes on the poor people. Licencing for vehicles went up, no more discount for personal licence if payed for 3 years (it used to be $50 now it is $60) where is the encouragement for paying early (the government will be making interest on the monies paid in advance. the radar system at the airport needs updating,(new airport) without safety first to the Bahamian people or the tourist (which is our major industry). BEC employees (manager’s level) salaries have been cut(they are entitled to two sick days back to back without a doctor’s certificate (take note P.Neymour). and the negative list goes on Mr. Prime
    Minister. Actually I am so tired of you guys now i will save some juice for later. Now all the corrupt
    FNM,s wants to spread false rumors about the PLP party. the treasury was broke when the FNM lost in
    2002. Right now th government can,t afford to pay
    civil servants. with all the rising taxes draining
    the poor people the treasury seems to be going broke
    now again with election drawing near. The FNM will
    loss in 2012 and the country treasury will be broke
    again. You bunch of arrogant financial dummies.

  2. Here is what FNMs need to remember as quoted by Pierre The Independent Member elect for St. Margaret’s Constituency. Pierre Dupuch told the Nassau Guardian in its Friday 10 May edition that the FNM party lost the election because it failed to question or challenge the “democratic dictatorship of Hubert Ingraham”. Mr. Dupuch said “the FNM shot itself in the foot not once, not twice but with a machine gun. They did everything a sensible politician would not do. I think the people voted against arrogance and the dictatorial manner in which Mr. Ingraham performed along with his people…
    Now this is not a lie so defend this FNM spokepersons

  3. @ Tal.. This seems to be an official release that BP has posted. When I first saw the paper yesterday, the first thing that came to mind was that it was the work of FNM strategist seeking to frighten potential donors and weaken the PLP in the lead up to the election. The signs are getting clearer, elections are around the corner.

  4. “to push the FNM line that somehow the PLP’s name is sullied in the eyes of the public” Oh no, that’s not from the FNM, that’s a fact.

    “undeterred of ridding the country of the FNM and Hubert Ingraham. We are fully focused on the issues: crime , unemployment and saving The Bahamas for Bahamians.” How idotic; you’re only goal is to oust the FNM, as the PLP has not given ANY solutions to these three issues.

    Now you see “we report, yinna decide”, so make sure to post this comment!

    • Such slanderous tabloid journalism as reported in the Tribune does not warrant a response; what donor would give $500,000 to an MP? And which MP…either part would be fools to donate in such a way and be in receipt of such funds.Would the donor not say to the party leaders that I have given so and so some money for the campaign? Come on! And why does it only surface in the few months leading to an election? That kind of money is not given by way of cash in briefcases (maybe that’s what the FNM does) and no serious donor would do such a thing. All foolishness! and the Tribune is frightened that the house of cards is crumbling. Get real

      • Ya know Ephraim when I heard this story I was triggered to recall the money, Sir Duward’s gave to the top FNM dream team leaders. That money went missing in the LIZZY election, which was handled by BAG Men #1 and #2.
        Now in case you did not hear it yet, we are told Roscoe Thompson will be given a heavy funding from his grand father to run as an independent. Perhaps Sir Duward cannot TRUST THE FNM BAGMEN AGAIN!


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