The PLP WON! Obama Won and now everybody soon win!


VOTE ‘YES’ AND WIN BIG! Ingraham said he would do it..but didn’t have the COURAGE to change it!

Everybody Wins!

Nassau, Bahamas – When history looks back at this great time we are living in, it will record that the thousands on the side of justice and truth won over lies and misconceptions.

Even Ingraham in secret agree with gambling! Here was Ingraham at the poker table this summer. VOTE YES!
We believe – there’s that word again – that the time to deliver equality for all Bahamians is now! We believe something must be wrong when Mama is trying to box a .10 piece a number but cannot because for generations we decided to make it illegal for her to do so, while guests coming to the Bahamas can.


How did we get here?

What is sad is the fact that now political ghosts, who could not make gambling at web-shops legal for Bahamians under their 15 year rule in the Bahamas, are now coming out through the rag sheet, to tell Bahamians to vote against a right that they are entitled to.


Hubert Ingraham supported the idea to make it legal for mama to box .10 cents.

The present opposition leader also made his views known in support of the idea, so what has changed?

Why would anyone continue to echo the theme “do not believe in Bahamians or put them first”?

Why would anyone not want to remove the vestiges of inequality, particularly among the poor when it comes to this topic?

Why would Bahamians say no, when it is clear that something cannot be right about Bahamians being denied the right to throw their four ball while “others” can.


Yinner gata be outta ya damn mind to believe Bahamas Press will support or continue to accept the view that we cannot go into the web- shop without looking over our shoulders!

The times have change!

The wave of contentions on this one subject suggests the opposition wants to keep locking up hardworking people, mostly females, who only have a dollar and a dream; trying to parlay it into $900.

Come on now, have some heart! Let the people play!

The last crew who were in power failed to do it, and allowed the businesses to bloom like a green bay tree without any regulation.

And so; on the point of saving Bahamian jobs we say VOTE YES!

One the point of believing in Bahamians and putting them first we say VOTE YES!

On the point of broadening our equality and freedom we say VOTE YES!

On the point of expanding subsidies to educating our young and INVESTING IN BAHAMIANS we say VOTE YES!

On the point of delivering more financing towards cultural support like Junaknoo we say VOTE YES!

On the point of keeping the 100% Bahamian owned Business in Bahamian hands – WE SAY YES!


And so a new day is coming and we support Rt. Hon. Perry Gladstone Christie and his new generation team on this one!

We gata start somewhere!

And so we ga say it again: The PLP won! Obama Won! And now everybody soon win!

VOTE YES! We report yinner decide!