The PLPs are now hanging out with Lloyd “Duda” Edgecome who victimized PLPs on Bimini


Yinner think the PLP would ever investigate the Parks SCANDAL on BIMINI involving DUDA dem?

rom left in the photo are: Oscar Munroe, Island Administrator; Sherrick Ellis a Bimini resident; Hon. Obie Wilchcombe; Mr. Vandekreeke; Hon. Fred Mitchell; and Lloyd “Duda” Edgecombe, Bimini resident.   (BIS Photo/Vandyke Hepburn)
rom left in the photo are: Oscar Munroe, Island Administrator; Sherrick Ellis a Bimini resident; Hon. Obie Wilchcombe; Mr. Vandekreeke; Hon. Fred Mitchell; and Lloyd “Duda” Edgecombe, Bimini resident. (BIS Photo/Vandyke Hepburn)

BIMINI TOWN MEETING – Chief Project Manager for MSC Ocean Cay Project Michiel Vandekreeke, along with the Minister of Tourism and Member of Parliament for West Grand Bahama and Bimini the Hon. Obie Wilchcombe and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration the Hon. Fred Mitchell held a town meeting, August 4, to update residents on the Ocean Cay project.

According to Mr. Vandekreeke, the company desires to get involved with their new neighbours as they try to develop an environment that is vibrant, and one that will cause more people to see the wonderful country of The Bahamas. Once an industrial site, Ocean Cay is being transformed into a mega resort.

The company is eager to get input from the community and to advise of job opportunities and their environmentally friendly initiatives. It is investing some $50 million into the project with a target date for opening of December 2017.