The poorly managed road project announces more road closures


Work continues on the outside lane of the roundabout at the East West Highway. This photograph shows a roller compacting material in the outer lane in preparation for paving.

The Ingraham Roadworks are BAD FOR BUSINESS!

Nassau, The Bahamas – The Project Execution Unit of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport announced Friday that in anticipation of increased traffic volumes during the month of December, particularly during the week prior to Christmas, the Ministry and the contractor for the New Providence Improvement and Infrastructure Project are working on returning traffic to several key road corridorsby expediting works so that the first layer of asphalt can be completed.

The public is advised that Marathon Road between Samana Drive and the entrance to the Mall at Marathon (near Kentucky Fried Chicken) has recently been paved and opened to vehicular traffic. Motorists are now able to drive the entire length of Marathon Road from Wulff to Robinson Roads without diversions.

At the junction of Marathon and Robinson Roads there is a small section where the contractor continues to work. This area is expected to be paved by the Christmas holidays.

New traffic signals resembling those seen in the United States of America are being installed at the junction of Marathon Road and the East West Highway. The new traffic signals will complement the widening of this junction.

The public is further advised that the southbound lane of Baillou Hill Road near Family Guardian is opened. Two new lanes were recently paved on this section of Baillou Hill Road. From the foot of the hill heading south towards Soldier Road has been expanded and when completed will be a dual carriageway with two lanes of traffic heading north and two lanes of traffic heading south. Traffic is now flowing on the new lanes and has greatly reduced congestion in the area.

When completed Baillou Hill Road will have four lanes – two northern and two southern lanes. The photo shows construction of the lanes in progress.

Work continues to progress well on Baillou Hill Road north between Cockburn and Duke Streets near Government House. All underground works are now completed and the contractor has begun preparation for paving.

It is anticipated that paving in this area will be completed by the end of November. Efforts are also being made to pave Robinson Road between Third and First Streets before December 20 when the contractor breaks for the Christmas holidays. This area includes the junction at Market Street and Robinson Road.

The public is advised that temporary paving will be done in areas where work has not progressed to the first layer of asphaltso that motorists can have the best driving experience during the Christmas holidays.

Furthermore, it should be noted that many of the cones and concrete blocks that are being used in traffic management will be removed prior to the contractor’s Christmas break and the necessary traffic management will be reinstated in January 2012. Construction works are expected to resume on all outstanding corridors in January.

Base material has been placed on the roundabout at the East West Highway in preparation for compacting and paving. Despite construction traffic is still allowed to travel on the roundabout.