The Three Musketeers (THE FNM) Want to Censor Bahamians!


adfor1Nassau, Bahamas: What does Hubert, Manny and Eileen all have in common? Well yes they are all lawyers of course, but that is not what we seek to expose here. All three also are players for the Free National Movement. But that’s no new news. All three own or have a hand in over 90% of the media operations in this country.

We’ve learned that all three are now attempting to cause legislation to be tabled to BLOCK Bahamians with their access to the outside world via the internet. Now COULD YOU BELIEVE THAT?

It was the DUTTY ‘Toilet Paper’ Tribune, which initially called for the government to pass regulations to censure internet users here in the country. Yeah, we still cannot believe they called for that.

The Tribune in particular has a record, better yet a legacy of smear against anyone or anything in the Bahamas that presents BLACK LEADERSHIP. At times they have also taken swipes at Hubert. Their hatred meanders far back before the days of Lynden Pindling, and we are not surprise of their views today. As we said before, DAUGHTERS WHO DISCOVERED THEIR MOTHERS BURNED TO A CRISP IN HER BED SHOULD NOT BE POINTING FINGERS AND YELLING MURDER AT ANYONE. PERHAPS BP WILL TELL THAT STORY ONE DAY.

The Carrons who today, believes they should be the ONLY authority when it comes to media in the country. They in particular have made several calls for CENSORSHIP of all internet users. We can only speculate that their hope is to keep the control of THE CITIZEN’S expressions into their hands. However bloggers young and old know that that cannot happen anymore in this town. Websites like Bahamas Press has changed that forever!

Marquis is not the only RACIEST that has a view of this country. Nor does Ingraham hold the singular pleasure of our fate. But yet these KNUCKLEHEADS still believe only they have the exclusive rights to the dissemination news and information in this Bahamas.

Their shared arrogance and ignorance on news and information gave rise to Bahamas Press. We believe that in this time of CHANGE and explosion of ideas, that there is no room for online censorship in our Bahamas! Bahamas Press has exploded in readership. We have allowed dialogue. We have OPENED our web portal to opposing views. We have welcomed friends and foe to share in our discussions. Yes, and we believe in the SPIRIT of DEMOCRACY, that everyone has a right to their own opinion. EVEN THOSE OF A CLOUDED MIND LIKE JOHN MARQUIS. He too has a right to his own opinions. But should that means that he should be censored? WHAT UTTER NONSENSE!

We at Bahamas Press welcome Hubert ‘Da LACKEY’ Ingraham’s bid to draft legislation to regulate the internet here in The Bahamas. Bahamas Press’ registered URL is outside this COMMUNIST PARADISE. And we want them to know, especially those who think they can stop us, that whilst they dream of stopping the freedoms of THOUSAND OF BAHAMIANS ONLINE, we would continue to educate the wider Globe of the injustice these THREE MUSKETEERS ARE MAKING. They have hijacked THE MEDIA THIS COUNTRY CALLED THE BAHAMAS! And are now attempting to CENSOR THOSE WHO USE THE INTERNET!291008top

This would be a first by a democratically elected FNM government to attempt to pass laws, like their new found communist friends halfway around the world, to hinder the freedoms of a people. Theirs will be a first to regulate the internet and its content here in the Bahamas, as they move to GAG ALSO members of the wider GLOBAL online readership. These are some serious Musketeers! They’re putting Hitler to SHAME!


  1. Drama King :

    kevin mckenzie :John Marquis would have Bahamians believe that the drug trade began with Pindling,however smugglers from the prohibition era were smuggling rum and dope from Bimini into Florida during the 1920s some 10 years before the birth of Pindling.Mr.Marquis claims that he is writting history of the 1980s but refuses to interview the very much alive Carlos Joe Ledher who was the number one drug smuggler during that time and why doesn’t Marquis name the still living police officer that he alleges was Ledher’s mole on the police force?since Marquis claims he is writing the truth it should be able to stand up in court if the senior police officer sue for deframation/slander.perhaps Mr.Marquis could also inform us about how mr.Kendal Isaacs then leader of the FNM met mr.Ledher and the amount of money mr.Isaacs was paid for legal works by mr.Ledher.Mr.Marquis should also reveal the role that the American CIA played inthe drug trade through the Bahamas during the 1980s and the CIA smuggling of weapons from the Bahamas to Nicaragua.these information can be easily accessed from the IranContra hearing files.Finally,mr.Marquis can please name one country that has no illegal drug problem .

    Dont forget to remind Mr. Marquis to interview Henry and Janet Bostwick who were also employed by drug dealers to do legal work. As a matter of fact I stand to be corrected but I am almost certain there was some scandal about Janet Bostwick being the godparent of the child of some big time drug dealer.

    That’s why she had the nickname “Goddie”. Add Sir Orville to that list as well.

  2. kevin mckenzie :John Marquis would have Bahamians believe that the drug trade began with Pindling,however smugglers from the prohibition era were smuggling rum and dope from Bimini into Florida during the 1920s some 10 years before the birth of Pindling.Mr.Marquis claims that he is writting history of the 1980s but refuses to interview the very much alive Carlos Joe Ledher who was the number one drug smuggler during that time and why doesn’t Marquis name the still living police officer that he alleges was Ledher’s mole on the police force?since Marquis claims he is writing the truth it should be able to stand up in court if the senior police officer sue for deframation/slander.perhaps Mr.Marquis could also inform us about how mr.Kendal Isaacs then leader of the FNM met mr.Ledher and the amount of money mr.Isaacs was paid for legal works by mr.Ledher.Mr.Marquis should also reveal the role that the American CIA played inthe drug trade through the Bahamas during the 1980s and the CIA smuggling of weapons from the Bahamas to Nicaragua.these information can be easily accessed from the IranContra hearing files.Finally,mr.Marquis can please name one country that has no illegal drug problem .

    Dont forget to remind Mr. Marquis to interview Henry and Janet Bostwick who were also employed by drug dealers to do legal work. As a matter of fact I stand to be corrected but I am almost certain there was some scandal about Janet Bostwick being the godparent of the child of some big time drug dealer.


    Liquidators at the failed CLICO (Bahamas) has informed Guardian reporters that, the company is almost cleaned out and only a few will get their money back. However, the regulators and the Prime Minister has not said a word to the Thousands of Policyholders who stand to lose their entire investment.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  4. John Marquis would have Bahamians believe that the drug trade began with Pindling,however smugglers from the prohibition era were smuggling rum and dope from Bimini into Florida during the 1920s some 10 years before the birth of Pindling.Mr.Marquis claims that he is writting history of the 1980s but refuses to interview the very much alive Carlos Joe Ledher who was the number one drug smuggler during that time and why doesn’t Marquis name the still living police officer that he alleges was Ledher’s mole on the police force?since Marquis claims he is writing the truth it should be able to stand up in court if the senior police officer sue for deframation/slander.perhaps Mr.Marquis could also inform us about how mr.Kendal Isaacs then leader of the FNM met mr.Ledher and the amount of money mr.Isaacs was paid for legal works by mr.Ledher.Mr.Marquis should also reveal the role that the American CIA played inthe drug trade through the Bahamas during the 1980s and the CIA smuggling of weapons from the Bahamas to Nicaragua.these information can be easily accessed from the IranContra hearing files.Finally,mr.Marquis can please name one country that has no illegal drug problem .

  5. The stranglehold, put simply, the media has on this country will slowy begin to erode, thats what the fear is. We will not have to put up to much with one sided stories next election, it will be a free for all. All opinions meshed together, plp,fnm and ndp.

    The writings of john marquis, and his insatiable, hate for the plp and anything black, will soon be relegated to cleaning the car window
    blogging is the future of politics in the bahamas and it will bring change.

  6. This is just another case of something the Tribune was pushing from almost two years ago when they were writing about the email on Ozzie “Who’s Afraid of the word Murder” Brown that circulated, trying to say it was the PLP Admin who was behind that. Then they tried to do it with Bahamas Potcake. Anytime a blog comes up and develops a following and can expose the things the Tribune either can’t or doesn’t want exposed, they call for a shut down.

    There is no need for any new laws More Hands. The laws protecting people from libel and slander already exists so that foolishness by Desmond Bannister and Michael Barnett is proof that as chief lawyers, they don’t know all they claim to know. What is missing is the means to police and enforce any claim of libel against an online blog. There are a number of hurdles preventing any regular joe from just finding out what they need finding out but the government and their cronies such as Cable Bahamas and BTC can find out what they need easily.

    All they need to figure out is how to prove who said what and that is the part that remains almost impossible for them to do. Media, I wouldn’t waste my time worrying about this because when the shoe was on the other foot and they had sites like calling people all kinds of names and calling people dogs and gorillas, and was very anti PLP, anti Black, it was alright with them. I remember how that wannabe KKK Larry Smith described eBloggy when he was trying to shut down Potcake. He said that they were “humourous”. I guess its funny when they’re dissing black PLPs but let the pendulum swing back on them.

    Media, keep doing what you doing and don’t be punked on this one. They can’t shut you down. If they could, it would have happened already.

  7. Morehands….its seems like your recent absence has done wonders for you. I cant believe that I am actually agreeing with some of what you said. lol….I am taking off one of my boxing gloves.

    Also I am appalled that Bahamian teenage pornography exists online.

  8. @Morehands
    Well we hear you morehands, but we still stand by the fact that the persons making the whistle should not decide who should also hold the whistle. Something must be wrong with that picture.

    But we know why they are asking for what they want done. We’re putting the Whistle Makers OUT OF BUSINESS!

    Good TRY though.


  9. BTW. I DO NOT agree with the point that no one conglomerate should control the majority of the media houses. My position has nothing to do with that. I imagine Carron, et al are jealous that newspapers are censored and internet sites are not.

    It has always been the history of the Bahamas that whoever owns the money owns the nation. Its that case in media, in real estate, on Bay Street, in insurance, in the medical system, in the numbers houses, in the phone card business, in the jitneys, in the taxis, in the heavy equipment field, etc, etc.

  10. @media
    Its not about who owns what or how they own. its about if what is said/posted is criminal.

    The concern is not about BahamasPress. BP is only a small pawn in a ever growing ocean. More and more sites are appearing everyday.

    My simple (even though very lengthy) point is that it is about time that we update of constitution to reflect global trends. Ever other modern country in the world is debating the exact same. Just do a web search on internet censorship, etc. And when we are finished in this area we can then move on to update the many other archaic sections of our Laws.

    There MUST have some level of censorship/education about the proper, legitimate use of the internet. Our mouths are only hard when we are at the leading end of the whipping stick. The legislation is to protect those on the whipping end. I have been there and have done that – its not a good feeling for people to say whatever they want about you in emails and websites and there is nothing legal you can do about it (even though I found some illegal methods very effective in stopping the foolishness).

  11. Morehands although I agree that people should have to prove their assertions online. I do not think that it is far the the person who is whole or part owner in The Tribune, the Guardian, 100 jamz, Joy Fm, Cool 96, Star 105, and the other radio station (I forget what it is called) and also Indigo Networks should be the one calling for reform when she basically owns the news. When you have the monopoly on the media you can sway people to think a certain way which is why websites like BP are not just wanted but necessary. We can no longer call ourselves a true democracy if we can not make up our own minds. Although some of the internet site are a bit out there and not really news orgs but blogs the point still remains that more NEWS comes from the internet these days than the morning dailies who pick and choose what they want you to know which is probably why they are a dying breed.

    The news industry in the Bahamas is horribly archaic and there is basically zero competition for exclusives, which is why we never get any real news, except press conferences and releases. The first thing that needs to be done by the government before the try shutting websites is to pass the freedom of information act that they keep promises but knowing Bahamian politics that probably will never get done and if it is it won’t until the end when it will only effect the next guy.

  12. @Morehands
    Well morehands what do you have to say to the people who owns 90% of the media pushing for such a law in the first place? Don’t you think something should be done to regulate that HOGGISH behaviour to control ALL THE MEDIA?

    Don’t you think the LAWS that govern persons who own newspapers and radio stations should not allow one group of persons to control everything? Better yet let me put this in a context so that you can understand it better. Let’s assume we at BP own all websites you view (MOREHANDS). Do you think it’s fair for us to be allowed to own all and BLOCK YOU every time to log on?
    That is what these Musketeers is doing to the thousands of letter writers of this town. And They also have done the same to all those callers of talk shows. What talk show does the WUTLESS ‘Toilet Paper’ stations has for you to call in Morehands? they have CENSORED YOUR OPINIONS ALREADY and now they talking about Bahamas Press. Have you ever heard of the word VIOLENCE MOREHANDS? READ carefully into our question.

    How can you see something wrong with the proliferation and freedoms websites have and cannot see something wrong with one persons running 10 media facilities here in the Bahamas?

    They want stop us this one LITTLE poor boy garden, whilst they own all the mountains and LAND? Come on Morehands give our readers a BREAK!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  13. I am not a proponent for the blocking of websites but I am a supporter of something being done to update our legislation to reflect newer technology. Presently we can say and post whatever we want all over the internet without fear of reprise from Bahamian law, as long as the server is located outside the Bahamas, you are using anonymous names and your IP address cannot be traced back to you by an external source (other than the moderator of the site).

    Unless there can be some level of fear of us being careful of what we can and cannot do on the internet, a bunch of people will get themselves in a whole pile of trouble.

    Last night I visited a new Bahamian photo/video forum site and was appalled by the number of schoolage Bahamian females and males who upload indecent videos of themselves in order to get the most votes. We will soon hear of many teenagers getting expelled from schools and suffering abuse from parents for their videos. The site targets kids and has no apparent form of censoring/monitoring on it. Someone registering as a 12 year old can post whatever they want and access whatever they want on the site. The stuff posted by adults are awful as well.

    All this because we have not yet taught our people what is right and wrong to do online.

    Commendably, as despicable as BP is at times in its own posts, at least BahamasPress does have levels of monitoring and censoring. Good job on that Media.

    I would like to see the legislation go ahead but without the actual blocking of sites. Their is a fine line between freedom of speech and criminal action.

    Cable Bahamas and Batelco can say who visited which site and what files were upload and downloaded, but not which texts were posted or read. The question will be whether the laws of the country has control over information accessed/posted using the Bahamian-based internet service providers and can prosecute the owner/moderator of Bahamian websites for the content of their sites. Remember, our internet laws have not been created yet like in US, Canada and UK. Some countries do hold webmasters accountable for their site content.

    So Media, as long as “WE” stay anonymous and don’t upload/download media to/from BP we are safe – ITS YOUR BUTT THAT’S ON THE LINE!! But not to worry if you get arrested we will get ASOVE involved and hold demonstrations outside the HOA demanding your immediate release.

    Listen to our shout “FREE BP!! FREE BP!! FREE BP!! FREE BP!!”

  14. THAT’S RIGHT MEDIA…….GET EM!!! Bahamians need to learn who really runnin our country. Even OL’ DB ie HAI have to answer to someone. These are the same people who pumped all the money into his 2007 campaign and are now free to reign.

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