The Tin Man, The Straw Man and the Heartless Lion Visit Dorothy!


dsc_6451-largeIt was like a scene out of Frank Baum’s novel the Wizard of Oz, where three members of the FNM brigade went to the Home of Cyntia ‘Mother’ Pratt to share her grief. Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham, National Security Minister the Hon. Tommy Turnquest and Labour and Social Development Minister the Hon. Dion Foulkes visit was following the passing of her husband Joseph Pratt. The visit took place on Saturday, March 28, 2009.

Where could this photo be leading? Could Cynthia Pratt contemplate leaving the PLP if she is ousted as deputy leader of the party? And why has Perry Christie not share a similar photo with his deputy as yet? LATE AGAIN!

We at Bahamas Press do feel mother’s loss, however she is a STRONG WOMAN! And looking from this photo we are sure the FNM really cares for a person who has strong with the masses.



  1. My condolences to the Pratt family…. I never know what to say during these kinds of times having lost my father and my mother, it’s hard…. My prayers go out to the Pratt family…

  2. Stop the Insanity!!! :I read a statement given by Perry Christie after Mother Pratt’s husband passed. Just because you did not read it (R.P.) or BP did not read it, does not mean that there was none issued. He spoke about him(the deceased) and the contributions he made to the PLP, he spoke about his being a former employee at BEC and said that he would be missed by all that knew and loved him.Those FNM’s just loved to be seen doing things that make them look good. This should have been a quiet moment of paying respects and giving condolences and NOT a photo-op.

    Re-read my statement.

    You would see in there that I acknowledged that the PLP did indeed visit and that there was a statement made.

    You miss the point of my post completely, becasue you have already looked at this in political bias.

  3. I wish to send mu condolences to Mother Pratt and her entire family for their lost and will keep them in y prayers.

    BP/Media and everyone that blog on this site as I sit here in my office at my desk I just returned from a trip to our public treasury to pick up a check and folk es I left that office in a state of shock I was so shock to see the office that our Public Treasury is operating out of it is nothing short of shame and disgrace what have this government brought our nation too …I don’t know if they are renovating or if there is some sort of new building being built or this is just what it is ….when I saw where and in what office they where working out of in my opinion it is not conducive to what a Nations public treasury office and revenue office should be we as a people should be ashamed of what we have come too.

  4. I read a statement given by Perry Christie after Mother Pratt’s husband passed. Just because you did not read it (R.P.) or BP did not read it, does not mean that there was none issued. He spoke about him(the deceased) and the contributions he made to the PLP, he spoke about his being a former employee at BEC and said that he would be missed by all that knew and loved him.
    Those FNM’s just loved to be seen doing things that make them look good. This should have been a quiet moment of paying respects and giving condolences and NOT a photo-op.

  5. Only those three men knew what their motives were when they decided to embark on this journey to Mother Pratt’s home. I believe Mother Pratt has had many associating with these men and she should have a little insight about their characteristics and she will be able to detect if they came to see her with a pure heart or if this was a PR stunt. The good thing is whatever there motives may have been; at least they came out and showed their faces and they have the picture to prove that they were there.

  6. Joe Blow :
    If this picture was not taken you all would be castigating them for not calling on her, just as you are complaining about Perry Christie.

    Exactly…..It’s a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation. the same goes for The PLP heads. After all, hardly anyone aside from the PLP has made a statement that condolences was personally paid by PLP leaders, and because of this even BahamasPress has highlighted the fact that nothing public has been produced, which misleads people to wonder whether Mr. Christie is even checking for his own team within the party.

    So, making that observation, some may think this was tasteless, but when push comes to shove, seeing is believing, and people will see this pic, and not poorly distributed press releases.

    Sad that this even has to be a political issue. But I think some in politics, and Mr. Ingraham in particular knows that the electorate remembers things through the pictures, and not always with words and private gestures.

  7. The three men pictured have the utmost respect for Mother Pratt. If this picture was not taken you all would be castigating them for not calling on her, just as you are complaining about Perry Christie. All of you need to grow up and stop your unseemly behaviour and start putting your country first. It is a lovely picture, which I am sure Mother Pratt will cherish.

  8. warren :
    Please, the mere fact that they went and expressed their sympathy was a decent gesture. I agree when we going to see Mr Late Again.

    You buttlicking clone. Perry was at hospital shortly after Joe passed away, along with Fred Mitchell and Glenys and Paulette Zonical and a few others. This photo was a stunt because if they really gave a rat’s tail about Mother, they would have gone there, express their condolences and that would have been that. Taking a photographer is only proof that the three of them couldn’t find a heart if it was grafted to their heads. BP, I hope you do a story on how that big nose plantain eating Stephen’s Close ripping off Dion Foulkes is trying to deny that things are tough in Andros after the people put the video on Youtube. Dumbo Dion mussy forget that pictures don’t lie like he does eh? Expose them BP.

  9. That was tasteless of them to go to see Mother and take a photographer with them. Talk about trying to capitalize on someone else’s sadness. At least Perry had the class to leave the photographer out of the mix but these shameless bastards don’t have it like that. The only ones missing is that sudgy mouth Laing and screw faced Earl Deveaux. A**holes!

  10. For real though, looking at this picture it does look like a scene from the movie the Wizard of Oz. All they need to do now is a little bit of singing and dancing and then they will be right on target.

  11. A child could see this is a PR stunt. If you are going to give someone your sympathy go with your heart, not with the press. If I was Mother Pratt I would have to question their sincerity, I would of told them my husband just die and I just can’t handle all the lights, camera, and action right now, leave me alone and let me grieve my husband in peace.

  12. The PLP leader and the Parliamentary team was at the hospital with Mother Pratt when her husband passed. They just didn’t see the need to make a photo opp out of it.

  13. BP, and like Dorothy dreamt that she, her dog Toto, and the farmhouse are transported to the magical Land of Oz. I think the “Good” Mother Pratt, never recovered from that magical DREAM the PLP sold her on Baha Mar. (it sounded so good). Mr. Ingraham seem to be telling Mother Pratt. “…Is was all just a dream, nothing but “PIE IN THE SKY, please follow the “RED” brick road.”
    In closing, can any on fine “Toto” in that picture? Toto was Dorothy’s dog who always stood by her side in “CHALLENGING” times?

  14. I do not think anything untoward is planned by the FNM bcos after all Tommy is minister of National Security a position once held by Mother.The Prime Minister loves hanging out over the hill and would love nothing better than to capture some grassroot seats come the next General Elections.As members of her own party the PLP does not need to have a photographer present when they visited Mother.Saint Crcilia is PLP country and no gimmick like this is going to change that.I suspect that the PM of whom I am no fan was offering some privileges to Mother for the funeral.I will see how this plays out b4 I comment further.

  15. Please, the mere fact that they went and expressed their sympathy was a decent gesture. I agree when we going to see Mr Late Again.

  16. It’s all political. If they really meant Mother Pratt well, they would not have the media present. It’s a political stunt. Sometimes it’s not always to have the media present.

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