The U.S. Embassy announces changes to the Non-Immigrant Visa Application Process


Beginning March 15, 2010, U.S. Embassy Nassau requests that all non-immigrant visa applicants complete the web-based DS-160 Non-immigrant Visa Electronic Application in order to apply for a non-immigrant visa interview.

These changes are part of our continued effort to provide excellent customer service, streamline the visa process, and decrease wait times.  The DS-160 application will replace the DS-156 application and the supplementary DS-157 and DS-158 application forms that are required of certain visa applicants.  More than 30 U.S. Embassies and Consulates worldwide have already successfully switched to the DS-160 form.  Applicants scheduled to apply March 15 or later should use the new DS-160 form.

The U.S. Embassy remains committed to facilitating legitimate travel to the United States.  The new electronic application will speed up and simplify the application process by allowing applicants to upload their own photographs into the form.  The electronic form also transforms the visa process into a “green” and environmentally friendly operation by eliminating entirely the need for paper application forms.  These changes will increase the number of visa applications that Consular staff can process daily, resulting in a shorter wait time for an appointment.

The DS-160 application can be accessed on the internet at
For information on the non-immigrant visa application process, please visit the Consular Section’s web site at


  1. very good idea. somethin papa and the white pupet should look into doing. anyone else remembers the fact that the deadline to crossover to the new epassprt has already expired but ppl are still traveling without it. boy i tell ya. God mussy have to come out heaven and personally bring about change in this country. SLACKNESS CAN’T DONE!

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