Nassau, Bahamas – Bahamas Press could not help but note the sad state of labour throughout the country, and point out how both the FNM and now the DNA has further made it quiet here in the country.
The record of the FNM is clear. They have “gunned down” the Bahamian worker like a gunman holding an A-K 47. They terminated workers at ZNS, BEC, The Hotel Corporation, Police, Customs, Immigration, and now the bloodbath is about to commence at BTC. That’s the record of the FNM!
They sat idle, just like the president of the hotel union, and watched as hundreds of workers in the hotel sector were slapped to the ground like the bodies slaughtered heaped under a cloud of flies in the Rwandan Genocide.
And while today more than 40,000 workers stand outside the door looking for work, the leader of the FNM stood absent at the side of workers during yesterday’s march.
For over four years now the FNM leader has refused to march with the voices of labour and his absence is telling; THE CHIEF IS A LEAK!
We are not surprise, and moreover, Bahamians are left for dead in the minds of the FNM. They hope the “poison chalice”, they delivered to the Bahamian people on May 2, 2007 will work again so the next time they get elected, they could hire the Chinese, Argentineans and Canadians to bury whatever is left Bahamian.
But you know, we all agree the FNM is off the table this time around, and we now turn our attention to the Democratic National Alliance, which clearly has the FNM’s DNA.
You see, recently the organization granted entry to Rodney ‘Hammer’ Moncur and Worker’s Party into the fold. They brought the ‘Hammer’ on with some wind of a promise. Hammer is a Nationalist. A real advocate for Change, but what has happened to his voice in labour of late has left us shock!
Everybody and ‘dey mah’ know, Hammer is a man who likes to march. In fact, Hammer and the Worker’s Party have marched and marched and marched for almost every single major national issue for the last 35 years. However, yesterday the Great Voice for Labour was hushed into a van on the side of the road and like the FNM, Moncur’s DNA delivered him as a ‘WATERBOY’ overnight. What the hell is this?
Sir Randol Foulkes must be standing up in his grave. Could you believe what has happened to labour in this country?:
• Some 5,000 school-leavers are set to join the long unemployment lines.
• Some 40,000 Bahamians are thrown out of work and under the bus by the FNM; and more workers are being axed everyday.
• Grand Bahama is experiencing the worst economic storm in a century with almost 30% unemployment, where one-third of the residents are currently without power supply.
• More than 700 workers are being forced to retire at BTC by its new foreign owners called LIME.
• Over 5,000 work permits are being approved by the department of immigration to allow foreigners jobs into every sector of this economy.
And while all this takes place Papa, The FNM, The DNA and Rodney Moncur are all on the sidelines handing out water and are asking us, “Are ya tired yet?
@ AAL Lowe, it is really folks like you that disgust the hell out of me. Belinda as president of the BUT, is out there with her ghetto A$$ remarks, and her violent threats, and you on the other hand want to defend such utter nonsense. do you have children of school age? is this the kind of leadership we want for our country and lastly do you think this is a good example she is setting for our children? with all the murders being committed in this day and age. heaven help us all, cus surely there is no vision with this woman…
So when someone tells you they are going to war and fight for their rights here in the Bahamas do you really believe they are going to take up arms. Lets use commonsense Sausagehead she dosen’t mean that literally. Its a metaphor for I have the means to convince you to provide me with what is owed to me. And in this case I believe she means having the teachers withdraw their service. Unlike some of the other unions, BPSU in particular, she don’t do back room deals and she is saying to the powers that be don’t try to ignor me because it coming.
It was insulting to listen to the President of the Bahamas Union of Teachers (BUT) Belinda Wilson talk about having her stack of rock ready to throw at the Government. It is NO WONDER we have rude NO MANNERS students when we have RUDE, NO MANNERS Leaders who condone violence as a part of negotiations.
I call on Belinda Wilson to apologize for her comments IMMEDIATELY.
BP, last night at junkanoo in Freeport, a soon to be fired employee of BTC, said to me with sadness that never in his wildest dream did he see BTC headed in this direction. He went on to say that he thought when he left that place it would be to other Bahamians
but, that is not so. BTC, has been turned over to outsiders and it appears, Bahamians will be the minority sooner than later.
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