THEY ARE RAPING THE COUNTRY! Adrian Gibson makes huge land purchases recorded by Alexandria Mackey!


Elite Maintenance Mackey quits top banking job and has left town since saga at WSC began! More files drop showing land purchases by WSC Chairman Adrian Gibson…

PM Minnis and Gibson.

NASSAU| Since neither Water and Sewerage Chairman Adrian Gibson, nor OUTGOING Prime Minister Hubert Minnis will not answer how funds inside the Corporation ended into a company called Elite Maintenance we are going to report. Gibson’s lover Alexandria Mackey was a part owner in the company, and thus we now will begin to lay out our case for the Anti-Corruption Unit to follow.

Adrian Gibson should not be in public life, and we stand by our statement. From what we now know, we have a heavy garbage tin of information that connects huge spending to the WSC Chairman. And we know our revelations week by week will go well beyond the September 16th General Elections.

From what we share today we see Gibson has made some huge property purchases in Long Island and at Venice Bay in New Providence.

Early that year on January 24th, 2020, Gibson went into Deadman’s Cay Long Island where he made a purchase of some property from Oralee Smith for $15,000. As we scanned the documents we notice Elite Maintenance owner Alexandria Mackey recorded the transaction for the WSc Chairman. But there is more.

Just over a month later on March 9th, 2020 Gibson had Alexandria Mackey record another $150,000 purchase of a property in Venice Bay property.

By the end of the year another Long Island property for $150,000, in “Bunches”, was recorded for purchase by Gibson. This is the former property of a gas station owner in that community. It was recorded on December 30th, 2020 just as the old year was to roll out. Gibson had plenty plenty cash in just one year enough to rack up land purchases just over $315,00 when his annual salary as Chairman and MP is less than this! Did he file this assets in his papers filed on Nomination Day? Did He? Stay Tuned!

What is also important to note is how the same owner of Elite Maintenance, Alexandria Mackey, who we now see represented Gibson, while she collected a half-a-million dollars in contracts from Water and Sewerage Corporation.

PM Hubert Minnis must now be concerned! The country is shocked! And we at BP know much more than he as PM will ever know in this matter. UNLESS HE, TOO, KNEW AND IS PRETENDING TO DOWNPLAY THE IMPACT OF THIS BREWING SCANDAL by the WSC Chairman!

We also told you about the 14 generators which Gibson and WSC Elwood Donaldson purchased in Florida. Some 13 of those generators vanished like Houdini and somehow they ended up in Long Island. We still await RicardoRicky’ Rolle to tell us how they ended up there. Otherwise this can only be an act of an accomplice.

We warned Prime Minister Minnis months ago that the International community was watching the happenings at WSC. For almost ONE SOLID YEAR vacancies for HR, Chief Financial Officer and an Internal Control and Compliance positions all needed to be filled. They were advertised for months in the morning daily newspapers.

OUTGOING PM Minnis ignored our concerns. Well, now that the Chairman of the Water and Sewerage Corporation is being brought into the blinding glare of public scrutiny, Minnis tells Bahamians to ignore our reports. WELL, WHAT IS THIS?

If I was Gibson, I would begin buying land near Fox Hill Prison! What is this?

We report yinner decide!