Thieves and Rogues at NIB Part 2 – $24,000p/m to FNM Council Member


f1-housing-minister-large1<<< Kenneth Russell, former Minister for NIB left a cloud of secrets behind. He brought his ‘buffed roommate’ in NIB as a consultant and channeled contracts from NIB to him. Bahamas Press is probing National Insurance and is set to post more question to Hubert Ingraham.

Nassau, Bahamas — Something sticks to the core of hell and when we look into that core, we see sitting the headquarters of the National Insurance Board. Bahamas Press is calling for an open Commission to begin an investigation at NIB with relegated powers to prosecute.

While in speaking with local media in September this year Director at NIB, Algernon Cargill said, “The fund is strong… rest assured that everything that must be done, will be done [and], in fact, is already being done, to ensure that NIB will never go broke.” His statements came on the heels of an actuary report indicating the fund was indeed headed for financial trouble if serious changes were not made soon.

“It’s a possibility,” Cargill said, but this would not happen and points to efforts like NIB’s crackdown on delinquent employers, which he noted in the interview have already started to bear fruit.
Nevertheless, Bahamas Press has been scaling the walls at NIB for some time now, and what we have uncovered is indeed incredible and SCANDALOUS! Huge payments are now being made to unemployment beneficiaries [30,000 cheques] death benefits, sick benefits, a now growing aging population relying on the fund’s pension scheme are just a handful of NIB’s payout.

Millions in bad government investments and loans continue to rack up at the Board. Yes, Pindling’s ‘pride and joy’ now have him restless, and here’s why.

Can the huge payout by NIB be sustained when fewer employers are paying contributions [INCLUDING SOME GOVERNMENT ENTITIES] and fewer contributors exist due to rising unemployment now nearing 20%? Added with all this, the spending splurge by NIB management has kicked into overdrive?

Bahamas Press has some knowledge of what is going on at Sir Clifford Darling Complex, and we have more to tell. On Wednesday, Shane Gibson spoke about NIB’s wastage on security at the old Buena Vista property. We understand the property was purchased by under the Christie government and was left to further rot in the dust.

ing-2.jpgWhen Kenneth Russell took charge of NIB, he contracted a security company to keep watch of the dilapidated building. Cargill said in his press statement late Wednesday evening, “Vandals and thieves have been taking off with valuable copper, windows, etc., and vagrants have been squatting there. It is the plan of NIB to renovate, restore and preserve the historical building, and so, to protect the asset of the Board, we have engaged a security firm to safeguard the property, and we have done so at competitive rates covering the period from 7p.m to 7 a.m. each night.” What Cargill failed to tell us the people whatwere the cost to hire that security company.

And so again we ask the Minister with responsibility for NIB to disclose:

  • Who were the bidders for the security contract to secure the Buena Vista property?
  • Did a Bidding process to indeed take place for securing the dilapidated abandoned building?
  • How many security officers are now engaged at Buena Vista daily?
  • And what is dollar value of the contract to secure the Buena Vista property?

Bahamas Press has learned that A- 1 Security firm owned by, Charlton Morley, is the company being paid $24,000 per month by NIB to watch the old Buena Vista building. Now imagine that, once a security officer working 12 hours a day and the company is PAID A WHOOPING $24,000 each month [$288,000 a year]. WHY?ward

Morley we know is a senior council member of the Free National Movement. He is a crony of Hubert Ingraham. We’ve heard of security firms being paid $5,000 – $10,000 per month, but $24,000 for one man and a car to be parked by the gates of Buena Vista for 12 hours? They think we fool ‘eh’? The money at NIB must be endless in the volts at NIB!

Perhaps had NIB used its consultants like the ‘Buffed Roommate’ wisely and got sound advice from him, by now they would’ve asked persons receiving NIB unemployment benefits who formerly worked at firms to carry out the needed work of securing Buena Vista. Imagine that, 4 security staff paid $210 per week each. That would work out to be $3,360 to employ 4 people per month. However, Ingraham believes we still live in the trees, and Cargill believes paying tax dollars of $24,000 per month to an FNM goon makes sense. Hmmmmmm! NIB is  a – political my foot.

Well, Bahamas Press has more to go and all we tell NIB is this; our PROBE into the mounting CORRUPTION at NIB takes us across some electrical wires. We will continue tomorrow.


  1. @Reformer
    Man Reformer stop your mess. Who own all those cleaning companies that were there before your new Board came in? Who leak out NIB business and Shane got up in the house and started to blurt out info and the next minute they was out of there? Hey Reformer tell me who the lady was who thought she own the Board the one who friend was allege for stealing? U all related? Thats true you always drunk on the job? Reformer why did the reverened them extend Miand probation and made her take her own letter to be signed? Who use to pay for the golf games with Shane? Who was the lady who built the big house and then turn on the contractor after he talk her business? Now tell me Reformer has anything positive happen in NIB since you all have a new Board and a Director?

  2. @bahngr
    Reformer where that computer that went missing from NIB. I heard one time ago u know about one computer that went missing. I want a job there so I can question you man. Hey you say you wanted to know what the lovely hair lady you refer to Miranda how they got there how did all those people got those Deputy Director post. I hear you all promote about ten of them one time and they all turn on each other. I hear they say u have a special interest with one of them. You aint talking a?

  3. @Decepticon
    No Deception they found out the leak and the persons who gave out false information to have you all going crazy. Bad news travel fast but the good news are brush under the rug. The Buff man is not employed with NIB. He is an Architect. Donot think so hard ma boy they found out the leak and the liar stay tune.

    • No Deception they found out the leak and the persons who gave out false information to have you all going crazy. Bad news travel fast but the good news are brush under the rug. The Buff man is not employed with NIB. He is an Architect. Donot think so hard ma boy they found out the leak and the liar stay tune.

      He is an Architect who lives in the same house with the man who was the minister with responsibility for National Insurance. BAM BAM BAM!


  4. @Reformer
    Reformer I really feel your pain but you jus have to take the licking and move on. Do not harbour these resentful feelings. Where Miranda you try to put the girl down, stop that it aint worth it. The Lady is a worker do her work and do not get inno one business. But you always in something stop fooling these people on this blog and tekk them why you vex.

  5. @Reformer
    So they’re all crooked. Well I guess birds of a feather is a true statement and HAI is the leader of this crew. I wondered why Cargill took that job but didn’t know he was fired for money laundering. I knew about Butler.

  6. @Larry Larry it seems you don’t remember much, so I’ll move on, most of those MP’s are childlike including your favorite HAI and he’s also petty, but let’s move on, secondly, we’ll see in the long run, who the onus is on, the future will tell, ma’boy Shane took ya gal eh?, you really gat some beef with him, and if this site is making up things, why are you here reading it, were you sent here to defend someone, because others don’t agree with you they’re simple minds, what makes you so smart or so enlighten?, you only remember what you want to remember, so you are a young man with one gal, not two?, and that “sweethearting is one of the root causes of crime” is crazy talk, but whoever you are defending, I guess that’s their talking points.

  7. @Larry
    RE: Media
    Never met the man. Saw the man’s history, and he has made a name for himself in the private sector, and came into govt. voluntarily more than likely taking a pay cut. Unlike Shane Gibson, who seemed to have gathered his ‘wealth’ during his 5 years in govt.

  8. Awakened :
    @Larry Larry, HAI said that he would drop the goods on Shane, where is that?, I am not here to defend Shane ma’boy, ……but you mean you don’t have a sweetheart?, WOW!!!, well your the only one without one in this country, no Larry the onus is on the government employee, who has been shown to have conflicts of interest by an MP, the people’s representative, they both work for us and one of them at this moment seems to be wanting, (that’s why HAI told him to answer back, dealing with the public purse is no joke)), ……and your answer to BP, on making up stuff, then there is no truth to anything then?, or just to what you want to be truth, maybe ZNS or the Tribune is the only truth, don’t answer for these individuals, let them answer for themselves, stay on the side and observe if it hurts that much.

    First, I don’t remember Hubert Ingraham saying , he was going to drop goods on Shane Gibson’ in the House of Assembly. Shane Gibson made his childlike statements big and bold in the House of Assembly, when he could have been talking about something else with sense. Secondly, the onus is not on the govt. employee because nobody has proved anything. Shane Gibson he is the moral police now? please. The people who post on this site (media or whatever) have gotten more things wrong in this very year alone, and in my opinion just fabricate stuff to fool the simple minds who frequent this site, its too funny. (Makes me sad on some level to think how naive and dishonest some Bahamians are)Thirdly, I am a single young man, and when I do get married, I intend on being faithful, no I will be faithful to my wife. Sweethearting is one of the root causes of many of the social ills in this country, mainly crime. Fourthly, once again, there is no evidence to this little charade.

  9. @Reformer Glad to know, but when I responded to Larry I was talking about the Rolex gift etc., just after the election of 2007, I was answering him about Shane bluffing, and my thing was that they all bluff, but thanks for info.

  10. @Awakened When Shane said he would provide a sweetheart list. The PM ordered SIU Officers to conduct a forensic investigation into Shane and his associates’ affairs. They found dirt and can charge if they desire. BUT the PM brought the file to Parliament and challenged him on the floor “you show me yours and I’ll show you mine” This was a waste of the tax payers money. Even HAI had something to lose if a list was ever tabled.

  11. @bahngr Number 1: The Chairman’s role in all this was he gave a cleaning contract, without bidding to his seven day church buddy for the headquarters building after firing the old company ~ Reliable cleaning.
    2: He and Kenny Russell plotted to fire the former Director in return for favorable decision regarding Bahamas First Insurance affairs.

  12. BP, If the info you provided on the electrical company is what the PLP guys will be dropping in the house it will be damning for the Director. I say no more!!!!!!!!

  13. @Larry Larry, HAI said that he would drop the goods on Shane, where is that?, I am not here to defend Shane ma’boy, ……but you mean you don’t have a sweetheart?, WOW!!!, well your the only one without one in this country, no Larry the onus is on the government employee, who has been shown to have conflicts of interest by an MP, the people’s representative, they both work for us and one of them at this moment seems to be wanting, (that’s why HAI told him to answer back, dealing with the public purse is no joke)), ……and your answer to BP, on making up stuff, then there is no truth to anything then?, or just to what you want to be truth, maybe ZNS or the Tribune is the only truth, don’t answer for these individuals, let them answer for themselves, stay on the side and observe if it hurts that much.

  14. media :
    Well, Bahamas Press revealed some shocking, SHOCKING papers last week. Take a look for yourself… download the documents
    Bahamas Press has a pretty an excellent batting average. When you see we tell you something Larry, it is beyond fact, its concrete FACT! You cannot dismiss the facts and reject the allegations. When you do that you are living with your head in the sand like the ostrich.
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    ‘Excellent batting average’ now come one, not only even you could seriously believe that. Secondly, if your supposed document is real and in direct opposition to what the Director said, then am sure you can find more channels to get your message out. BTW, anyone can make up something, and put it on a website, or even create a fake document.

    • Ahhhhhhh there you go, put on your blinders again. I submit your paid by Cargill also. By how much Larry? Cargill said he knows of no matter with Kenuth, we outline his association. We have nothing more to say on this. Sunday we will move to the third point, the exorbitant training sessions. This one ga be a shocker.

      As Fox nextwork would say, “We report, you decide.”

      Bahamas Press/Editor

  15. @Larry

    Well, Bahamas Press revealed some shocking, SHOCKING papers last week. Take a look for yourself… download the documents

    Bahamas Press has a pretty an excellent batting average. When you see we tell you something Larry, it is beyond fact, its concrete FACT! You cannot dismiss the facts and reject the allegations. When you do that you are living with your head in the sand like the ostrich.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  16. Awakened :
    @Green Tea The response will be an investigation into these matters.

    The obligation is on those making the allegations to produce evidence to substantiate their claims.Until then its nothing more than hearsay, those who want to believe it, will; those who don’t want to, won’t, probably along political lines. Why waste money on some investigation on basically just hearsay from someone who isn’t exactly an ‘angel’ from past events.
    If there was to be any investigation it should be how Shane Gibson, got a big house and became a millionaire after 5 years of being govt? Or, is that Mr. Gibson, sees his past deeds are coming back to hunt him that he decided to make stuff up and repeat hearsay. Let’s not forget this is the man who said he was going to hire a private investigator to ‘out’ FNM sweethearts (which he apparently never did), whilst he himself has a sweetheart. Nobody with an ounce of integrity and common sense, would take this guy seriously?

  17. What’s Chairman Ward’s role in this. I never knew or heard of him being a scoundrel or gay!!

  18. I thought the Director of NIB responded well to the allegations. Now it is up to the two Ministers to present proof.

  19. BP was their explanation for the buff guy being employed at NIB? Is he still at NIB today? By the way, I have received unconfirmed report a few minutes ago that NIB I.T. personnel were called in a meeting after the crew from Internal Audit met behind closed doors. Everyone had files in their hands and a smile on their faces. Could this be a internal ploy to destroy the FNM’s TRUST agenda?

  20. media :ALTEC note what the Director said now in his response, he said the security is there between 7PM and 7AM. This means they are not there in the day.
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    BP, What valuable copper?. They would have all been carried by now. Modern Buildings do not require Copper. Further, the theives would come in the day. It is dark by 5 pm. The compnay comes on from 7 pm to 7 am. Cargill is in deep doo doo, but Mugabe is involved as well.

  21. Altec :L.W. Young School has been closed since Wednesday. From what i understand the sewerage is backed up. They could take some of that $24,000 they giving to that security firm and give it to the Min of Education so they could hire a truck to pump out the sewerage. Today makes 3 days that school has been closed.


  22. ALTEC note what the Director said now in his response, he said the security is there between 7PM and 7AM. This means they are not there in the day.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  23. Reformer :
    There are more companies holding mobilization fees for the past 7 years where the contracts or agreements were canceled and the monies never recovered.

    You know that money can never be recovered right?, that money was paid out for mobilization.

  24. L.W. Young School has been closed since Wednesday. From what i understand the sewerage is backed up. They could take some of that $24,000 they giving to that security firm and give it to the Min of Education so they could hire a truck to pump out the sewerage. Today makes 3 days that school has been closed.

  25. There are more companies holding mobilization fees for the past 7 years where the contracts or agreements were canceled and the monies never recovered. They should offer a reward program for information. TRUST Baby Papa!

    ****BP – The air cooling and water flow scandals should also be looked into. Good investigative exposure!

  26. BP, you sure? $24,000 A MONTH?

    What services is that security firm giving for that amount of money? They using special radar? Does the security dogs have super sensitive smell and hearing? Does the officers watching that building have special Jedi powers? Goodness, 24,000 a month? Wow!

    Everybody is getting some cookies out of the cookie jar because they see the cookie jar is almost empty!

    BP please find out what services this security firm is offering to NIB. Better yet i am going to pass by this building today and see how many security officers are on sight.

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