THIEVES AND ROUGES AT NIB — NIB Director Approved Unemployment Benefit Payments to Family Member?

Algernon Cargill now under a web of questions as Director of NIB

Nassau, BahamasBahamas Press is once again deep inside the walls of the National Insurance Board and is this time wondering how long will it take Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham to clean up the mess and allegations of corrupt practices of his director.

Information supplied to Bahamas Press alleges corruption at the highest levels, continue to rock the building at NIB and our latest revelations prove more evidence of ‘sticky hands’ marinated with questions continue to soil the Board; a portfolio under the Prime Minister.

We have learnt, someone out of the Director’s office granted approval to a family member of Algernon Cargill, to be paid some One Thousand Six Hundred Dollars [$1,600] while the relative was still employed at an establishment in Lyford Cay back in 2010.

Documents shown to us by a source confirms, the family member of the director applied for NIB unemployment benefit back in fall of 2010, claiming to been deemed “Unemployed”.

According to information and records produced by the Board, the applicant could not provide any letter of termination, nor could the applicant satisfy NIB as to whether they were unemployed at the time, which was a requirement to be a receiver of the funds.

According to records at NIB, while contributions was being received from the Lyford Cay employer of the applicant, the Cargill family member decided to reapply under a similar name.

We are told, the family member though initially “rejected” by the Board after failing to meet the requirements at NIB, was later approved by a “high up” out of the Director’s Office with the first payment being made to the applicant in October 2010.

Simultaneously, while unemployment benefit payments were being paid to the Cargill family member, NIB records reflected contributions from the Lyford Cay employer was being paid into the Board.

Bahamas Press wonders therefore the following:

  • • Who in the upper floors at NIB authorized the ILLEGAL/ CRIMINAL payments to the Cargill family member?
  • • Why were the payments approved, knowing full well the funds cannot be dispersed to persons employed?
  • • What actions have the Board taken to punish the person approving the payments?
  • • We ask the Director were any other family members of his paid by the unemployment fund while still gainfully employed?
  • • Has NIB to date recovered the full amount paid to the Cargill Family Member?
  • • Why was the family member not prosecuted for defrauding the Board?

hubert Ingraham is ministry with responsibility for NIB said not a word about NIB in his budget communication. MUMS THE WORD WHILE SCANDALS ERUPT NIB.

Bahamas Press reminds the public that this is not the first time we have raised such SCANDALOUS concerns emanating from NIB. Many would remember back in October of 2009, when the unemployment benefit was first introduced, Algernon Cargill hauled before the courts Nassau Village resident Trarearus Barrow, 35; Adelaide Drive resident, Christoff Hanna, 46, Lamarion Rolle, 24, of Davis Street; 27-year-old Frank Moxey of Isles Way and 51-year-old Bloneva Mackey of Adderley and Dorsett Streets.

We waited with baited breath for Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham to report to Parliament on the findings of NIB following the revelations of SCANDALS. Surprisingly, the PM had nothing to say on NIB during the budget debate. NO ONE NOTICED THAT! MUMS THE WORD! NOT EVEN THE Investment of $15 Million in NIB funds into a liquor company. THEY HAVE NO DAMN SHAME!

We demand a public commission to investigate the SCANDALOUS OPERATIONS at NIB. INCLUDING THE CONTRACTS TO KENUTH KNOWLES, PORKY DORSETT, IRAM LEWIS, CHARLTON MORLEY AND DEACON JEFFERY LLOYD, just to name a few. We call for a Commission of Inquiry to be appointed, and send for people and papers to sit from place to place and stop the hemorrhage of funds at the nation’s social security institution.

Bahamas Press’ probe into NIB will continue.


  1. What happen Godwin cargill are u afraid to answer nasty why don’t u put him or her to the test

  2. He theifing all of NIB money…but yet still he is taking the little money that the poor was getting when their love one dies. The little surviror benefit that they were receiving he took it from them…saying that if you are making more than $1300 a month you not qualified to get it….if the main provided off the family passed away…and that household was use to get over $2,000.00 a month and now it is getting less than $1,500….a month how do Mr. Cargill think that that household could live off that $1,500 a month when they are use to live off over $2,000 a month.

  3. NIB is rotting at the core. Here are a few examples:
    1)MALJACK was awarded a $800,000 to complete repairs to the roof of the Inagua clinic that is valuated at less than $100,000. NIB also flies him to Inagua every week. He has other inflated contracts.
    2) Floyd Wilmot, Cargill’s cousin,was given a $9million contract to finish the Sandilands hospital, a &million contract that was already 60 – 70% completed.
    3)KENNUTH ELECTRIC, like MALJACK, has unfettered access to Cargill and preferential treamtment fo NIB contracts.
    4)Cargil brought in his cousins (Mrs. Willie) and friends on contract and made them permanent. Brought in Mrs. King and all the HR staff who were laid off from Colina, some were clerks but are managers at NIB.
    5) Some staff have preferential treatment – staff like Mr. Dwayne Adderley who is hardly ever at work during the day. He is out tending to his private businesses, but he says he walks with the Chairman’s wife so he is protected. Other FNM staff like Gregory Collie, campain manager for Sidney Collie, Lyn Wright, sister of Mrs. Williams – Vice Chair of FNM. The list is endless.
    6) Cargill talks to his employees like they are dogs in private and public and says he has full support of PM so there is nothing they can do. He is a dirty man who believes he has all wisdom and everyone is dumb

    • Item #2 should read:
      Floyd Wilmot, Cargill’s cousin, was given a $9 million ($8.5M in the first instance and another $1M) on a $7 million contract that was 60 – 70% completed and the building is still not completed.


  5. Mr. Cargill has approved the rental of housing for the consultants of the Prescription Drug Plan. The condo is owned by Mr. Cargills family? Will the Cargill Family speak up on this matter. Cheques dont lie. Let the truth be told. Thank God for BP.

  6. don’t expect papa to do nothing about this. flying earl them get away so this a joke. and the people was saying the plp was corrupt this confirm that they know the fnm gone so they taking and given away all we money don’t blame me i vote plp at lease they use to let the poor man get some. the fnm is all for me baby.

  7. The Cargill family have or had no relatives working in, out or around Lyford Cay….We know you have to write to sell, but get all you facts straight before making asses of yourselves…

    • Don’t defend your brother let him answer what about the old age pension that your father is getting and cargill know that he is not entitle to it, be careful what you defend sometime it’s better to just keep your mouth shut and if you answer I will disclose some more

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