Thomas Evans summary to the Election Court



Duane Sands and Carl Bethel on the campaign trail in Elizabeth.

Nassau, Bahamas — Lead attorney for the Free National Movement Thomas Evans agrees that two voters in the Elizabeth by-election case should be accepted as legal votes however Evans argues that two voters should be accepted however with voter “A” he argues should not be accepted by the court. BP is following the court proceedings and will be breaking news as it happens.

Click to download Evans legal arguments: amended Sands Submission


  1. I could careless who wins but Im predicting whoever wins is going to win BY ONE VOTE. 2 of the 5 plp protested votes will be threw away EASILY. Now the question remain would they honor all 3 of the PLP votes. Im not sure but 2 of the THREE votes are TOSS UPS because its a COUPLE.

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