Nassau, Bahamas — You would not believe it! We could not believe what we saw this morning at the annual Labour Day Parade. Thousands, and we mean THOUSANDS, were seen marching up East Street Hill like a church on the way to ZION dressed in PLP colours.

The event was shocking to say the least. For almost forty-five minutes it took the PLP section of the parade to pass a single spot on the parade route. It was unbelievable.
Perry Christie moved with the crowd like a Rock Star as he made his way onto Bay. By the time members of the PLP leadership [CHRISTIE, DAVIS and ROBERTS] entered in Rawson Square in downtown Nassau, the back section of the PLP was still making its way up-the-hill behind Mortimor’s Candy Kitchen.
One onlooker told BP, “If this is a sign of things to come, there is no doubt Christie will form the next government of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas; for in my 20 years of participating in Labour Day parades, never in the history have I ever seen so many thousands march in solidarity with workers.”
The PLP had joined both parades today with its larger section [THE ONE ON THE EAST STREET ROUTE] marched with the TUC.
One organizer of the event told BP, “Our plan was deliberate. We know workers are being crushed under this WICKED FOREIGN NATIONAL MOVEMENT. We know workers are working harder and are taking home less pay; chiefly, due to the FNM’s sinful rounds of higher taxes. We know families, some six thousands, are in darkness every night under this reckless FAILED FNM regime. We know they cannot buy food; jackmackerel and tuna. However, in the midst of all this, THE PLP CARES, and we stand with our people. And we want them to know we are ready to LEAD on day one!”
Bahamas Press can confirm for the fourth year since being elected to office, Hubert Ingraham as refused to march with workers on Labour Day.

We do not know if his refusal is due to the increasing tensions exerted by his government against Bahamians or to the fact that he has health challenges.
One participant said, “The FNM should hang their heads in shame for what they have done to the Bahamian worker; while Bahamians are marching this Labour Day and are unemployed, Chinese, Europeans and Caribbean nationals have landed into key positions here in the country and are given free will to FIRE BAHAMIANS! THE FNM has FAILED and the UNIONS ARE WUTLESS!”
Bahamas Press has learnt the department of immigration has exceeded his quota of hire foreign nationals at BTC. We are told while separation packages are set to be issued on Bahamians at the telephone giant, scores of work permits are being granted by the FNM for hire at BTC! INCREDIBLE INDEED!
The FNM absence on the TUC East Street parade was not missed, and no sign of the NDP was there either. We did see Branville McCartney and his nine other candidates at Zion East Street Church giving out water. They came to give it out, but as the parade passed, they were left sitting on the side drinking it.

The Green party could be seen standing on the side of the road in SHOCK, and as all the yellow passed them by. In the end the DNA was left blue!
BP BREAKING UPDATE: On the day of a national holiday, which should reflect UNITY FOR WORKERS, someone in this town gutted the lives of two Bahamians. WHEN WILL THE MADNESS END? BP records murders #241st and 242nd here in the capital…

thanks bp i didnot make it to the march but i no and god know that what you show the bahamain people r just what suposedto be seen because our owne t v station wont show it which are wrong and if other persons did not get it or under stand it tuff i am happy about this keep educating the young people and glad to say we the young people not all but all i come in contact my friend family and others we like the plp and will be voting plp and will be bringing a lot of young people to the plp to make the change god bless our bahamas.
The grill man got killed?? Wow what a time in Bahamaland. Whilst we are killing one another, people are argueing over politics in labour day parades. We can’t change that becauase it is steep in our DNA. PLP, FNM who cares? Bahamas yeah! That what I care about! Bahamian people are being treated like yoyos by HAI and PGC. Is there another who can be a strong leader?? Maybe Bran, who knows. Time will reveal.
@Kayshell it was a Labour Day parade for workers that why all those people marched with the PLP. Those people are person that are working, had persons fired or persons unemployed. So stop talking foolishness about the political parties and them campaigning. They went and showed there support for laborers in this country, and how ever they choose to show their support for laborers may it be gold, red, green or what ever colour that their rights.
the plp took the labour march politics and labour dont work in this country mr fawkes was an inderpendent thats different no plp or fnm for labour try getting fairness from the labour board
In case you don’t no! or perhaps you’ve forgotten, Sir Randol Fawkes was Minister of Labor in the first PLP administration; further, operatives,activists,PLP’s, fnm’s and politicians work in this country making them workers;that qualified them eligible to march on labor day as workers, and with the workers.Now, because the majority of workers decided to march with the PLP “YINNA” fnm’s mad as hell:get over it.
Unity is strenght – these unions in the Bahamas are not united – and the politicians ain’t making it any better – it’s labout day for the workers and unions and not political parties.
A politician began the march for workers, what part a FOREIGN LAND YOU FROM? Yinner don’t even know Bahamian history but ya want dictate Bahamian POLITICS? GET YA *** FROM HERE! GET GET GET! WHERE YOU COME FROM KAYSHELL?
YINNER DON’t know Bahamian history!
Labour Day Parade is surpose to be for workers not to campagine for vote -we need to get it right and have politicians stay off the parades – I can see the minister who is responsible for labour marching, but not leaders of politician parties. All politicians do in this country is divide people-peter ain’t no better than paul and McCartney right in the mixed–but giving out water – union usually have water for their people who are on the parade! Unions need to become united – that’s why no governement will ever respect them-unity is strenght and with the different parades that in itself shows a sign of weakness.
A politician began the march for workers, what part a FOREIGN LAND YOU FROM? Yinner don’t even know Bahamian history but ya want dictate Bahamian POLITICS? GET YA *** FROM HERE! GET GET GET!
no one in they right mind should wanna go tru another five years of ing-run s!@t. they always blame the u.s for the economy well the u.s hiring and we still firing.the middle class shrink feel like i living in jamaica with all this crime. change will come.
Wow! the cameras don’t lie. And what you see marching are just the activists. They are the tip of the iceberg. There is a great mass underneath who would or could not march but who in their heart of hearts will vote PLP. Papa and his gang must be heading to the nearest terlits.
so sad that you showed the worst pictures of the fnm i have better pics i took from the parade because obviously you weren’t the same place i was. if you want i can forward you some real pics of what the FNM looked like on the parade because your view is quite bias…
oh ! BP bias now,last weekend BP claimed the fnm had hundreds to you all grill and chill he was reporting good;now cause the PLP make you all look small, he bias.Yea they scared.
What an awesome parade, thousands of PLP’s it aint long now. The Bahamas wants change.
And ZNS refused to show them on news tonight?
the grill man by gladstone road bar got rob and kill this morning r.i.p grill man.
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