Three former PLPs will now get the nod for the DNA TONIGHT in Grand Bahama



Freeport, GB — Will FNM country stay with the FNM? No one knows, but breaking news tonight emanating from the packed Our Lucaya Hotel tells us, the DNA is fast becoming a spoiler in the upcoming general elections.

Bahamas Press can confirm three known PLPs will be grace the DNA’s Launch Event in the nation’s second city tonight, and present the picture that not only FNMs are in with the DNA.

The move we are told by party insiders, will present a spoiler for the PLP and could sure-up the votes for the Free National Movement in Grand Bahama.

Bahamas Press has learnt former PLP candidates in Eight Mile Rock and Lucaya, Caleb Outten and Stephen Plakaris respectively, are set to be confirmed as candidates at the  DNA live televised event this evening.

The move automatically turns the political forecast in Grand Bahama, but also quickly paints the DNA as a ‘flip flop fool flam’ party; and here’s what we mean.

Many remember Party Leader, Branville McCartney annunciating, “It is not the intent of us in the DNA to present recycled politicians to run on our slate.” The statements were made just weeks ago before J. Whitney Bastian and Derek Ryan were rejected as candidates for the Party. However, tonight’s announcement will prove a shifting of position by the former FNM Cabinet Minister.

Plakaris ran for the PLP and was rejected by the people of Lucaya in the 2002 General Elections. Outten was fielded by the PLP in three elections, and he too was rejected in all races by the people of Eight Mile Rock. Outten, you would remember, was also a former Senator in the PLP government.

BP also, understands the DNA will offer known PLP from West End, Robert Grant, or may choose FNM, Roger Rolle, as its candidate for West End and Bimini constituency. The move to run Grant could upset the apple carts in West End and split PLP votes between, he and current MP, Obie Wilchcombe. The race will likely deliver a win to an FNM candidate.

Some tell us Grant has not inked the deal solidly with the DNA as yet and tonight if not concluded FNM Rolle may appear as the candidate.

Meanwhile, sources tell us the FNM will name Rondi Tener Knowles, as its standard-bearer for Marco City for the FNM.

Will FNM country stay with the FNM? For now, it looks that way.



  1. Ha ha Robert Grant? This can’t be true who cares to vote for him in West End/Bimini sure not the people
    down here what a joke good luck to Roger the FNM didn’t
    want him so he jump on whatever wagon that was passing, A DOUBLE MINDED MAN IS UNSTABLE IN ALL HIS WAYS!!!
    OBIE WILL WIN AGAIN you can bet on that.

  2. Boy B.P I don’t know what to say about you, I usually take your info with a grain of salt, but after tonight I am thinking about ordering a 40ft trailer from the Morton’s salt company in Inagua to go with the rest of your BREAKING NEWS. This is just plain WUTLESSSSS!!!!

    You reported, I watched and YOU LIED!!

  3. Well kiss my leg, BP. This should like CONCH SALAD I tell you, CONCH SALAD! BP report – yinna decide! WHAP-ap! ;P

  4. Thought Branville had said, “Game Over”.

    Some tell us Grant has not inked the deal solidly with the DNA as yet and tonight if not concluded FNM Rolle may appear as the candidate.

  5. BP you are sensing what I am.
    Sometimes you know there are lessons to be learned from looking back in time. Case in point had Bran been advising God on who should not have been selected to represent his message, let’s just say few, if any, of the 12 brothers would have made it to have their images featured in the artist’s Last Supper painting, not exactly a bunch of lofty brothers by any means but that’s how the main Brother rides.
    Footnote to History closer to home:
    Can you imagine who would have been left out of the first majority government of the PLP had Pindling applied Bran’s candidates selection process. In fact I remember the UBP’s campaign message so well when the tried so darn hard to convince voters of the great harm a “ragtime bunch of men and women” if elected as the next government would do to the stable economy of our then British Bahamas.
    Folks if you’re thinking, hey wait a minute haven’t I recently heard that same message, well if it sounds so familiar today it’s because this FNM cabinet have dug-up the old UBP’s message of selling fear that only they can save our Bahamaland from the so-called misfits in the PLP and the thugs that they want us to forget who is actually responsible or allowing them to roam free in the first place.
    Seems like the more Bran talks the more he sounds like a younger repackaged Ingraham, because they both seem to having some kind of strange super natural out of body experiences, although many believe the PM’s are have more to do with Voodoo.

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